It is generally very easy to identify sweet chestnut (botanical name Castanea sativa). Trees of this species grow to a maximum height of approximately 30 meters or even more. Although it is not the tallest among trees, sweet chestnut trees have immense standing. The bark of this tree is typically burrowed, while the leaves are long and pointed measuring about 15 cm to 25 cm in length. The leaves have a deep green hue with glossy and roughly jagged margins. Sweet chestnut trees are familiar for their edible nuts, which are produced enclosed in a thorny shell during autumn. The nuts originate from the female flowers of the tree, which are not noticeable in comparison to the outward attractive wings of the male catkins or apetalous flowers with flaky bracts. The male flowers are about 20 cm to 25 cm in length having bunches of about 50 or even more fragile stamens having a creamy-gold hue. On the other hand, the female flowers of sweet chestnut are green in color and appear at beneath the male stalk or individually in the flowering shoot's axil. The female flowers are shaped in the form of a cup made up of four bracts having a separated chamber for seed as well as a bunched style.
Generally, sweet chestnut trees are in bloom in July, after midsummer.
The natural remedy Sweet Chestnut is prepared employing the boiling process. The flower heads, which are used to prepare this medication, are collected when the trees are in full bloom - at the time when the male flowers have a creamy yellow hue. It may be noted that the male as well as the female flowers of sweet chestnut together with some leaves that may accompany the flowering tops, are used to prepare the remedy Sweet Chestnut. It is advisable to collect as many flowers from several different trees for preparing the remedy. However, the fact is that only a fraction of this that fits in a saucepan would be used to prepare the medication.
The Sweet Chestnut remedy is particularly effective in curing the mental states of worthlessness as well as agony that is further than what can be tolerated.
In other words, this Bach Flower remedy is meant for those who have already reached a point that is virtually the end of tolerance. Such individuals have already endured more than that can be normally tolerated and have experimented with all types of methods available to them to alleviate their problem, but still have a feeling that they are on the verge of breaking point and do not find any way to solve their miseries.
The contribution of Sweet Chestnut is the aptitude of the medication to reinstate our relationship with the light of and feel affection for our soul. People who are enduring the severe Sweet Chestnut state and need this Bach Flower Remedy have a feeling that they have already reached a point which they consider the end of their capacity to tolerate their agony. In such an acute mental state, the patients are in total anguish and/ or despondency. In effect, it is a condition of despair wherein the sufferers have a feeling that they are cut off from the remaining mankind. Precisely speaking, the opposition of the Sweet Chestnut personality to initiate the necessary internal changes for moving to the subsequent plane of awareness is responsible for this kind of a 'back to the wall' sentiment of these individuals. Hence, it is possible that this uncomfortable condition may at times go before any major progress forward. As aforementioned, therapy with Sweet Chestnut remedy facilitates in restoring the light and happiness to life, breaking up the gloomy darkness.
When people are enduing the Sweet Chestnut state of the mind, their mind is extended to its extreme limits and it appears that such individuals are no longer able to tolerate any more agony. The anguish gets to the deepest inner self of the sufferer, giving rise to hollowness, pessimism, inconstancy as well as desolation. Unable to depend on belief and also not finding any meaning in their sufferings, the Sweet Chestnut personality endures such an acute state of mind that is accompanied by a deepened consequence. In such instances, the internal reserves of the sufferer's soul seem to have been exhausted.
Sweet Chestnut is very effective in treating conditions wherein an individual may be enduring any type of acute existential predicament or religious hopelessness accompanied by faithlessness, on some unpleasant and melancholic obsession accompanied by death summons. A number of people require this remedy when their loved one has died, since they fail to comprehend where the dead has gone. In effect, they are unable to accept nonexistence or emptiness where once there was life.
It may be noted that an acute as well as drawn out physical suffering is likely to weaken the internal strength and result in a Sweet Chestnut state of the mind. Some patients may experience suicidal wish owing to this anguish, in addition to additional acute suffering that have resulted in doubts regarding their existence as well as desolation. Such suicidal wish in Sweet Chestnut personality may be described as the eventual desire get away from such an intolerable condition.
Sweet Chestnut may also be indicated for treating people who are free from severe agony, but are nevertheless suffering from the absence of ambitions as well as significant purpose to the extent of pessimism as well as a negative attitude towards the values of one's life.
The exhausted inner self of the Sweet Chestnut personality is somewhat devoid of any emotional life, but the suffering individual has a feeling as if he or she is in a log jam situation, or like in the darkness. The sufferer usually has to bear the burden of hopelessness and depression which does not leave any space for the operation of the forces of emotional happiness and healing. And this is the basic reason why death may appear to be the sole outlet or the only path to escape despair and a desolate situation.
When the Sweet Chestnut state is not so severe or while atheism, pessimism as well as absence of optimistic ambitions weakens the soul, the passionate life of the sufferers is also weighed down. In such cases, the Sweet Chestnut personality is unlikely to experience emotional feelings like love and devotion, allegiance to superior values as well as thankfulness regarding the phenomenon of creation adequately. On several occasions, the sufferer has made a deliberate resolution never to revere or pray to God in faith, never to accept that the soul exists after death to be a truth and also never to endeavour for service and humankind. Repudiation of such important values interrupts with the soul's channels that are significant for happiness as well as hinders the merger with the life's healthy or natural forces, in the individual's social circumstance as well as within his/ her inner self. In effect, such people may endure a feeling of futility regarding life and this is likely to result in negligence of approach, whilst deep within desolation finds ground for development. In such cases, the Sweet Chestnut remedy facilitates in reigniting the internal light, elevates the possibilities for the understanding of conviction as well as a fresh implication in life. In addition, this Bach Flower remedy also helps to ease the mental conditions of intense anguish.
In the instance of animals that belong to the Sweet Chestnut type, it may not be very clear to understand the condition of their mind. However, Sweet Chestnut is one remedy that ought to be taken into account for the animals that have been enduring intense agony and seem to be immensely depressed as well as tormented owing to this. In effect, this is likely to occur owing to grief, for instance, the dog yearning for a master who has died would be an appropriate case for administering Sweet Chestnut.