First introduced by Stark in 1904, blooms of 'Unique' sweet pea from Spencer are available in lilac pink hue. Like Spencer, Grandiflora also has a sweet pea selection named 'Unique'. However, Spencer's 'Unique' sweet pea flowers have soft lavender streaks on an ivory-white background. Blooms of this sweet pea variety are average sized, fairly discrete and there is an originality or newness in the color and pattern of the spots. Normally, each stalk of the plant supports two to three blooms. The plants are perfect for growing in containers.
'Unwins Mixed Stripes' sweet pea from Spencer is an outstanding blend of streaked assortments that comprise many well-known shapes and are available in a wide range of shades, including blue, lilac, purple, scarlet-rose and chocolate on a creamy or white background. Different blooms of this collection have different degrees of undulations. All flowers of this selection are delightfully veined and picoteed. This blend of sweet pea has been improved upon through continuous breeding to produce enhanced selections and the types available now are very different from what was being marketed under the same name way back in the 1980s. The plants grow up to a height of about six feet and the flowers are heavily perfumed.