Rescue Remedy has been named so by Dr. Bach as the remedy soothes and balances emotions that need stabilization in the time of a crisis. The Rescue Remedy is derived from the following Bach flowers:
Most of Bach's work was done in Norfolk in England. This is where he first trialed a Rescue Remedy made out of Clematis, Rock Rose, and Impatiens on two sailors who had been shipwrecked off the coast of Cromer. The two men had survived the strong gale by strapping themselves to the mast of the wrecked barge. After five hours a rescue boat reached them but by then the younger of the two men was nearly frozen, was rambling and foam was coming from his mouth. As the rescued men were sighted, Dr. Bach ran into the water and applied the remedy to the lips of one of the men. By the time the almost frozen sailor was relieved of his wet attire and covered in a blanket he was perceptibly better and was talking. Following a few days, he recovered fully in a hospital. Later because of their intrinsic value Bach combined the remedies from Star of Bethlehem and Cherry Plum to the earlier three remedies and completed the Rescue Remedy formula which is used in this form even today.
Rescue Remedy is used in the liquid form as well as a cream and can be mixed with other Bach Flower Remedies or used on its own. Rescue Remedy is effective even while it is used in tandem with other curative means and alternative therapies like chiropractic and massage. Case studies have proved Rescue Remedy to be toxin free, non-addictive and as having no side effects.
Rescue Remedy is however, not a universal remedy and should not be considered a replacement for medical emergencies. An ambulance or a doctor must be called for serious accidents and situations where qualified medical aid is important. However during such times the patient suffers emotional and psychological instability as fear, panic, mental strife and tension mount. Rescue Remedy given to stabilize the patient at this critical juncture is effective in calming the patient till help arrives.
Other situations where Rescue Remedy is effective in soothing elevated levels of stress are when people suffer from nervousness, fretfulness, extreme fear, hysteria, distress desolation and anxiety that is the outcome of bereavement. Small incidents that cause anxious strain, like arguments, school examinations, job interviews, stage fright at the thought of giving a speech are eased with Rescue Remedy.
When the need arises, 4 drops of concentrated Rescue Remedy should be put in around 75 ml of liquid. The mixture must be sipped every 3 to 5 minutes or when required. The mixture must be held in the mouth for a few seconds prior to swallowing.
When liquids are not obtainable then the concentrate can be used directly by placing 4 drops of Rescue Remedy under the tongue. If you are sensitive to alcohol then the drops could be diluted in a teaspoon of water. The drops should be held in the mouth for a short while and then swallowed.
When the patient is incapable to drink anything especially in extreme circumstances then the concentrated form of Rescue Remedy from the bottle can directly be rubbed behind the ears, on the lips and on the wrists of the patient.
A non-allergenic, neutral, smooth, homeopathic cream base is used to make the Rescue Remedy cream. Reports show that this is effective in curing bumps, bruises, sprains, hemorrhoids, scratches, small burns, insect bites and slight inflammation. When applied directly small cuts heal effectively and acute muscle strain is eased on rubbing the cream on the affected muscle.
Rescue Remedy liquid given orally to alleviate emotional stress arising from the above conditions is also effective and can be used in combination with the cream. In case Rescue Remedy cream is not easily available, the liquid concentrate when applied externally is equally helpful in bringing relief from painful blows, sprains, slight burns, etc.
To use the cream, apply it gently on the affected part of the body and smoothen it into the skin. For cuts and abrasions apply the cream with a piece of gauze. Rescue Remedy cream should be applied often and once the condition has improved the application should be continued for a short duration.
Four drops of Rescue Remedy is to be mixed in the sick animal's drinking water. For larger animals like horses and cows ten drops mixed in a whole pail of water effectively stabilize the animal that needs Rescue Remedy treatment especially in cases of accidents, pre and post surgical conditions and it also facilitates birthing. In cases of extreme trauma and unconsciousness the Rescue Remedy can be rubbed on the mouth or beaks, behind the ears and other soft areas on the body. It can be used as a concentrate direct from the bottle or diluted with a little water.
Researcher Cleve Backster has reported that in their book, 'The Secret Life of Plants,' Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins have shown that plants are affected by environmental stimuli and also through relations between them and other forms of life.
Rescue Remedy has therefore been used to relieve trauma when flora is transplanted. It is effective in raising drooping plants and healing injured trees.
When required, ten drops should be placed in a sprayer or a watering can and the affected plant should be showered with it for a couple days. This will reduce the shock and they will be rejuvenated anew. The vegetable garden crop will benefit if ten drops of Rescue Remedy concentrate is added to the water in the planting season or during the growing season.