Herbal Hair Care

Since long people have been using various herbs for their hair care and, over and again, they form vital ingredients of many shampoos, conditioners as well as rinses. As far as hair care is concerned, rosemary is the herb that is highly valued and has the repute of being an excellent common conditioner which makes the hair glossy, silky, aromatic and somewhat darker. In fact, there are two more herbs, sage and chamomile, which have also been prized highly over the centuries. While sage is valued in the form of a hair conditioner and darkener, it is believed that chamomile possesses the aptitude to make fair hair brighter and, at the same time, make all types of hair softer. In addition, the golden flowers of mullein are also thought to exaggerate blond highlights.

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Traditionally, it has been claimed that parsley helps to make the hair dense as well as enhance its color. Similarly, the herb called southernwood augments hair growth, while the burdock roots regulate dandruff and the herb stinging nettle works as an excellent conditioner, while also assisting in curing dandruff. Precisely speaking, there are numerous herbs right from kelp to yarrow that are believed to help in arresting hair loss and, simultaneously, encourage hair growth. However, it is unfortunate that there is no herb that has been scientifically proved to be effective in hair care. There are some more herbs which just help to make the hair pleasantly fragrant.

Like in the instance of preparing cosmetic formulations using herbs, the recipes discussed in this article are just the preliminary ideas intended to illustrate the manner in which you are able to use herbs to prepare hair care products. In fact, it is advisable that you should try and experiment to discover the most excellent combination of herbal constituents to prepare the most suitable hair care product for you. All the ingredients mentioned in this article are either familiar plants or domestic items.

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It is worth mentioning here that the state of your hair is considered to be an excellent sign of your overall health as well as nourishment. When an individual is exhausted and shabby and also ailing or miserable, his or her hair is likely to be devoid of its shine. In addition, various aspects, such as the sun, wind, chlorine, chemical treatment of hair as well as hormonal changes also have the potential to have an effect of the health of your hair. It needs to be underlined that a nutritious diet is necessary for attractive hair and, hence, you need to ensure that your diet comprises lots of vitamin A, vitamin B, essential minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, iodine, silica. In addition, you also need to intake appropriate amounts of essential fatty acids and proteins.

Moreover, the type of shampoo you are using is vital. Several commercially available shampoos mainly comprise alkaline detergents that eliminate the natural oils from your hair as well as scalp. It is advisable that you should not wash your hair too often since this may stimulate the scalp excessively and, thereby, augment the hair's oiliness. It is preferable that you opt for a natural bristle brush because using nylon brushes actually harms the hair and results in the splitting of the hair ends.

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There are numerous herbs that make excellent natural shampoos, which nourish your hair and make it healthier. Some of the herbal shampoos that you may prepare yourself at home are bouncing bet natural shampoo, herbal castile shampoo and quick herbal shampoo. The recipes for these are given in brief below.


As the herb bouncing bet forms foams, it is often referred to as the soapwort. In the event it is available, you may also replace bouncing bet with more leathery dried root of bouncing bet. In order to get a variation, you may also substitute chamomile with rosemary, lavender, southernwood or even sage to get a darker hair complexion. You should use more of this shampoo prepared with indigenous herbs and should expect to see lesser amount of lather compared to the commercially available shampoos. It may be noted here that unadulterated quality borax is commercially available in your neighbourhood drugstore.

  • Three tablespoonfuls of dehydrated bouncing bet herb
  • One teaspoon of unadulterated quality borax
  • One-and-a-half tablespoonful of dehydrated flowers of chamomile
  • Two cups (500 ml) of steaming water

To prepare the bouncing bet natural shampoo you need to put all the above mentioned ingredients - bouncing bet herb, borax and dried chamomile flowers in a jar that is heat proof or any other container which can be sealed firmly. Add two cups of boiling water to these ingredients and stir it thoroughly. Allow the mixture to permeate, cover the container loosely till the solution becomes cool. Subsequently, cover the container tightly and shake the mixture thoroughly. Allow the mixture to hold for a couple of days and keep shaking it at intervals of once every few hours. Next, filter the liquid and apply it on your hair when necessary.

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This natural shampoo is prepared form Castile soap which is based on olive oil. This is one herbal shampoo that creates as much lather as any other shampoo sold commercially and also cleanses thoroughly, washes off without any difficulty and is much gentler. Make use of unadulterated castile soap, either in the crumbling or powdered form or even grated from any solid soap bar. It may be noted that generally peppermint or other constituents are incorporated into the liquid castile soaps. In case you have light hair, you may also use chamomile. Alternately, if the complexion of your hair is dark, you may add sage. You are also at liberty to include one tablespoonful of stinging nettle, southernwood or any other herb that is traditionally used for hair care. Alternately, you may also add any fragrant constituent, for example orange peel or lemon.

