Since time immemorial, man has been trying practically everything found on the earth to cure different ailments with the hope that these weird substances would work wonders.
Unbelievable it may seem, but there have been several stories involving people executing uncanny materials including peacock excreta to moss grown on dead man's skull to alleviate their physical and mental problems.
The fact is that man has always been exceptionally industrious in probing the most unusual substances expecting to derive therapeutic benefits from them.
Exploiting pollens for curative measures is one of the newest medications becoming popular worldwide.
While derivatives from pollens have long been used to identify as well as offer protection against various allergies, of late, pollens are being recommended as a remedy for a wide range of disorders and are widely available in the drug stores as tablets, extracts, capsules and in a number of other forms.
Simply speaking, pollens basically comprise microspores or the male reproductive constituents of fruit-bearing plants and trees.
Most of the pollen products available in the market often label them as bee pollens signifying that the products are a combination of pollens collected by honey bees from various plants.
In recent times, many manufacturers have created net-like pollen meshes that help in collecting some of the pollens sticking on the hind legs of the honey bees while they are about to go into the hives.
However, it is difficult to prove whether the pollen products sold in the markets have really been collected by honey bees. Hence, it is always preferable to describe the marketed pollen products just as pollens and not bee pollens.
There are several aficionados who believe that the pollens have various curative properties.
According to them, pollens collected from the plants are immensely useful in offering relief or remedy for problems like early aging, physical feebleness, cerebral hemorrhage, weight loss, anemia, colitis, enteritis and even constipation.
Pollens and products containing their extracts are also believed to possess stimulant properties that help in developing a healthy body as well as cheerfulness and confidence.
Clinical researches conducted in Japan and Sweden also suggest that medications with pollens may help in curing persistent prostatism.
On the other hand, a research conducted in Australia has claimed that pollens have therapeutic properties to treat emission or radiation conditions in patients who are suffering from the cancer of the cervix.
Scientists all over the world have carried extensive researches to identify the chemical ingredients present in the pollens.
These researches have established that there is a great difference in the quantity of the different chemical elements present in the pollens of different plants.
However, at the same time, there are some common similarities of the pollen components in different plants. For instance, polysaccharides found in pollens are basically starch and form the cell wall of the pollens.
They generally comprise 50 per cent of archetypal pollen. Similarly, carbohydrates or simple sugars that are low molecular weight comprise four to ten per cent of pollen's total composition.
On the other hand, the intensity of lipids - fats, oils and waxes - in pollens vary greatly from one plant to another and it may range between one per cent and 20 per cent!
Concentration of proteins in pollens ranges from 5.9 per cent to 28.3 per cent, but of this only 0.5 per cent to 1.0 per cent of the overall proteins have allergenic properties.
Pollens also contain about six per cent of amino acids, while some pollen comprises a very high percentage of vitamin C - ranging from 3.6 per cent to 5.9 per cent.
The other elements of pollens comprise around 0.2 per cent of carotenoid and flavonoid dyes in addition to small proportions of terpenes and sterols.
Interestingly, contrary to the claims and beliefs of the aficionados of this method of medication, there is no substantial evidence that any of these pollen constituents have any therapeutic properties.
The above statement notwithstanding, since ages experts have always considered bee pollen to be nature's wonderful gift to mankind.
This is owing to the fact that the bee pollens constitute all valuable elements that are necessary for holistic wellness. They are not only rich in vitamins, but also comprise roughly all important elements including minerals, enzymes and amino acids.
The reason behind this is not difficult to find. The pollens collected by the honey bees from various plants contain all their fundamental nature. Additionally, pollens collected by the bees contain the digestive enzymes from these winged insects.
Many are of the opinion that bee pollen medication revitalizes the body, fuels the various organs and glands, aids in increasing vigor and also enhances the life span of a person.
In fact, many famous athletes who are keen to augment their performance regularly subscribe to the bee pollen medication with the belief that it results in increased vitality and enhanced vigor.
It has been found to be popular among many other world class sportspersons too.
Several studies have shown that bee pollen medication can prove to be an effective dietary increment as it helps to put together the disease-resistant arrangement and endow with vigor for the complete body.
Analysis of bee pollen has shown that it comprises 55 carbohydrates, 35 proteins, three minerals, two fatty acids and a number of vitamins.
It is extremely loaded with B-complex, vitamins A, C, D and E. In addition, pollen bee comprises lecithin and seleniumbeta-carotene.
Many specialists consider bee pollen to be an excellent source of antioxidants owing to its varied as well as rich composition of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids.
Researches as well as clinical tests conducted on bee pollens at different times and places have proved that it has a crucial role in inoculating the body, increasing vigor and perhaps thwart the consequences of emissions and specific contaminants that are detrimental for the body.
These studies have confirmed that bee pollens are helpful in getting rid of contaminants or toxins, other venomous substances from the body, thereby building a strong resistant system.
It is a well-known fact that chemical contaminants are the most injurious materials for our immune system. And, according to many, bee pollens soak up into our blood stream very quickly and motivate immunological reactions.
All said and done, despite the numerous implied advantages of the bee pollen medication, there is little evidence to substantiate that this therapy is effectual in curing many health disorders.
Even the clinical researches conducted on bee pollen do not support most of the claims by the enthusiasts advocating the practice of this medication.
However, tests conducted on animals do suggest that bee pollens may be effective in protecting them from the harms caused by radiations. They may also have some immunization effects that are beneficial for pregnant women.
Usually pollens can be found in almost all naturally growing (non-cultivated) fruit-bearing plants and trees.
Commercial collection of pollens is done in two ways - either they are collected from the bees when they are about to get into their hives and are known as bee pollens, or they may be collected straight away by reaping with the pollens with the help of machines from the flowers.
Despite several researches on the subject, it is yet to be ascertained which flowers produce the maximum pollens. However, timothy grass, corn, rye and pine are among some of the common plants and trees from which pollens are collected commercially.
Despite researches and clinical tests, it is yet to be ascertained what amount of bee pollen is most favourable for intake. However, some physicians who practice natural medicine suggest that it is best to consume 500 mg of bee pollen products twice or thrice daily.
Normally intake of bee pollens does not have any significant unfavourable effects. However, there have been instances when people have reported about reactions, some of them quite grim, following ingestion of pollens or pollen extract products.
There are also many people who have allergic problems after inhaling pollens.
All teenage girls will find this herbal preparation to be a delectable and nourishing item in their breakfast. Moreover, this blend can be prepared in just a few minutes. It is useful for supplying additional nutriments, including vitamins, proteins, calcium and other essential minerals.