Acetic acid is a carboxylic acid comprising two small functional groups. These two groups include a hydroxyl group (AcOH) and an acetyl group, which is occasionally symbolized as Ac. In fact, acetic acid can be considered as a methyl group plus a linked carboxyl group. It is the second simplest carboxylic acid, next to only formic acid. This acid is a vital chemical reagent as well as an industrial chemical. It is mainly used for production of cellulose acetate meant for photographic film, synthetic fabrics and fibers as well as polyvinyl acetate for manufacturing wood glue. Acetic acid also has a number of household applications. For instance, often watered down acetic acid is used in descaling agents.
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Acetic acid is an organic substance that is also widely used in the food industry in the form of an acidity regulator as well as a condiment. In food industry, it is regulated by the food additive code E260. Several nations counting the United States, the European Union, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have approved the use of acetic acid in the form of a food additive. As far as biochemistry is concerned, the acetyl group that has been obtained from acetic acid is basic to the entire forms of live on the planet. On the other hand, when acetic acid binds with coenzyme A, it becomes vital for carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
Acetic acid is considered to be a weak acid. Perhaps this acid is very famous because it is the key acid in vinegar. Precisely speaking, acetic acid is used for a wide variety of purposes, which is not only confined to sprinkling it on salads. In fact, large volumes of acetic acid are produced across the globe. For several centuries, people have been working with acetic acid in several different contexts. Acetic acid has been one of the primary substances that have been explored by alchemists, who are considered to be the precursors of contemporary chemists.
You can prepare acetic acid in different concentrations. In its unadulterated form, acetic acid is called glacial acetic acid mainly owing to its tendency to form crystals at cool temperatures. However, in its pure form, acetic acid is highly corrosive and may even be risky to work with. Therefore, it is necessary to wear protective gears while handling pure acetic acid. On the other hand, though vinegar contains a certain concentration of acetic acid, it is not harmful. The concentration of acetic acid in vinegar is about five percent.
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It is worth noting that many people often mistaken acetic acid for vinegar. Moreover, vinegar contains only a very small concentration of acetic acid. Nevertheless, on its own, acetic acid offers plenty of health benefits to humans, provided it is used according to the recommendations of health experts.
Acetic acid can be prepared in several different ways. One method of preparing this organic acid is through bacterial fermentation. This method is employed to prepare vinegars, wherein the acid is produced as a spin-off of bacterial digestion. In addition, acetic acid can also be prepared by chemical reactions. Usually, this method is applied in the commercial production of the acid. However, if you are preparing acetic acid for use in foods, it should be prepared using the biological method, as this is frequently necessary for food labelling purposes.
A colorless, transparent acid, acetic acid possesses a typical sour flavour. However, it is advisable that you don't taste the acid unless the label of the product clearly states that it is safe for human consumption. The odour of acetic acid is potent and sharp. Most people are familiar with this odour as this acid has a smell akin to that of vinegar. Some people say that vinegar has a smell similar to that of acetic acid.
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When you are using acetic acid in preparing foods, you may use it in the form of a flavoring agent as well as in the form of a food preservative. Acetic acid adds a sharp taste to foods which is preferred by many people. At the same time, when added to foods, acetic acid prevents or slows down the growth of bacteria, thereby ensuring that the food is not contaminated. In a number of cultures, the traditional use of vinegar in the form of a food preservative has led people to acquire a taste that is characteristic of the tang of vinegar. This is the reason why vinegar is added to foods that do not need any preservation. It is especially done to give the food a distinctive flavour.
Acetic acid has an assortment of applications in industry. Aside from being used in research and chemical production, this acid is also used for purposes where people require a weak acid. Similar to many other acids, acetic acid works as a corrosive agent for a number of substances. In addition, it may also be involved in various chemical reactions. This acid is used in the form of a catalyst, a reagent, a solvent as well as a pesticide. Industrial application of acetic acid also includes its use in paint manufacture, as well as making glazes and varnishes.
Acetic acid also has a few therapeutic uses. For instance, it is used for curing jellyfish stings and other purposes.
It has been proven that acetic acid offers numerous health benefits to humans, provided it is used in appropriate amounts and for suitable reasons.
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One pest that bothers humans most is head lice. They are embarrassing too, as they have a tendency to come outside the hair, particularly when one is attending an event or is in a public place. This kind of a situation can actually turn out to be very humiliating as this in majority of incidents is an indication of absence of hygiene. Nevertheless, one can avoid such embarrassing situations by using acetic acid, which is effective in eliminating lice completely. For this, you need to add some acetic acid to water and rinse your hair with the solution to kill all the lice in your hair.
Most women across the globe are fearful of a vaginal infection known as bacterial vaginitis. It is very difficult to treat this condition, especially when the disease is in its developed stage. Hence, very potent medicines are needed to cure this condition completely. In such situations, acetic acid is very useful in treating bacterial vaginitis, as it effectively kills all the bacteria responsible for this infection.
One of the common ear infections includes ear wax impaction, which is a very painful condition. People suffering from this infection suffer from so much pain that they are unable to eat or sleep. In addition, it also results in temporary hearing impairment. However, acetic acid has been found to be helpful for curing this disease, thereby providing relief to the victim and helping them to lead a normal, healthy life.
Like other living organisms, even humans are bound to suffer from various types of wound infections, particularly where it is difficult to take care of the wound. It has been identified that acetic acid is the perfect medicine for managing various different types of wound infections. This is mainly because this acid encloses specific substances that are useful in eliminating pathogens that are responsible for the infections.
If allowed to remain in their natural state, it is very likely that most processed foods will decomposed within few days. Since we do not consume most of the foods at the same time, it is important that some method is applied to prolong their freshness so that we may use them in future. The aim is to keep such foods fresh for the maximum time possible. In order to achieve this, several food manufacturers include chemical preservatives in their food products so that they can retain the natural appearance as well as freshness of the foods. Acetic acid is one such chemical that helps to retain the freshness of foods. This acid encloses specific chemical compounds that help foods remain fresh for a prolonged period. As a result, people consuming foods containing acetic acid as preservatives are unlikely to suffer from stomach disorders or food poisoning.