  • Two tablespoonful of dried up leaves of rosemary
  • One-fourth cup of dried up flowers of chamomile or one tablespoonful of dehydrated leaves of sage
  • One tablespoonful of dehydrated peppermint
  • Two ounces of castile soap
  • 2 1/4 cups of distilled water
  • Two tablespoonful of vodka and three drops of either peppermint or eucalyptus oil

To prepare herbal castile shampoo, you need to put all the dried herbs mentioned above in a weighty saucepan, pour in the distilled water on them and bring the mixture to boil. Lower the heat after some time and seethe the mixture for about 10 minutes. Subsequently, cover the container and steep the herbs for approximately 30 minutes. Filter the resultant liquid in a mixing bowl; compress the herbs with a view to extract the entire liquid before throwing them away. Next, place the castile soap in a saucepan and pour in the liquid containing the essence of the herbs. Allow the soap and the herbal brew to bubble over low heat till the entire soap liquefies completely, while continuing to stir the mixture using a wooden spoon. Allow the mixture to cool and when it cools completely, it ought to be thin as well as buttery. Now, blend the drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil with vodka and keep whisking it into the shampoo mixture. Now the shampoo is ready. Pour it in a clean jar and seal it firmly. Place the jar containing the mixture in a warm place and allow it to stand for about four to five days prior to using it.


The name of this herbal shampoo is indication of the fact that it is one herbal shampoo that can be prepared very easily and quickly. All that you need to do to prepare the quick herbal shampoo is to blend a potent infusion of any herb used for hair care with any mild or baby shampoo that is available commercially.

  • one-fourth cup of any baby or any other soft shampoo
  • one-fourth cup of boiling water and one heaped teaspoon of dried up rosemary sage or stinging nettle. Alternately you may also use one tablespoon of dried flowers of chamomile

To prepare this herbal shampoo, add any of the above mentioned herbs to boiling water and put off the heat after some time. Allow the mixture to steep for about 30 minutes, filter the herbal brew and, subsequently, blend it with the baby or mild shampoo. The quick herbal shampoo is now ready for use.


A number of hair conditioners as well as rinses can be prepared with herbs at home. These conditioners and rinses are effective in nourishing your hair, making it appear healthy and attractive. In addition, they do not have any side effects as the commercially available conditioners and rinses. Some of the common herbal hair conditioners and rinses along with their recipes are discussed in brief below.


This herbal oil ought to be prepared at least a week before the day you plan to use it because this conditioning oil requires sufficient time for it to soak up all the herbal essences. While preparing this herbal conditioning oil you may feel free to replace any traditionally herb used for hair care or any of the plant oils, for instance, soy, sunflower, jojoba, corn and peanut. In case the scent of the olive oil is not too potent, you may even substitute this oil. However, it is advisable not to use the extremely potently scented sesame oil. When you have already discovered a combination that you prefer most, you may prepare this hair conditioning oil in double or even more quantities and store the additional conditioner in a sealed bottle for use when necessary.

  • One cup (250 ml) of safflower oil
  • Half a cup of dried up flowers of chamomile
  • One-fourth cup of dehydrated leaves of rosemary

To prepare this conditioner, place all the herbs in the top of a double boiler (any utensil having two pots) and pour the oil into it. Heat this mixture of the herbs and safflower oil for about 30 minutes and, subsequently, pour the blend into a jar having a wide opening. Next, wrap the mouth of the jar using a number of muslin layers put in place using a string or a rubber band. Place the jar in a warm place for about a week and keep stirring the mixture each day. When you find that the oil has acquired a distinct herbal fragrance, filter it into a spotless pot.

Depending on the texture and length of your hair, warm approximately one-third or half a cup of the oil over extremely low heat for some minutes. Then drench your hair with hot water and remove the water squeezing your hair. Subsequently, using your fingers spread the tepid oil all over your hair till the hair is completely covered with the oil conditioner. When you have applied the herbal conditioning oil thoroughly to your hair, cover the head using a shower cap or plastic bag and, if required, also pin it up. In order to maintain the oil warm, immerse a heavy towel in hot water, squeeze out the water and cover the damp hot towel firmly over the shower cap or plastic bag. If the towel becomes cool, wet it in hot water again, wring out the water and place it in the same position once more. Treat your hair using this technique for about anything between 20 minutes and 30 minutes. Eventually, shampoo your hair twice.


Herbal egg conditioner is a somewhat unique herbal hair conditioner, which is made up of herbal oils, egg and honey. This hair conditioner should be used in the manner described in the earlier recipe - the herbal conditioning oil. Alternately, you may just warm this hair conditioner and apply it directly to your hair and allow it to remain for about 15 minutes prior to shampooing.

