Scleranthus (botanical name Scleranthus annuus L.) is an annually growing plant similar to the perennially growing knawel which is comparatively woodier. This species is found growing naturally near to the ground having several divided stems which take the shape of a matted cushion. Scleranthus produces small and prickly leaves that hold onto the stem in pairs. The plant bears bunches of green flowers at the terminals of the shoot. The flowers measure about 4 mm in diameter and do not have any petal. The sepals have five points and often they may be mistaken for petals. These sepals appear like a minute crown. The fruit of scleranthus is a dry nut that develops in the middle. If you are searching for scleranthus, it is likely that you will come across several similar plants and, especially, people may mistake some of the Pearlworts and Spurreys to be scleranthus. It may be noted that the species Procumbent pearlwort (botanical name Sagina Procumbens) will be found growing in places where scleranthus does not grow, for instance moist and shaded locales.
Scleranthus is in bloom during the period between the later part of May to September.
A Bach Flower Remedy, Scleranthus is prepared by employing the sun method. To prepare this remedy, you first need to locate a place where scleranthus grows profusely and then collect the flowering heads of the plants. Subsequently, float the freshly picked flowering heads on the surface of water kept in a bowl. In effect, while collecting the flowering heads, you may also pick some seeds of the plants to ensure that scleranthus may be helped by ensuring that they are securely returned to the earth when the remedy has been prepared.
Scleranthus is a Bach Flower Remedy that assists in restoring the attributes of equilibrium as well as determination in one's character. Individuals who require Scleranthus most are likely to be gripped by profound hesitancy when they are given an option between two items. In such conditions, these individuals will generally assess things and engage in 'hesitation' for a long period before they can arrive at a decision. From the emotional point of view, they may swing from one extreme position to another with ease and may even become weepy very quickly. In such circumstances, therapy with Scleranthus aids in reinstating an individual's internal point of balance by generating a more intense connection with the soul and the individual's personal inner course.
Scleranthus is an ideal remedy for people who are having problem to take a firm decision when they are given an option. Such people may find it difficult to take any significant decision, for instance, people whose life partner ought to be; or it may even be a comparatively trivial issue like deciding on the coat they need to purchase. People belonging to the Scleranthus type are bogged down by such dilemma every time. However, this Bach Flower Remedy is beneficial for any person who faces problem in taking a firm decision.
Scleranthus is a remedy that is also recommended for treating mood swings - happy at one moment and sad in the next moment, and it has also been found to be effective in other conditions wherein the balance of an individual is upset, for instance, in the case of motion sickness.
When any individual is enduring the Scleranthus state, his/ her mind is generally vacillating between two and, at times, even numerous choices and is not able to arrive at a agreeable decision that can be considered as correct and derived from inner confidence. While the mind of such people swing to and forth between two choices, he or she is likely to constantly reiterate the advantages and disadvantages of one choice and subsequently of the other option, making an effort to choose the best answer. In such situations, the individual actually makes a hesitant decision, drops one of the options available and adopts the other soon. It may be noted that in such circumstances, the mind of the Scleranthus is unable to remain steady, since the other choice reaffirms with tempting content and, hence, the thought of losing the option not selected gives rise to feelings of fear and lamentation. The hesitating choice is abandon once again and the individual's mind moves back and forth to the other side to replicate the entire process.
While such indecisiveness continues, the mind of the Scleranthus personality turns out to be further possessive, extremely stimulated with inner disagreements, infuriated and confused. At the same time, the fear of probably making the incorrect preference further stupefies the internal core of determination. In such a state, the mind is prevailed over by inner indecision, lack of instinctive direction as well as the perplexity inundating the mind with conflicting information. As a result, the mind of the Scleranthus personality is not able to increase awareness to an elevated viewpoint from where a quiet impression may be realized and a sound decision can be made. Still, while the mind is struggling with the choices present before it, the individual enduring the Scleranthus state is generally resolute to resolve the problem on his own, without taking help from other people, because such decisions are usually very personal and of importance. The individual is conscious regarding the significance of his/ her personal internal center of connotation, intelligibility as well as intention that requires hearing in order to convey the precise confidence as well as direction to his/ her mind.
The Bach Flower Remedy, Scleranthus is also indicated for people who are excessively stimulated by particulars and precautions, since such people are torn to and fro between assortments of demands and are extremely stressed out to find some peace of mind. In addition, this natural medication is beneficial for people who are not able to take a firm decision on any specific occupation or type of recreation, like in child's play; since they shift from one option to the following devoid of taking utmost pleasure in any of the choices. In fact, Scleranthus is not only indicated for people suffering from the lack of ability to make decisions, but it is also effective in curing the mental states, such as confusion, overstimulation, helplessness in quietening the mind in reaction to feelings, and absence of control to arrive at a thoughtful or introspective condition.
Additionally, Scleranthus is also employed in curing bipolar disorders, like in manic-depressive conditions; in dissociative personality disorders, for instance, multiple personality disorder, as well as conversion disorder, which is also known as hysterical neurosis of the conversion kind, when the symptoms of the patient waver between two limits.
Individuals who are enduring the Scleranthus state of mind generally experience mood swings, wavering emotions and unpredictability. Since the mind chops and changes, the emotions too swing easily from one limit to another. At one moment, the Scleranthus personality may be found tearful, in the subsequent moment he/ he may be bursting with laughter. Then again, such individuals may be full of encouragement and enthusiasm regarding any particular proposal, but all of a sudden show disinterest in the same idea. Unpredictability may often be severe and frustrate people who may be trying to help individuals in Scleranthus state to adjust themselves to an assortment of altering demands or desires.
When one is in Scleranthus state, he or she is very easily impressed emotionally and mentally and becomes melodramatic. At the same time, the internal core of steadiness is not strengthened, and the influential power, and in a number of instances, there is an absence of determination.
It may be noted that the emotional condition of individuals who are engaged in process of making important decisions is a frightening one when one thinks of the possibility of making an incorrect decision, of being weighed down, of having a feeling of inadequacy and there is a likelihood of having a growing feeling of desolation and uselessness. In fact, even when an individual has decided on something, he or she may feel anxious and feeble inside, thinking of a likely untoward incident, deeming that things may not be quite appropriate and yet finding an absence of inner confidence and peace.
Scleranthus personality may also be present in animals and when in this state, animals may display an inconsistent character. Scleranthus state is especially seen in cats that usually take an unusually long time in moving from one cushion to another prior to eventually settling on which cushion would be most comfortable for them to settle down and slumbering on. This state may also be observed in dogs that demand for going for a walk and then all of a sudden change their mind when you step outside.
Like humans, animals in Scleranthus state can be extremely impulsive and capricious. In case you are occupied in show jumping, you can never be very certain as to if a Scleranthus horse would peruse a specific jump easily or will straightaway refuse to do so. Like in the instance of humans in Scleranthus state of mind, even Scleranthus animals are likely to endure mood swings and be dejected travelers.