Bach Flower Remedies

Chicorium intybus

Chicory (botanical name Chicorium intybus) develops from a perennially growing tap root to a height of 1 meter or even taller taking the shape of a bush having strong bifurcating stems. Unlike any other plant, chicory can be identified easily be means of its blue hued compound flowers that are about 25 mm to 40 mm across. The flowers of chicory are in bloom just for a day - they open at around 6.00 am and close quickly after midday. These flowers appear on the leaf axils in the form of a collection of flower buds that open in succession. The leaves as well as the stem of chicory are hairy. The leaves appearing in the lower part of the plant are big and lobed, rather like a great dandelion (a composite weed plant), while the leaves on the upper part of the stem are comparatively smaller and piercing. The base of the leaves does not have any stalk, but clasps to the stem. All cultivated selections of chicory are alike having a tougher and additionally prominent central stem.

Flowering Period

Chicory plants are in bloom during the period between July and September.


The flower essence remedy Chicory is prepared using the sun method. To prepare this Bach Flower Remedy, you need to only pick the completely opened flowers from various different plants from any location where you will find them growing robustly and where the color of the flowers is deeply blue. It is important to note that only wild chicory ought to be used to prepare this remedy. It is advisable that you collect the wild chicory flowers from locations where they are not polluted by insecticide sprays.


A Bach Flower Remedy, Chicory is especially indicated for individuals who are very sensitively concerned about other people and when such feelings are obvious by possessiveness or excessive protectiveness.

Intense love and warmth are the two positive aspects of the Chicory temperament, while the negative facet is displayed when an individual belonging to the Chicory types starts manoeuvring, resort to emotional blackmailing and pretend being affectionate to achieve whatever he or she wants. The main attributes of the Chicory type are that they have a feeling that they are worthy of appreciation as a reciprocal action for the anxiety they exhibit for others, particularly for their family members. They also expect that everyone will always pay attention to them. Such people are easily hurt as well as feel insulted when others do not heed their advice or when they feel that they are not being shown sufficient respect. The Chicory type may be full of decadence if they feel that they are not being loved or acceptable. When such individuals have a feeling that they are not being appreciated, they may be given Chicory in conjunction with Willow. In fact, Willow is a remedy that is especially meant for treating conditions like animosity, antipathy and self-pity.

When any individual is enduring the Chicory state, his or her mind is determined to look after other people in consistency with his or her plan or intention. In fact, this is actually a selfish way of caring for others, as the genuine requirements of the person receiving the case may perhaps not be perceived or found inconsequential by the individual who is taking care. In effect, the care received may possibly be taken to mean as extremely dynamic or unwanted and, no sooner this message is communicated, it gives rise of emotions of self-pity in the caretaker, a feeling of not being thankful for their endeavours. This may be described as the dual-sided forcefulness of the Chicory state of the mind.

The mind of the Chicory type individual builds up rather firm attitudes as well as means of working with other people. In such a state, the sufferers have a belief that his or her observations and attitudes are right, and they assume the privilege to thrust these perceptions and opinions on other people. More often than not, this occurs with good purpose of convey the correct way, but others may consider this to be extremely domineering or meddling into their affairs. In addition, there may also be a propensity to be excessively cautious with particulars, the individual's responsibilities as well as with sanitation. When people are found to be extremely possessive regarding other people and also goods, it is an ample indication that they require the flower essence remedy Chicory.

In addition, when in the Chicory state of the mind, there may also be inactiveness when attention is called for through manoeuvring, withdrawal and facade, when the sufferer may be pass the time for other people to bond as well as offer them safety and affection, instead of enthusiastically extending a hand of companionship towards them. In either instance, the objective is to bond themselves intimately with other people. In effect, the dynamic Chicory type people possibly will experience the inactive Chicory state of the mind when they are suffering from any ailment - decadence as well as demands for notice occurs in such situations.

