Sweet Pea Varieties

Sally Ann ( Spencer )

The 'Sally Ann' sweet pea selection from Spencer bears outstanding, big rose blooms on white. The petals are beautifully tousled, somewhat slanting to the fore. They have a whitish hue at the base and the color soon changes to evenly rosy shade with a little more dark shade along the edge. The underside of the petals is similarly colored as the facade. The wings of the 'Sally Ann' sweet pea blooms have the same color as the standards and also on the underside. However, the borders have an inclination to curve downwards. The blooms are pleasantly perfumed.

Sally Unwin ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Sally Unwin' sweet pea plants from Spencer are very big, nicely formed having a pinkish-rose hue that fades to white at the bottom. The blooms are beautifully perfumed.

Saltwater Taffy Swirls ( Spencer )

Named after an American sea shore confectionery, blooms of the 'Saltwater Taffy Swirls' variety of sweet pea plants from Spencer bear a blend of big, tousled blooms growing on a long stalks. The flowers are available in light pastel shades and have deep hued stripes like flakes. The blooms of this variety of sweet pea are usually pleasantly perfumed.

Sandringham ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Sandringham' sweet pea variety from Spencer are available in a dazzling scarlet hue. The blooms are fine for garden decoration and cut flowers and are nicely fragrant.

Sara ( Spencer )

Plants of the 'Sara' sweet pea selection from Spencer bear mauve color blooms that have a silvery shine.

Sarah Kennedy ( Spencer )

Named after a popular television presenter, the blooms of the 'Sarah Kennedy' sweet pea selection from Spencer are big and have a whitish background with shades of supple rose. The petals are mildly tousled, particularly at the sides and have a light rosy shade that becomes more profound towards the centre. At the centre, the petals have a whitish hue. The wings have the same color as the petals, but have lighter shades underneath. The blooms are heavily perfumed.

Sea Wolf ( Spencer )

This variety of sweet pea from Spencer is also spelt as 'Sea Wolfe' and is available in a soft lavender hue with shades of blue. The blooms are heavily perfumed.

Selana ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Selana' sweet pea variety from Spencer are large and have a pinkish picotee. This variety of sweet pea is an old-fashioned fragile looking climbing plant that blossoms between spring and early summer. The blooms are beautifully fragrant and perfect for use as cut flowers and appear wonderful when included in large bouquets.

Semi-Grandiflora Mixed

This is a blended variety of sweet pea that bears flowers which are found in a size best described as a dimension between the old Grandifloras and the present-day Spencer. This mixed variety of sweet pea includes two independent types called the 'Dragonfly' and 'Kingfisher'.

Senator ( Grandiflora )

Blooms of the 'Senator' selection of sweet pea from Grandiflora have attractive double tone flecks. The petals are somewhat plane, faintly pointed and have a white background with maroon colored flecks. They are purplish at the bottom and the underside is more profoundly hued. The wings of the flowers are slanted downwards above the keel and are whitish in color with purple flecks. The hues of the petals and the wings are distinctly different. Some flowers of this variety of sweet pea are very thickly flecked and have a hue that is something between the 'Cupani' and 'Senator'. A few flowers of this sweet pea variety are also found as 'Cupani' rouges. The flowers have streaks like the 'Princess of Wales', but the color of the stripes is chocolate instead of the bluish stripes of the 'Princess of Wales' blooms. They are also of a bold variety and it is wise to dispose of one when the other is growing at the same place. Each stem of the plant supports two to three blooms.

Sheena ( Spencer )

Blooms of this variety of sweet pea from Spencer are available in double shades of mauve or pale purple. The blooms of the 'Sheena' sweet pea are seldom aromatic.

Sheila Macqueen ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Sheila Macqueen' sweet pea variety from Spencer are dark, but gorgeous salmon-orange hued superimposed with a pink shade. The flowers grow profusely and resistant to bright sunlight. This variety of sweet pea is named after a well-known flower decorator and writer. The blooms are usually pleasantly perfumed.

Shirley Pink ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Shirley Pink' sweet pea selection from Spencer are available in shell pink or somewhat cerise hue.

Sicilian Fuchsia ( Grandiflora )

Grandiflora's 'Sicilian Fuchsia' variety of sweet pea bears bi-color blooms in pink and cerise or glowing pinkish red. This variety of sweet pea was found in Peru and was named in the honor of Cupani. The blooms of 'Sicilian Fuchsia' are heavily perfumed.

Sicilian Pink ( Grandiflora )

Blooms of the 'Sicilian Pink' sweet pea selection from Grandiflora are charming, but more intense adaptation of the 'Prima Donna'. The blooms are found in a stunning double shaded variety. The petals of the flowers have a deep red rose hue with shades of scarlet. The petals are slanted to the fore, pointed, lightly hued at the bottom and faintly curved frontward. The underside is more profound and has a deeper carmine shade. And like the 'Prima Donna' the petals have white dots at the crown. The wings have a light rosy hue and are slanted above the creamy keel, but have a lighter hue underneath. Originally from Peru, this sweet pea variety has been named as a tribute to Cupani.

