Bach Flower Remedies

Calluna vulgaris

Heather (botanical name Calluna vulgaris) is the only existing plant of its kind, but some other plants also grow in similar circumstances and it is important to identify these plants as dissimilar. In effect, Calluna vulgaris is a timbered perennial plant having diminutive, slender leaves in thick reverse rows the length of the stems. This species bears pink as well as purple blossoms that are diminutive and each flower has four petals.

Flowering Period

The heather plants are in bloom during the period between August and September - generally at the later phase of summer.


The flower essence remedy Heather is made employing the sun method. It may be noted that Dr. Edward Bach had initially made it specific that this remedy should only be prepared after noon. To prepare this Bach Flower Remedy, you need to collect the flowering stems when the plant is in full bloom, not including very many buds and also with no flowers that are pale or withering or flowers that have already started developing seeds. The twigs of heather are floated on the water in a bowl with the surface exposed to full sunlight. It is important to gather flowers along with the flowering stems from several dissimilar plants from the region where there is a patch of heather plants. Heather remedy should be prepared only using the wild varieties and never those grown in any garden.


The flower essence remedy Heather is used to treat conditions wherein any individual has an augmented impulse to speak regarding him or her, and when this condition arises from the person's requirement for notice as well as support from others.

People who are said to belong to the Heather temperament are those who require companionship and some person with whom they can talk to. Nevertheless, the discussion is always one-sided, as people who find the flower essence remedy Heather beneficial generally do not pay attention to what others might have to articulate; they are also not especially interested in listening to others. They are more often than not obsessed with their individual troubles, their families and their lives. On the optimistic side, people belonging to the Heather temperament are extremely sociable and for no reason to stick for something to speak; but coming across a negative Heather nature is an fatiguing as well as stifling experience. Precisely speaking, the Heather type personalities actually talk at you, but never talk to you.

In case the Heather type individual is not keen on what you might have to say, nevertheless, there is yet another thing that he or she desires from you. In effect, Heather temperament is not able to deal with being alone and always require a companion or audience, and, hence, they wish you to be with them all the times and at any cost. And this case too, they do not consider your requirements. Occasionally, you may possibly have enough time to give them and none other serious commitments, but the Heather individual is simply would be on the verge of pinning you down in a busy supermarket, in the street, at the front door, at the surgery of the doctor, over the garden; or at some other instant when you have anything else you may have to deal with. In fact, the individual with Heather temperament will just not realize that you may possibly have something more important or worthwhile to do. And this is the reason behind people having a propensity to keep away from those belonging to the Heather type. The misfortune of the Heather type people is that they behave in such a manner that it results in the specific thing that they want to stay away from frantically - loneliness.

When any individual is undergoing the Heather state, his or her mind is extremely focusing on individual matters and gives enough significance to the sufferings and predicaments experienced by them. In such a state of the mind, they think that their personal worries are so vital that they need to share them with other people at any cost. In turn, they expect that the people with whom the Heather type individual shares their concerns would understand them and care for their problems too. In the Heather state, people generally have a selfish or self-seeking approach in life. At the same time, these people always assume that they are worthy of receiving sympathy as well as respect from others.

In the Heather state of the mind, people have an intense internal impulse to articulate through words. In effect, chattiness is a crucial trait of the people belonging to the Heather state of the mind. Internal pressure of being alone as well as worries related to them requires articulation, while the yearning for notice and compassion/ understanding from others requires being subdued.

If words by themselves do not result in the required consequences, the Heather personality also adopts additional behaviour to seek attention. For instance, they possibly will deliberately (factitious) or instinctively (somatoform) do a number of things to attract attention and sympathy of other people, for instance, they may pretend to be ill, endure hypochondriasis (too much concern regarding one's health) or exhibit different other appearances that may be categorized under somatoform and factitious disorders. In addition, there may also be centers of ever more verbal flow more or less on compulsively paranoid subjects.

Quite often, the reason behind the Heather state of the mind is genuine emotional requirement, together with the helplessness in coming across a suitable partner or way to articulate their inner distress. In the event of any wrong having been done to the person, otherwise if the individual has been destabilized in their sincere endeavours, he or she may experience a more intense requirement and inner pressure to come across people who would listen to their concerns compassionately and provide them with adequate support. When enduring the Heather state of the mind, an individual may yearn to find consideration of his or her inner most self. In such a condition, the sufferer requires to be connected with other people. In fact, one may be enduring the Heather state even when they have not turned extremely talkative; or may yet to develop the inner pressure to share their emotions as well as find a listener who understands. All these are sufficient symptoms that require prescribing the flower essence remedy Heather.

In comparison to instances of profound emotional adversity, the sensitively mild case of Heather comes to view, wherein chattiness over apparently insignificant particulars is prevailing. In this case, talking helps the sufferer/ patient to get attention, have a feeling of being someone special and also express self-pity. In situations where words by just themselves do not produce the desired results, the Heather personality easily falls back on deception and further calculating methods of articulating their requirements for notice, for instance, by pretending to be ill. However, the genuine fundamental sensitive challenge is not all that important to seek understanding or compassion for sufferings, but to open the outlook towards the requirements of other people as well as undermine obsession or concern with one's individual dealings. In fact, such as new feeling will load the inner seclusion further intensely compared to the ambiguous endeavour to forcibly get the attention and compassion of other people towards their individual self.

The flower essence remedy Heather is meant for people whose internal feelings of seclusion and aloneness are expressed in the form of an obsessive urge to talk regarding themselves to any as well as every person - even a totally unfamiliar person. Individuals undergoing an acute Heather state of the mind and requiring this Bach Flower Remedy seem to have all their contemplations completely concentrated on themselves and may make the unwary listeners to have a feeling as if they are not able to get away owing to the extremely forceful manner of their tête-à-tête. People belonging to the Heather type are actually themselves very poor listeners and unfortunately have the aptitude to shoo away people by means of the power of their personal needs. Therapy with Heather facilitates in providing relief from this state of the mind to enable the sufferers to be in further touch with the requirement to give as also be given.

The Heather state of the mind may also occur to animals, especially those that are worried regarding their companionship. Animals enduring this state are likely to persistently bark, whine or groan with a view to make sure that their owners are conscious regarding their being there. Such animals may also produce sounds or create noises when there is a visitor at home or become very keyed up when anyone comes to the house and may even present the visitor toys and other objects brought from different areas in the house. Additionally, animals in the Heather state might also employ different other means to draw attention of their owner or people visiting the house. If the animals belonging to the Heather nature are left by themselves, they will whimper continuously and wait and watch for several hours for their owner to return.

At times differentiating between the requirement of using Heather or Chicory may really become quite difficult, as an element of self-centeredness exists in patients belonging to both these states of the mind. However, in the case of Heather state, the patient is not arrogant or crafty, but these are two major traits in the Chicory type human or animal. The impetus in the Heather state of the mind is very naïve and clear, propelled just by the yearning for having a company or someone to whom the patient can talk to. In addition, for the Heather type animal, the basis of interest or notice is not all that imperative, as they are able to grab the notice of any unfussy or informal caller or also pass time with people who just clearly don't want the animal to be with them or there. In the instance of the Chicory state, the animals will have a preference only for people with whom they are close or intimate and would more often than not stalk off replete with anger and hurt self-respect provided they have been given a cold-shoulder.


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