  • One egg
  • Two teaspoonfuls of lemon juice
  • About two to three drops of rosemary oil
  • One-fourth cup of safflower or any other fine vegetable oil
  • One teaspoonful of honey

To prepare this unique hair conditioner, first add honey and the lemon juice to the egg and whip them together. Next, decant the blend in the top of a double boiler (any utensil comprising two pots) and heat it, while keeping on stirring, till the blend becomes warm as well as creamy. Then allow the mixture to cool and when cooled slowly add the vegetable and rosemary oils to the creamy egg blend and continue to whip it using a whisk to make it combine well. Instead of using rosemary oil and vegetable oil, you may also use one-fourth cup of herbal conditioning oil (see the earlier recipe) to prepare this hair conditioner.


Herbs that have been traditionally used for hair care may be used to prepare effective rinses at home quite easily. These rinses not only nourish and shine your hair, but also make it healthy. Besides, they do not result in any side effects like those of the commercially available hair rinses, which are mostly prepared using chemicals. The recipes of some of these herbal rinses are given below.


In order to obtain the optimum benefits the blond highlighting rinse should be used on a regular basis and, subsequently, dry your hair in clear sunlight. Prior to applying this rinse, you need to shampoo and wash your hair using plain water.

  • Two cups (500 ml) of water
  • Two tablespoonful of dried out flowers of mullein
  • Half cup of dried flowers of chamomile
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • One tablespoonful of orange flower water

To prepare this rinse, boil the water in a container and then reduce the heat. Add the dry chamomile and mullein flowers to the hot water and keep stirring using a spoon. Seethe the mixture for about 30 minutes and, subsequently, cover the container and allow the herbs to suffuse for many hours or during the night. Filter the resultant liquid, compress the herbs to take out the complete liquid. Next, whip the lemon juice and orange blossom water and add the herbal brew to it. Pour this blond highlighting rinse all over your hair many times. Once you have poured the rinse over your hair, collect the liquid in a bowl and reuse it several times.


The deepening rinse for dark hair ought to be used in the form of a final wash following shampooing as well as rinsing properly using plain water.

  • Two cups (500 ml) of boiling water
  • One-fourth cup of dehydrated leaves of the herb sage
  • Two tablespoonfuls of dried up leaves of rosemary
  • Two tea bags of any common beverage tea
  • One tablespoonful of dried up stinging nettles

To prepare the deepening rinse for dark hair, you need to add water to the tea bags and suffuse them in a covered container for about 15 minutes. Subsequently, take the bags out and compress them to bring out the entire liquid. Heat the tea once again till it comes to boil. Next, pour the tea over the dried herbs, cover the container and allow the herbs to soak in the tea for approximately 30 minutes to an hour. Filter the resultant liquid and pour it over your hair many times using it as a rinse. Once you pour the rinse over your hair, catch it in a bowl and reuse it several times.


The herbal vinegar hair rinse assists in bringing back the natural acid balance of the hair and, at the same time, facilitates in getting rid of the insipid morsels of soap. While the herb bergamot is best for preparing this hair rinse, you may also substitute it with any other aromatic herb belonging to the mint family if bergamot is not available. As a substitute you may use herbs like peppermint or basil.

  • One-fourth cup of dried up bergamot
  • One-fourth cup of dehydrated leaves of rosemary
  • Two cups (500 ml) of clear cider vinegar

To prepare herbal vinegar rinse, place the dried herbs mentioned above in a jar with a wide opening. Next, heat the clear cider vinegar till it is on the verge of boiling and pour it on the herbs. When the vinegar cools down, cover the jar tightly. In case the jar has a metal lid, you should screw it using a few layers of plastic cover below the lid to ensure that the acidic vinegar does not react with the metallic lid of the jar. Allow the mixture to stand in a tepid place for about a week. In the meantime, shake the mixture thoroughly each day. Make use of a refined cheesecloth in a funnel to filter the vinegar containing the herbal essence in a bottle and cover it tightly. In order to use this herbal vinegar rinse, you may dilute the rinse by adding two to three cups of tepid water and pour the liquid over your hair once or twice in the form of a final rinse.


You may use any herb that has been traditionally used for hair care to prepare an infusion, which may be used in the form of a quick rinse. Allow the infusion to cool down to become tepid prior to using the rinse.

  • Two cups (500 ml) of boiling water
  • One or two tablespoonfuls of dehydrated rosemary, sage or even stinging nettle

Add the herbs to boiling water and put off the heat after some time. Let the mixture to suffuse for about 15 minutes and, subsequently, filter the resultant liquid and use it in the form of a hair rinse.


Flaxseed setting lotion helps in the growth of hair and makes it thick and healthy. The ingredients required to prepare this herbal hair setting lotion include one-third cup of flaxseeds and one cup (250 ml) of water.

To prepare this flaxseed setting lotion, you need to squash the flaxseed using a spoon. Boil the water in a saucepan and, subsequently, lower the heat and whip the flaxseeds into the seething water. Use one teaspoon of flaxseed at one time and continue the process till the mixture becomes thick. Next, filter the seeds and dilute the mixture to the consistency level desired by you.


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