The liver is a very important organ found in vertebrates as well as a few other animals. The liver performs a variety of functions, counting synthesizing proteins, undertaking detoxification as well as producing biochemicals essential for digestion. The liver is indispensible for our very existence and, as of now, there is nothing that can be done on a long-term basis to make up for the non-existence of the liver functioning. However, for short-term purpose one can make use of the latest techniques regarding liver dialysis.
As far as metabolism is concerned, the liver has a vital role. It also has several other functions in our body, counting synthesis of plasma protein, storing glycogen, decomposition of erythrocytes (red blood cells), and production of hormones as well as detoxification. The liver is located just under the diaphragm inside the abdominal-pelvic area of the stomach and it makes bile - an alkaline substance that helps in digesting ingested foods by means of forming an emulsion of lipids. The liver has extremely dedicated tissues that control an assortment of biochemical reactions in high volumes, counting the synthesis as well as breakdown of tiny and intricate molecules, several of which are essential for the usual, but crucial functioning of the body.
Massaging the liver helps in cleansing this vital organ. In order to massage your liver you need to lie horizontally on your back and massage the area of the liver gently in circular clockwise motions. In case the pain continues and if you experience any distinct tenderness in the area, it is advisable that you check with a competent massage/ healthcare professional.
Flushing or rinsing the liver encourages the removal of accumulated waste products and toxic substances from the body, augments flow of bile as well as enhances the functioning of the liver.
Prepare an effective liver flush by blending freshly squeezed grapefruit, orange and lime or lemon juices to make one cup (250 ml) of the liquid. This blended liquid should have a sour taste. Add a couple of fresh garlic cloves and a little amount of freshly obtained ginger juice to the liquid. (Ginger juice can be obtained by shredding the herb using a vegetable grater and then compressing the fibers using a garlic press). Blend one tablespoon of olive oil to this herbal mixture and drink it.
You can also prepare an herbal tea following the liver flush. The ingredients required for this tea include one portion fenugreek, one portion fennel, one portion flax and 1/4 portion licorice and burdock each. Mix these herbs and take one ounce of it to add to a container with 20 ounces of water. Seethe the mixture for about 20 minutes and, subsequently, add one portion peppermint. Simmer it again for another 10 minutes.
To make the tea more soothing you may add half portion cut and grated marshmallow root to the herbal blend that you prepared initially.
A coffee enema is considered to be among the most excellent liver cleansers. In fact, for several years, folk literatures had listed coffee enemas as a means to facilitate the body to eliminate accumulated waste materials and toxic substances. Till 1977, coffee enemas were also catalogued in the Merck Manual and were actually removed from the list for want of space. When the central focal point of medicine shifted on pharmaceuticals during the 1920s, use of coffee enemas became rare. Nevertheless, during the past decade or 15 years, people have once again recognized the value of coffee enemas.
A coffee enema is actually a diluted enema that remains inside the sigmoid colon, the curve in the form of an S between the last portion of the large intestine and the rectum. There is a unique circulatory system in the region between the liver and the sigmoid colon - known as the enterohepatic circulation system. After the stool enters the sigmoid colon, it contains large amounts of toxins and decomposed substances. Instead of circulating these toxic substances all over the body again, they are directly propelled into the liver with the purpose of decontamination.
Coffee contains large amounts of caffeine, which forms the active element of a coffee enema. Administered through the rectum, a coffee enema is useful for detoxifying the liver as well as emulsifying fats. Although coffee enemas also help to cleanse the intestines, they are mainly administered to detoxify the liver and the gallbladder.
Coffee enemas offer several benefits and some of them are discussed here.
When a coffee enema is administered through the rectum it enhances the intestines' peristaltic action, while accelerating the evacuation of bowel. In addition, a coffee enema also empties the accumulated toxins in the bile ducts, letting other toxic substances in our body to permeate into the liver with the purpose of decontamination. It also accelerates the speed at which the ducts of the liver empty the accumulated detoxified substances, thereby accelerating the process of detoxification too. Another benefit of using a coffee enema is facilitating the elimination of gallstones from the bile.
