Roses In Alphabetical Order

'Yellow Blaze' Roses

Climber, Introduced - 1989

'Yellow Blaze' rose is an offspring of the floribunda known as 'Sun Flare'. The flashy, brilliant yellow flowers of this rose are borne in clusters and they have a faint licorice fragrance.

Each flower 'Yellow Blaze' is double, measures about 3 inches across and is composed of as many as 25 to 35 petals. The plants are quite tall and grow up to a height of anything between 12 feet and 14 feet. The leaves of this variety of rose are glossy and resistant to diseases.

'Yellow Lady Banks Rose'

Species, Introduced - 1824

'Yellow Lady Banks Rose' blooms during the period between early and late spring, subject to the climatic conditions. This rose is a rambler that bears sprays of double, clear yellow hued flowers, each measuring about 1 inch (2.5 cm) across.

Although 'Yellow Lady Banks Rose' is not considered to be a hardy plant, especially in places where the temperature drops below 10°F (-12°C), it is resistant to diseases. The canes of this rose are without thorns and its free-flowing habit makes 'Yellow Lady Banks Rose' a popular choice in places having milder climatic conditions.

However, if you are growing this rose in colder regions, you may plant it in containers and move the plant to protected areas during the winter months. In fact, this rose makes an excellent container plant.

This species also has a white variety known as Rosa banksiae banksiae (which is at times listed as R. banksiae alba-plena). The flowers of the white form of 'Yellow Lady Banks Rose' have a more potent, violet-scented fragrance.

'York and Lancaster' Roses

Damask, Introduced - prior to 1629

The flowers of 'York and Lancaster' are loosely double and have white and pale pink petals. At times, one flower of this rose may have only one of the two hues and sometimes it may have mixed multicoloured splotches.

This rose blooms only once in a year and the flowers appear in clusters. Each flower of 'York and Lancaster' measures anything between 1 ½ inches and 2 ½ inches across. The plants are arching and grow up to a height of 5 feet or even taller.

The leaves of this rose have a light grey-green color. Often people mistake 'York and Lancaster' rose for 'Rosa Mundi. In fact, 'York and Lancaster' rose was named to memorialize the conclusion of the War of the Roses (which continued from 1455 to 1485). However, there is another rose whose discovery apparently encouraged people for a truce.


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