
The plant based bio-molecules called bioflavonoids are at times referred to as vitamin P, even though they are not true vitamins in the strict sense. When consumed, bioflavonoids help the body by boosting the rate of absorption of the vitamin C from food, this is the reason that bioflavonoids are best taken together with supplements of the vitamin C. Bioflavonoids come in a variety of different types, these include the compounds known as hesperetin and hesperidin in citruses, the compound called eriodictyol, the compound quercetin, as well as the compound quercetrin, and rutin. Bioflavonoids are not produced naturally inside the human body, and must be taken in the diet by consuming plant based foods or through the use of supplements.

Supplements of the bioflavonoids have gained favor in recent years and are extensively employed in treating all kinds of athletics related injuries. The compounds help bring relief from pain, and alleviate bumps, and bruises on the body of the injured athlete. These compounds also help diminish the pain located in the legs or the pain across the muscles of the back, and help lessen the physical symptoms that come with prolonged bleeding as well as a low serum calcium count. The helpful nature of the bioflavonoids extends to their ability to strengthen the structure of the capillaries as they act synergistically with vitamin C to protect and preserve the structure of capillaries - vitamin C is important for the synthesis of collagen, a major structural protein used in all tissues. The bioflavonoids additional possess a potent bactericidal effect and promote the circulation of blood, they stimulate the production of bile in the body, while helping lower the cholesterol levels, they also help in treating and preventing the formation of cataracts in the eye of susceptible individuals. When bioflavonoids are used in a combination with the vitamin C, they also help alleviate the symptoms of oral herpes in people affected by the disease.

A bioflavonoid called quercetin, normally found in the blue-green algae, may effectively help treat and prevent the symptoms of asthma - this product is sold as a supplement in many stores nowadays as an anti-asthmatic. The best source of quercetin is the activated quercetin from Source Naturals. This product contains two other chemical ingredients that increase the efficiency of the compound: bromelain, which is an enzyme sourced from the pineapple fruit, and a dose of the vitamin C, in the form of the non-acidic compound magnesium ascorbate - these two compounds boost the efficiency of the quercetin in the remedy. The added enzyme component bromelain and the quercetin are synergists, and when taken together, the absorption rate is increased.

Bioflavonoids are found in the white material that lies beneath the peel of all citrus fruits, it is also abundant in peppers, in buckwheat, and in black currants. Good sources of bioflavonoids also include fruits like the apricots and cherries, as well as grapefruit, they are also found in grapes, in lemons, in oranges, and in prunes. Some herbs also have a good content of the major bioflavonoids, these include the chervil herb, the elderberries and the hawthorn berries, as well as the horsetail, the rose hips, and the shepherd's purse herbs.

When bioflavonoid supplements are taken at extremely high doses, they may cause diarrhea and high doses of the supplemental form must therefore be avoided.

The main role of the bioflavonoids that are found abundantly in so many fruits and vegetables is that they assist the vitamin C in its functioning, as they are essential for the proper absorption of the vitamin C, especially helping the vitamin in the maintaining the connective tissue in the skin and the body. Bioflavonoids are potent antioxidant compounds, thus helpful in protecting the cells of the body from the action of free radicals along with the vitamin C; they essentially mediate the oxidation reaction and act as free radical scavengers in the body. Bioflavonoids help increase the strength and durability of the capillaries and also actively regulate their permeability to different molecules; this essentially prevents the capillaries from rupturing and provides protection against the risk of infection setting in. Bioflavonoids can also be found in common foods including raw onions, as well as in red wine, in green and black teas, in fruits such as apples, they are abundant in soy and in seasonal fruits such as bilberries or blueberries, beside other sources.


Some of the activities that bioflavonoids are involved in the human body include the following.

The anti-oxidant actions or scavenging free radicals produced in metabolic pathways. They also help strengthen the walls of major and minor blood vessels acting alongside vitamin C. They also inhibit the oxidation of the LDL or low density lipoproteins called "bad cholesterol" and thus boost cardiac health. They effectively reduce the rate of platelet aggregation in the circulating blood. They help promote a healthy rate of cellular growth and maintain cell level health.

The other classes of bio-molecules called carotenoids including the compound called lycopene have the following effects:

Antioxidant actions and the scavenging of free radicals produced by metabolic interactions. They help reduce the lipid peroxidation rate. They tend to boost the number of B- and T-lymphocytes in the blood, while also substantially raising T-helper cells and natural killer cell populations in the blood. They increase the rate of cell communication through "gap junctions" in the cells.

The classes of bio-molecules called carotenoids are abundant in all brightly colored fruits and vegetables including common vegetables like carrots and yams, as well as sweet potatoes, in spinach, broccoli and kale, as well as in mustard, in chard, oranges, and in red tomatoes.


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