Coffee enemas also promote manufacture of an enzyme called glutathione-S-transferase, which ensures the functioning of pathways for liver detoxification. It also disintegrates the fat accumulated within the liver cells, while clearing overloads of chemicals as well as facilitating chemical reactions. A coffee enema also facilitates the body to deal with chemotherapy as well as the adverse effects of toxic excesses due to devastation of cells.
However, coffee enemas do not rinse out electrolytes and minerals from the body. This is primarily owing to the fact that these essential nutriments are taken up by the body much ahead in the bowel, much before the remains of the ingested foods arrive at the sigmoid colon.
Unsulfured molasses are added to coffee enemas with a view to help retention as well as augment the effectiveness of the detoxification process.
To prepare the coffee enema, boil one quart of water in a glass or stainless-steel container. Add two flat tablespoons of coffee to the boiling water and continue to boil it for another five minutes. Subsequently, put off the stove and allow the container to remain on the burner. Next, add one tablespoon of sulfur-free molasses to the mixture and let it cool to warm temperature, which is relaxing when touched. Here is a word of caution: do not ever use the coffee mixture when it is boiling or steaming.
Filter the liquid and transfer roughly half of the mixture into a measuring cup. Be cautious and ensure that the coffee grounds do not get into the measuring cup. Place the enema bag in a sink and remove the clamp from the tube.
Fill the enema bag with the coffee mixture and subsequently let the clamp go sufficiently long to let the liquid to flow till the end of the enema tube. Hang the bag at a height of anything between 24 inches and 30 inches above the ground. For instance, a door knob will make an excellent hanger. However, be careful not to hang it above 30 inches, because this will cause the fluid to flow as far as into the intestine. In order to avoid any staining, place old towels over the space on which you will be lying.
There are two phases of using a coffee enema.
Lie on the floor, covered with old towels to avoid staining, and place the catheter or nozzle inside the rectum gently. In case you require lubrication, you should use vegetable oil marked as food-grade, vitamin E or K-Y jelly, and nothing else. Never use Vaseline or any other product containing petroleum jelly, as they themselves are toxic. Release the tube clamp and allow the coffee fusion to slowly flow inside. Clamp off the tube immediately when you have a feeling of fullness.
Provided it is possible, allow the enema to remain for about 10 minutes. However, in case you start feeling uncomfortable, let the enema flow out. Never force yourself to retain the enema.
Subsequently, put the clamp of the tube on and take the catheter or nozzle away. Go to the toilet and empty the bowel.
Once you have emptied your bowel, continue this process again using the other half of the coffee enema. In case you are unable to hold the amount together at once, use the enema in smaller amounts three or four times. After the bile duct of the gallbladder is emptied, you will have a squirting feeling just below the ribcage on the right side or in that area. When you experience this do not administer any further enema on that particular day.
In case you have not heard or experienced the gallbladder releasing its bile even after administering the enemas every day for a week you need to do a few things. First, you may boost the potency of the coffee mixture by adding one teaspoon of coffee for each quart of water every time, but not using more than two tablespoons of coffee in one cup of the mixture. Second, you may take somewhat more amount of the enema each time. Third, try using three coffee enemas, each enema comprising two cups of the mixture or a little less.
Provided you are finding it difficult to endure administration of a coffee enema, you may even use it without unsulfured molasses. Nevertheless, it is most likely that when you have taken the enema for a number of weeks, you will be able to tolerate the coffee mixture with unsulfured molasses.
In effect, majority of the people using coffee enemas do not feel restless or agitated. However, if you have such feelings, you experience palpitations or have random heartbeats following the administration of a coffee enema, you should decrease the amount of coffee used in the mixture by half for some days. Although the levels of caffeine in the bloodstream were tested in individuals complaining that they felt restless or hyper following the administration of a coffee enema, the blood of such people did not contain any caffeine.
You may use coffee enemas very frequently, depending on when you require it. Normally, coffee enemas are used roughly thrice every week with the objective of cleansing. However, if your load of toxic substances is quite high, you may need to use it every day.
Other than the different liver cleansing means discussed above, you can also use castor oil packs to rinse out the liver. These packs are very useful for purifying the liver. In addition, there are many commercially manufactured products that support as well as cleanse the liver.