Silver Jubilee ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Silver Jubilee' sweet pea variety from Spencer are available with gorgeous white background and orange-cerise shades. The blooms are pleasantly perfumed.

Sir Cliff ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Sir Cliff' sweet pea variety from Spencer have derived the name from a renowned singer. They are available in stunning and brilliant mauve hue. The petals have a mauve or pale purple color with the centre being most intensely hued. The petals are usually faintly tousled and the underside also has the same color. The wings are, however, little deeper in color and have a somewhat shiny underside. The keel also has a shiny mauve hue. The flowers are big and have an attractive color, but do not blossom in abundance. They grow on long stalks that are approximately six feet high and hence are fine for exhibition and cut flowers. The blooms are faintly aromatic.

Skylon ( Spencer )

'Skylon' sweet pea from Spencer bears blooms that have a rosy pink hue with a white centre.

Snoopea ( Intermediate )

Blooms of this variety of sweet pea are an exclusively bushy type with a wide assortment of colors. The flowers are available in hues of white, rose, pink, and blue as well as scarlet and grow on long stems. The flowers are of the Spencer sort having an Intermediate size. Plants of this variety of sweet pea do not have any tendrils and hence it is believed that most of their energy is devoted to producing flowers that are found in abundance. This variety of sweet pea is ideal for growing in containers and yards.

Snowdonia Park ( Spencer )

The 'Snowdonia Park' selection of sweet pea from Spencer produces pleasantly aromatic blooms. The flowers are white when young, but as they mature, they develop a creamy shade on the white background.

Snow White ( Spencer )

The 'Snow White' sweet pea selection from Spencer bears large and tousled white blooms that are pleasantly perfumed. The blooms profusely grow on long stalks and blends well with flowers of any hue.

Solway Fanfare ( Intermediate )

'Solway Fanfare' sweet pea produces well distanced reddish purple blooms on strong stalks. The petals as well as the wings of the flowers are both finely undulating and they are faintly aromatic.

Solway Sunset ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Solway Sunset' sweet pea variety from Spencer are available in an ideal and gorgeous combination of white and orange cerise or bright pinkish red hue. While the flowers are generally large, the buds are yellowish with a reddish shade. The petals are somewhat undulating, but generally plane as in the old style. On the underside, the petals have a thick glow of red with slender white areas and a tidy red line at the boundary. The wings are robustly curled downwards and there is a visible space between two petals above the keel. The keel is somewhat strongly stripe, often very compactly and some of them even have a dark hue. The blooms are faintly perfumed. The vibrant color of the blooms as well as the long stalks supporting them, make them ideal for floral arrangement.

Sonia ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Sonia' sweet pea selection from Spencer are available in soft pink hue with magenta or carmine veins.

Sophie ( Spencer )

Plants of this selection of sweet pea from Spencer produce coral pink blooms that are supported by long stalks making them perfect for cut flowers and display. The blooms of 'Sophie' sweet pea are nicely perfumed.

Southampton ( Spencer )

Spencer's 'Southampton' sweet pea plants produces spotless, lacy and distinct lavender hued blooms that are lighter around edge. The blooms are supported by long stalks making them perfect for cut flowers and exhibitions. Blooms of this variety of sweet pea are very highly aromatic.

South Atlantic ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'South Atlantic' sweet pea variety from Spencer are available in hyacinth blue color.

Southbourne ( Spencer )

Blooms of this selection of sweet pea from Spencer are available in very gorgeous supple rose hue and have been a favorite since long. Some even describe the flowers as almond pink. The petals grow straight, tousled and are shrunken around the crown. When they open, the petals have a faint salmon pink hue and gradually transforms to profound rose pink that become paler, almost white, around the hemispheres. They have a misty white hue at the centre, while the underside is lighter in color and straight. The wings are tousled and have the same hue as the petals. The wings usually have a lighter hue underneath and are mildly undulating. The blooms are delicately perfumed.

Souvenir ( Spencer )

Flowers of this selection of sweet pea from Spencer are big and have a profound lavender hue with shades of rose.

Spaceman ( Spencer )

Spencer's 'Spaceman' sweet pea blooms have a very supple blue hue. The plants of this variety of sweet pea do not have any tendrils and the flowers are seldom aromatic.

Splendour ( Spencer )

Blooms of Spencer's 'Splendour' variety are available in rose pink hue. The flowers have profound rosy carmine petals, while the wings have a faintly lighter shade. Usually three blooms are supported by each stem of the plant. They are not very popular as recently many new varieties have flooded the market. In fact, Grandiflora too has a 'Splendour' sweet pea selection.

Starlight ( Spencer )

'Starlight' sweet pea from Spencer bears beautifully scented large white flowers that are lacy in appearance. The petals are undulating and white in color. The wings too have a white hue, but they are somewhat slanted downwards. The blooms of this variety are heavily perfumed and ideal for display at floral exhibitions.

