
Eugenol is a chemical compound present in several plant species and it is responsible for the flavour of cloves. Hence, the scientific name of eugenol has been derived from the botanical name for clove, which is Eugenia caryophyllata. In fact, eugenol is an important constituent of the essential oil obtained from cloves. It comprises anything between 72% and 90% of the entire clove oil.

Eugenol is basically a transparent or light yellow oily fluid. Aside from cloves, this chemical compound can also be extracted from cinnamon as well as various other aromatic plant species. This chemical compound is somewhat water soluble, while it completely dissolves in organic solvents.

While eugenol is present in a number of plants, including cinnamon, basil, nutmeg and lemon balm, this compound is mainly hauled out from the clove plants. After it is extracted, eugenol looks like a clear light yellow liquid having a potent aroma of cloves. Eugenol possesses therapeutic properties and is used for several purposes, including making medications, perfumes as well as cigarettes with clove flavour. While eugenol is generally believed to be safe for use by almost everyone, it may also prove to be detrimental for people if they use this chemical compound in excessive doses.

In therapy, eugenol is employed in the form of an antiseptic as well as an anesthetic. This compound is believed to alleviate pain when you apply it topically to the skin or any other body area that has sustained injuries. Some men even apply eugenol to their genital areas with a view to put off premature ejaculation. Eugenol is also used in dentistry, when the compound is employed during restorative procedures and also rubbed on the gums with a view to make them numb prior to inserting dentures.

Generally, eugenol is also used in the form of an additive in certain type of cigarettes, which are known as clove cigarettes. In addition, eugenol is also employed to draw insects like bees for the purpose of researches. A section of people finds eugenol useful because this chemical compound possesses the aptitude to take up the harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays.

Notwithstanding the various uses of eugenol, this chemical compound may sometimes prove to be dangerous for our health, especially if anyone takes it in excessive or beyond the recommended dosages. It has been observed that in a number of instances, using eugenol internally may even damage the liver. In a number of other instances, use of this compound may even result in nausea, convulsions, dizziness as well as rapid heartbeat. Findings of a number of studies have hinted that eugenol may possibly be toxic for the immune system. On the other hand, several people are of the view that use of this compound may result in the mutation of the DNA in the body often causing cancer. Generally, eugenol is considered to be safest when it is taken together with food. However, scientists do not think that the use of eugenol is harmless for children. They are also of the view that this substance should never be recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers.

When an individual undergoes surgery, it is commonly recommended that the person should stop using eugenol for no less than two weeks prior to the operation. It is generally believed that using eugenol inhibits the blood clotting mechanism in our body. Consequently, it may enhance certain risks like excessive and dangerous levels of hemorrhage from the site of the surgery. This is the main reason why it is recommended that people suffering from unusual blood clotting or any other bleeding problems should never use eugenol internally.

Despite the fact that many physicians and dentists prescribe eugenol, this compound is also available in many drug stores without prescriptions. Alternately, you may also purchase it from online stores. In case you are purchasing eugenol from any online store, you should essentially ensure that you are getting the substance from a reputed and dependable source. Moreover, before you start using eugenol, you also need to consult a physician or your health care provider to make sure that the substance is suitable for you.

Apart from its therapeutic uses, eugenol is also employed in flavourings, perfumeries as well as essential oils. In addition, it is used in the form of a local anesthetic as well as antiseptic. In addition, you can blend eugenol with zinc oxide to form a substance that is called zinc oxide eugenol. In dentistry, this blended substance possesses restorative as well as prosthodontic applications. For instance, zinc oxide eugenol is generally employed for sealing root canal.

Scientists have made many attempts to develop eugenol derivatives in the form of intravenous anesthetics, for use as a substitute to propanidid, which is known to produce undesirable side effects in the region of the injection site in several patients. In fact, it has been found that eugenol can also be employed to diminish the existence of Lactobacillus sakei and Listeria monocytogenes in our foods.

Moreover, eugenol is also commonly employed in the manufacture of antioxidants and stabilizers for rubbers and plastics.

It has been established that along with several other compounds, eugenol is also effective in attracting males of several orchid bee species, which seems to collect this chemical to manufacture pheromones. Generally, eugenol is employed in the form of a bait to draw as well as collect these bee species for research purposes. Aside from this, eugenol also draws female cucumber beetles and recently it has been found the eugenol as well as isoeugenol, which is basically volatile scent chemical compound, are activated by a solitary enzyme type in Gymnadenia species.

The popularity of clove oil in the form of an anesthetic is growing increasingly, especially for employing in fish aquarium and also on wild fish when they are sampled for studies and also management purpose. When eugenol is available readily, this compound presents a humane method to euthanize or kill any sick or diseased fish by either administering an overdose directly or by inducing sleep prior to administering an overdose of ethanol.

Interestingly enough, eugenol is sometimes also used in some types of mousetraps. As discussed earlier, eugenol is a plant compound that is hauled out from clove essential oil or from other plant species. It has been found that eugenol is also a very effective anti-fungal agent, especially against M. canis dermatophytes (ringworm or tinia) and T. mentagrophytes. While tea tree oil is a more potent anti-fungal agent, it has been found that a combination of tea tree essential oil and eugenol is further effective in dealing with fungal infections. Several studies have shown that the essential oil extracted from cloves is potently effective against Candida albicans.

Eugenol is known to possess aphrodisiac attributes and, hence, this chemical compound serves in the form of a stress buster when it is used in massage therapy. Moreover, clinically it has been proven that the eugenol, which is the most prominent constituent of clove essential oil, aids in reducing anxiety, exhaustion, fatigue, and tensions, thereby unwinding the neuro-sensory tissues in our body. Consequently, this compound is helpful in relaxing our mind.

Eugenol is an active constituent present in cloves and it blends with other components in clove. Together, they make this overpowering spice potently antibacterial. In addition, this natural chemical compound also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and researchers have examined this substance for its potential use in putting odd toxicity caused by environmental pollutants. At the same time, eugenol has also been examined for its potential ability to prevent joint inflammations and cancers of the digestive tract.


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