The Bach Flower Remedy, Chicory is used to treat conditions wherein an individual feigns ailment with a view to draw attention (a condition called factitious disorder) and may have eating disorders provided the inactive Chicory dynamic exists. Chicory is also helpful in easing the basic dynamic, when there is conversion disorder (also known as hysterical neurosis of the conversion nature), when an individual's body exhibits the silent emotional requirement for love and attention during ailment. When people are suffering from hypochondriasis somatoform pain disorder, which is basically an obsession with pain devoid of any in the body, as well as somatisation disorder (prolonged medical complaints with no genuine illness) may also find Chicory beneficial when they are yearning for gaining others' attention. When an individual is suffering from any histrionic personality disorder, founded on seeking attention within the sexual realm, therapy with Chicory has the aptitude to eliminate the basic dynamic.

Although in the Chicory state of the mind, the individual may appear to be arrogant to other people, in the depth of their heart they have a longing to love, serve other people as well as seek intimacy. In such a situation, dedication and kindness are dented. Nevertheless, the person insists on working in their individual style as well as their selfish ideas regarding the manner of communicating their looking after others as well as his or her interest in them.

In addition, in the Chicory stare there may also be a fundamental objective to closely bond with others with a view to attain authority, influence or break out of solitude. When any individual is enduring this state of the mind he or she faces an extremely difficult period to liberate other people and in giving up his or her privilege as a caretaker.

Chicory type individuals may deviate from genuine love and dedication and the reason for this is perhaps their requirement for notice and admiration. In such instances, the affected individual services other people with the purpose of finding gratitude and to be considered as an important or key person. The characteristic Chicory depression comes in the form of gratitude that is unexpressed; endeavours are ignored or yet disliked. In addition, self-indulgence, hurt sentiments as well as retreat are also widespread in courtship when an associate is rejected or dealt with unjustly.

In addition to the active Chicory approach, there also exist inactive feelings regarding anticipating notice and kindness, just for surviving in the world. The Chicory type individual also feels the requirement to be in the center of attention and be understood, even if special attempts are not impending. In such cases, self-indulgence, moodiness as well as sulking are quite frequent provided loving attention is not offered to such individuals. Moreover, when they are consoled, they may feel annoyed and stick with self-indulgence, something like planning to produce yet more compassion in other people. In fact, the Chicory state of the mind is particularly seen in children, though it is also found in adults, except the fact that the characteristics or ways of the adults of articulating the emotional message may possibly be not as naïve and also vary from one individual to another.

In such instances, the sufferers may fall back on manoeuvring, façade, power play, selfishness, threat or even pretending to be ill with a view to communicate that they are feeling insulted, hurt or are being ignored. On the other hand, when people pay attention towards the Chicory type individuals, they may also refuse being comforted, which augments their self-indulgence and may perhaps even give rise to more estrangement in other people, instead of bringing in the looked-for appreciation. Then again, if they accept the attention being given to them, there is likely to be whimsicality and assiduousness and possibly nothing will make them happy or contended. This type of futile cycle may be broken by prevailing over selfish feelings and self-pity, whilst attending to the requirements of other people.

The flower essence remedy Chicory facilitates in reinstating the attitudes of uncommitted and unselfish love. People who require Chicory most are those who have a propensity to become possessive of people or objects they care for, desiring to always keep them close by so that they are able to hold on to as well as love. Such individuals may also seem to be in want of emotional help, manoeuvring, extremely intrusive or easily succumb to self-indulgence and bitterness provided their endeavours to 'help' others are not recognized. At the back of the negative Chicory state of the mind lies an internal blankness and sentiments of being discarded or despised, which instinctively propels the Chicory type individuals to employ such somewhat self-centred as well as scheming methods to fulfill their requirements. A Bach Flower Remedy, Chicory facilitates in dissolving these personality characteristics as well as in encouraging the further balanced vigour of the 'universal mother' who offers her love and affection unreservedly or without any condition, knowing well that love is eternal as well as profuse.

The Chicory state of the mind may also occur in animals, especially those that are domineering by temperament. In the positive Chicory state, these animals are basically very affectionate companions. It is quite simple to identify a Chicory animal as it would be the one that sits close to you, claiming your notice and wants to be petted, particularly when someone else enters the room. A cat that is found rubbing your legs continuously and trails you where ever you may go is most likely to be a Chicory cat. In fact, the flower essence remedy Chicory is meant for those who are excessively caring to the extent of being possessive. Hence, Chicory animals are basically defensive beings and would be extremely caring regarding their home and family. Animals of Chicory temperament would take delight in building their nest and may be particularly overprotective when it requires shielding their young ones or their belongings.


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