Roses In Alphabetical Order
'S' part 3

'Simplicity' Roses

Floribunda, Introduced - 1979

'Simplicity' rose bears semi-double blooms that appear in clusters. The flowers are either flattened or cup shaped and has slight fragrance. The medium pink petals of this rose encircle yellow stamens.

The color of the petals becomes darker as the flowers mature. Each flower of 'Simplicity' measure 3 inches to 4 inches across and is composed of 18 petals. The foliage of 'Simplicity' rose is semi-glossy and has a fresh light to average green color.

The plants of 'Simplicity' rose are bushy and compact in nature producing elegant and arching canes. This rose is an ideal selection for growing as a hedge. In fact, when this rose was introduced to the market for the first time, it was promoted as a 'living fence'.

You can also plant this rose in garden beds and borders where it works well. The flowers of this rose are effective for use as cut flowers. Another feature of 'Simplicity' is that the plants are resistant to diseases.

'Snow Bride' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1982

'Snow Bride' rose blooms profusely and bears long and pointed buds that are like hybrid tea type. These buds unfurl into double flowers with high centered form. The petals of this rose are white having a tinge of yellow. The petals encircle bright yellow stamens.

Each flower of 'Snow Bride' measures about 1 ½ inches across. 'Snow Bride' is a robust miniature rose that can be grown without much effort. The plants are dense and well branched.

It can be ideally used in the form of an edging or integrated with other plants and grown in garden beds and borders. In addition, 'Snow Bride' rose is also a perfect plant to be grown in containers. The flowers of this rose are outstanding for cutting as well as exhibition.

'Snow Owl' Roses

Hybrid Rugosa, Introduced - 1989

'Snow Owl' is a sibling of 'Rotes Meer' and it bears white-hued, fragrant flowers. This rose as a dense growth and it is properly covered with thick and spreading foliage. This rose bears semi-double, flat blooms freely all through the growing season.

Each flower of 'Snow Owl' rose measures about 3 inches (7.5 cm) across and is composed of anything between 10 and 15 petals. Once the flowering season is over, the plants produce attractive orange-scarlet hips in autumn. It is worth mentioning here that 'Snow Owl' as well as 'Rotes Meer' both belongs to a series of roses known as the 'pavement roses'.

These roses were bred for planting along the roadside. In order to flourish in such unfavourable conditions, these roses had to endure heat as well as cold. In addition, they had to tolerate poor soils, drought and even salty spray. The attributes make these pavement roses wonderful selections for planting not only along a driveway or sidewalk, but also in gardens close to sea.

They are also perfect for growing in the demanding climatic conditions prevailing in the Upper Midwest as well as the Southern prairies. They also flourish in the high altitude areas such as the Rocky Mountain in the West.

'Sombreuil' Roses

Climber, Introduced - 1850

'Sombreuil' is considered to be among the hardiest tea roses. In fact, this rose is a glory of the South, but you can enjoy its beauty and fragrance in all places in the North. This is an elegant old climber that bears very double, large, cream-hued blooms.

When fully open, the flowers of 'Sombreuil' are flat as well as quartered. This rose blooms heavily at the start of the growing season and then re-blooms reliably. The foliage of 'Sombreuil' rose is glossy and has a leathery texture that provides a beautiful foil for the pale blooms.

'Sombreuil' rose has a vigorous growth, but it grows in an orderly manner that can be controlled quite easily. However, it is advisable not to plant this rose close to a walk because the plants are very thorny. Ideally, this rose should be grown on a low wall, a pillar, trellis or in any other place so that you may take delight in its refreshing tea fragrance from a safe place.

'Sonia' Roses

Grandiflora, Introduced - 1974

'Sonia' rose bears shrimp pink hued, well-formed blooms having excellent substance, which makes them last for a long period when used as cut flowers. Each flower of 'Sonia' rose measures anything between 3 inches and 4 inches and is composed of 30 petals.

The flowers of this rose emit a fruity fragrance. The foliage of 'Sonia' is deep green, glossy and has a leathery texture. In fact, the compact foliage covers the entire plant that grows up to a height of 4 feet to 5 feet. This rose grows equally well in gardens as well as greenhouses.

'Souvenir de la Malmaison' Roses

Burbon, Introduced - 1843

'Souvenir de la Malmaison' is an extremely hardy rose that performs well in the North, but it has a preference for warm climatic conditions. In fact, this rose is among the very few Bourbons that can be found flourishing in old country gardens in the Southwest.

However, this rose reaches it best excellence when grown in the arid warmth of the Southwest. People who have seen the blooms of 'Souvenir de la Malmaison' in its greatest perfection describe this rose as the typical old rose. 'Souvenir de la Malmaison' rose bears large creamy blush pink blooms that are flat as well as quartered.

The petals of this rose form a cross naturally, while the fragrance they emit is refreshingly spicy. 'Souvenir de la Malmaison' is unique among the Bourbon roses since it seldom grows beyond a height of 3 feet (0.9 meter). You can grow this rose in a small garden or even as a container plant.

'Sparrieshoop' Roses

Shrub, Introduced - 1953

'Sparrieshoop' bears single, large, extremely scented, pale pink hued blooms. Each flower measures 4 inches across and has five large, curly petals that surround radiant golden stamens. The plants are in bloom throughout the summer on straight, bushy plants that grow up to a height of anything between 5 feet and 10 feet.

'Spartan' Roses

Floribunda, Introduced - 1955

'Spartan' rose bears pointed buds of burnt orange hue and they unfurl into high centered blooms. The color of the flowers varies from orange-red to reddish coral. The blooms are highly fragrant and are borne singly or in sprays. Each flower measures about 3 ½ inches in diameter and is composed of 30 petals.

The stems of 'Spartan' are long and excellent for cutting. The plants are robust and grow up to a height of 3 feet to 4 feet. The foliage of the plant is dark green, glossy and leathery. It almost covers the entire plant.

'Stanwell Perpetual' Roses

Hybrid spinosissima, Introduced - 1838

'Stanwell Perpetual' bears double flowers whose color varies from white to blush pink. The individual flower measures 3 inches to 4 inches across and have a light sweet scent. After the first flush of the new growing season, the plants of 'Stanwell Perpetual' bloom off and on.

The plants of this rose are graceful and grow up to a height of anything between 6 feet and 8 feet. The plants produce diminutive leaves and copious thorns.

'Starglo' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1973

The blooms of 'Starglo' rose are double and have an off-white hue, often with a yellowish green tinge. Each flower measures about 1 ¾ inches across and is composed of 35 petals. The flowers have a slight scent and are high centered.

The plants of this rose grow up to a height of anything between 10 inches and 14 inches and they have a tendency to spread out along the ground. The plants of 'Starglo' are covered with medium green foliage.

'Starina' Roses

Miniature, Introduced - 1965

'Starina' rose bears vivid orange-scarlet hued flowers that have a tinge of yellow at their base. The slightly scented flowers are double and have the typical classic hybrid tea form. Each flower measures 1 ½ inches in diameter and is composed of 35 petals.

The plants are in bloom continuously during the growing season. The foliage of this rose is small as well as shiny. The plants are compact, bushy and have an upright habit. They grow up to a height of about a foot and are equally wide.

The plants are outstanding as a uniform edging and also look very beautiful when grown in garden beds and borders along with perennials and shrubs. You may also grow 'Starina' rose as a container plant.

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