Starlight Sonata ( Intermediate )

Blooms of the 'Starlight Sonata' sweet pea are of a dwarf variety available in navy blue streaks. Plants of this sweet pea variety produce abundance of flowers over a long period. The petals of the flowers are undulating, white and compactly veined. While the petals have a navy blue boundary, the mid-rib is more or less black and the underside is white. The wings too are undulating, white and have a navy blue hued boundary with flakes. The underside of the wings is white with veins in navy blue. Each stalk of the plant growing up to 18-20 cm supports three to four blooms that are heavily aromatic.

Steve Davis ( Spencer )

Flowers of the 'Steve Davis' sweet pea selection have a profound glowing pinkish red or cerise color with whitish keel. This variety of sweet pea has been named after a world champion snooker player. The blooms are pleasantly perfumed.

Strawberry Ice ( Modern Grandiflora )

Blooms of the 'Strawberry Ice' sweet pea variety from Modern Grandiflora are available in carmine pink or deep reddish pink color. The petals have a multi-colored picotee that makes them appear exquisite. The blooms are very highly perfumed.

Streamers ( Spencer )

Blooms of Spencer's 'Streamers' selection of sweet pea are a blend of flecks of vivacious colors, including scarlet, orange, chocolate and blue. When the flowers blossom during the spring, they virtually appear like colorful streamers. The stripes are usually in deep hues on a pale or whitish background. The blooms are ideal for cut flowers as well as garden and fence decoration. They also appear wonderful when grown in large pots or containers.

Stripes Mixed ( Spencer )

As the name suggests, flowers of Spencer's 'Stripes Mixed' are a charming blend of streaks of different hues, including rose, dark crimson, maroon, lavender, scarlet and bluish-black. All flowers of this sweet pea variety are brilliantly patterned and picoteed on a supple or white background. Normally, the plants grow up to a height of six feet making them useful as cut flowers and display at exhibitions. The blooms of 'Stripes Mixed' are pleasantly perfumed.

Stylish ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Stylish' variety of sweet pea from Spencer are available in mid-blue hue.

Subtle Charm ( Spencer )

'Subtle Charm' sweet pea selection from Spencer produces big flowers that are nicely placed on the stems. The flowers have a white background with light pink shades and are very highly aromatic.

Sunset ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Sunset' selection of sweet pea from Spencer are nicely undulated and have a dynamic orange-cerise hue. The petals are shiny white on the façade, while the underside is reddish purple. The blooms grow on long stems, each of which usually supports four flowers. The flowers are very highly perfumed.

Sunset Blend ( Spencer )

Spencer's 'Sunset Blend' sweet pea blooms are available in affectionate shades of pink, orange and profound red.

Sunsilk ( Spencer )

As the flower's name suggests, blooms of Spencer's 'Sunsilk' sweet pea variety are available in a vivid orange pink hue that is resistant to bright sunlight and do not lose color easily.

Superfine ( Spencer )

This selection of sweet pea from Spencer produces blooms with white background having shades of salmon pink.

Supersnoop ( Intermediate )

Blooms of the 'Supersnoop' sweet pea from Spencer are an enhanced variety of the earlier 'Snoopea' selection. Plants of this variety of sweet pea produce flowers in eight different striking and effervescent hues, including white, rose, scarlet, pink and blue. The plants grow up to a height of around six feet and are able to endure extreme summer heat. The blooms are faintly aromatic and excellent for decorating patios and as cut flowers.

Superstar ( Spencer )

Plants of the 'Superstar' sweet pea variety from Spencer bear profound rose pinkish color flowers that are misty white at the bottom. The blooms have a faintly aroma.

Su Pollard ( Spencer )

Spencer's 'Su Pollard' sweet pea selection produces profoundly gorgeous purple color blooms. This variety of sweet pea has been named after a popular comedy actress and the blooms are excellent for bouquets.

Swan Lake ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Swan Lake' sweet pea variety from Spencer are really special and are available in gorgeous chaste white. The admirable white blooms are supported by long stalks.

Sweet Dreams ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Sweet Dreams' sweet pea variety from Spencer appear like the old fashioned type and are available in blends of bi-colors. They are found in a wide assortment of colors. The blooms are large with tousled bi-colored petals and are very highly perfumed. The plants of this variety of sweet pea are able to endure extreme heat conditions, while the flowers are heavily perfumed. The blooms are ideal for floral arrangement.

Sweetie Series ( Dwarf )

This sweet pea selection is actually an assortment of different varieties from the Cupid collection. Blooms of this variety of sweet pea are found in different hues, including white, salmon, lavender, cherry, rose and carmine. 'Sweetie Series' sweet pea flowers are specially selected for growing in hanging baskets. Their aroma varies from pleasant to faint. Some of the flowers of this variety are seldom found to be scented.

Sylvia Moore ( Spencer )

Blooms of the 'Sylvia Moore' sweet pea selection from Spencer are available in a spirited rose pinkish color and are enjoyably perfumed.


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