Horse chestnut (botanical name Aesculus Hippocastanum) is one tree that grows to a maximum height of about 30 meters. This species grows very rapidly and in all probability does not survive more than 150 years. The trunk of horse chestnut is sturdy and straight having several spreading branches giving the tree a rounded shape. As cattle consume the white chestnut leaves that are in the range of their head, the tree usually has a horizontal base. The bark of the tree is flaked and breaks into coarse squares. The leaves are split into a number of parts having about five to seven large leaflets. The tree has flowering spikes that bear flowers on short stalks that are mostly white in color, having yellowish centers that change into red following pollination. The buds are sticky as well as the brown hued conkers of the plant are very familiar. It may be noted that an Indian variety of horse chestnut (botanical name Aesculus indica) also exists and this tree bears flowers similar to the main horse chestnut tree, but the leaves of this species are more pointed, while its bark is smooth grey.
White chestnut blooms during the period between May and June.
The White Chestnut remedy is prepared by a process known as the sun method. To prepare this natural medication, you need to pick the flowers individually that have opened newly from many different trees and float them on the surface of water.
The White Chestnut Bach Flower remedy is particularly effective in curing the conditions of anxiety or obsession as well as extreme anxiousness.
This natural medication is effective at any time when the mind fails to rid itself of insistent anxious thoughts. Such thoughts are those that whirl in the mind, plaguing as well as annoying so much that regardless of how attractive the other actions may be, the mind will always just be momentarily preoccupied and at the very first opportunity, all the time return to the subject that is the cause of all worries. This condition of the mind may lead to sleeplessness, restiveness or even an perceptible absence of interest in whatever might be occurring around the patient.
Treatment with White Chestnut provides calm, peace of mind that is dissipated by means of needless thoughts. Individuals requiring White Chestnut therapy endure a continuously tiring or preoccupied mind wherein there is no respite from spinning thinking that flow in a circular manner, something akin to a hamster on a wheel. Such people frequently endure occurrence of persistent inner mental squabbles as well as conversations - everything that in effect disconnect them from the existing moment and at times, can even make it troublesome for them to sleep. In such cases, White Chestnut therapy ushers in peace and transparency of thinking.
The mind of the patients who are enduring the White Chestnut state is lost in the thought with troublesome, recurring thoughts that are not possible to discard as well as disturb mental tranquility and transparency. Generally, such thoughts revolve around unanswered and profoundly disturbing content that dodges solution. In spite of this, such thoughts hang on the mind unremittingly. In fact, no individual can stop bothering about such things that agonize even in case one wants to, and the psychological torment persists, ignited by nervousness, vulnerability and also miseries. The existing instant loses the strength to intrigue the mind satisfactorily enough to break off this prototype. In effect, people in the White Chestnut state are trapped in him/ her and are unfocused from engaging in the naturalness of life.
The curative action of White Chestnut involves helping the patient to rid him/ her of obsessions, manias, incessant thinking patterns or continuous hallucinations as well as unceasing introspection. In a number of these conditions, the mind of the patient has taken refuge to mechanical thinking circles or loops as well as recurring obsessive contemplations.
Patients enduring White Chestnut state experiences nervousness, aggravation, frustration as well as overtiredness in addition to the emotional influence of troublesome content itself since they are unable to get rid of unsettling worries. In such cases, the patient may become agitated and frantically obsessed onto upsetting content matter that is farther than any one's power to resolve, in any case for the current instant. The patient also faces difficulty in liberating in belief and conviction, resigning him/ her to the instantaneous tasks, while permitting for tranquillity as well as transparency to return. White Chestnut therapy helps the sufferer overcome these problems and reinstates his/ her normal life.
The individual is aware that his/ her pleasure as well as impulsive dedication to the current moment is deficient and, hence, they crave for harmony, for liberty from cares as well as for enthusiastic concentration on others. Although one who is in the White Chestnut state is likely to find him/ her inattentive as well as withdrawn while others endeavouring to communicate with them. They are actually unfocussed, with most of their concentration being turned towards their innermost self. This may result in the development of disenchantment and infuriation in other people and they are likely to leave the vexed individual in a lamenting or self-admonishing state.
White Chestnut is a Bach Flower Remedy that is employed to provide clarity as well as internal harmony, lessen mental intensity. In addition, this remedy is also given to alleviate miserable and worrying contemplation with a view to liberate the mind.
When animals endure the White Chestnut state, they also experience a similar mental condition. It is likely that the animal in White Chestnut state will get rid of its emotional state by means of its body language or by moaning, crying or whinnying. In addition, such an animal may also turn out to be extremely agitated or active. While the behaviour of the animal may hint at using other medications too, it is advisable that you consider White Chestnut in the form of a helper medication to cure animals that appear to be restive and troubled.