
Alongside cold-pressed olive oil and olives, feta cheese is a culinary symbol of Greek cuisine, which is considered the healthiest and most natural in the world.

Real Greek feta cheese is made mainly from pasteurized sheep's milk. Sometimes it is supplemented with goat's milk.

However, it has nothing to do with cow's milk, and even less with preservatives or coloring agents. Each production of this cheese is carried out according to strictly defined and legally enforced rigors.

First, milk is obtained and selected, which is then subjected to the maturation process with the participation of starter cultures, i.e. appropriately selected micro organisms.

Then the milk goes into the coagulation phase. The resulting whey is then placed in a salt brine, thanks to which the feta becomes moist and takes on a salty taste.

Traditional Greek feta cheese, before it hits the market, must go through a stage of at least three months of maturation, as well as draining the whey without the use of pressure.

The extension of this time depends on what taste the producer wants to achieve. Feta cheeses do not differ in taste, but they can be milder or more spicy or even more or less salty.

Feta cheese is a characteristic product - salty and spicy, it goes perfectly with vegetables, olive oil and seafood. It can be baked, added to stuffing and served with salads or snacks.

The fat content in feta cheese is up to 40% - quite a lot for cheese, but let us recall that it is a top-quality product that offers us a rich dose of full-value protein (over 14%), calcium, vitamin A, vitamin K, sodium and a large dose of natural probiotics that support intestinal micro flora and therefore take care of our immunity.

What should real feta cheese be like?

High-quality feta cheese has its own characteristic taste. It is not just any cheese taken out of brine. Feta cheese, yes, should be suitably salty, but also slightly spicy, which gives it a distinctive character.

These are the two most desirable features that we should look for in the taste of feta cheese.

Other tastes - sour, bitter - are not characteristic of good quality feta. Sweet feta cheese is the result of combining it with sweet ingredients in a dessert, e.g. in a fruit salad or baked with honey and sesame.

Real feta cheese is impeccably white, so any yellowing may indicate that the product does not come from a high shelf. Greek cheese is also crumbly, but at the same time melts well.

How to recognize original Greek feta cheese?

First of all, let's pay attention to the name - if it is "Feta cheese" or "Feta" we can rest assured. This name is reserved exclusively for real Greek cheese.

Any other name should arouse our suspicion and if we are not sure, it is a good idea to check the composition. If the cheese is made from milk other than sheep's milk or sheep's milk with the addition of goat's milk - we can be sure that it has nothing to do with original feta.

The country of origin of the product is also an important clue - cheese produced in a place other than Greece is certainly not Feta.

Another issue is the color of the product - original Greek cheese is perfectly white. Any admixtures of other colors and yellowness indicate that we are dealing with a fake.

The consistency of original Feta is creamy, but at the same time crumbly. In addition, it melts very well under the influence of high temperature, but does not dissolve.

The last thing is the extremely characteristic taste - salty but also spicy, very distinct. It is an ideal complement to other flavours - olive oil, some vegetables or seafood.

As for the packaging - it is good to look for the inscription "POD", which means protected designation of origin. Then we are sure that the cheese we have chosen is real feta.

Unfortunately, currently, counterfeits of this real Greek delicacy dominate in stores. These are usually brined cheeses, which have a very similar structure.

Unlike the original, they taste completely different. The taste of the original is really very distinct, specific and relatively difficult to fake.

And although since 2007 the name "feta cheese" can only be used to describe an original product, originating from Greece and produced according to strictly defined rules, it is still extremely easy to make a mistake.

Is feta cheese healthy?

Real cheese is not only a unique Greek taste and a great addition to salads. It also has a number of beneficial properties for our body, including:

  • the live bacteria cultures contained in the cheese have a positive effect on the functioning of intestinal flora, which supports the immune system
  • sheep's and goat's milk contain more calcium and phosphorus than cow's milk; these elements are essential for supporting teeth and bones and the proper functioning of the muscular system
  • feta is easily digestible and can be a great alternative for people with an allergy to cow's milk protein or lactose intolerance
  • it is a source of full-value protein and vitamins: A and some from group B
  • the fat content in feta cheese is about 40%, which makes it a soft cheese with specific nutritional properties

It is worth including feta cheese in your diet because it is an excellent source of probiotics, the task of which is to protect the intestinal micro flora.

Its good condition allows for maintaining proper metabolism, reduces the risk of gastrointestinal diseases and prevents the occurrence of digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea or flatulence.

Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is considered a substance that reduces the frequency of headaches or migraines. Feta is a good source of riboflavin, so people suffering from migraines should include this food product in their daily diet.

But that's not all, because vitamin B2 also has an eye-protecting effect, preventing glaucoma or cataracts.

Cheese contains the protein alpha-lactalbumin, which, when combined with calcium and zinc - which cannot be missing in the diet - has anti-cancer and antibacterial effects.

Many studies have shown that calcium combined with vitamin D inhibit the development of cancer cells and also protect against their occurrence. So far, it has been proven that this vitamin duo can protect against breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

Feta cheese is an excellent source of high-quality protein, which is a very important building block. It participates in the regulation of gene expression and metabolic processes, is part of enzymatic systems, and is involved in oxygen transport and vision processes.

Protein also affects the physiological balance of calcium, and its adequate supply is associated with proper skeletal growth in children and maintaining bone mass in the elderly.

Feta cheese is a great source of calcium - 100 g of cheese covers the daily requirement for this ingredient by almost 50%. Calcium is involved in the construction and metabolism of bones and teeth.

Adequate calcium supply at a young age reduces the risk of osteoporosis later in life. In addition, calcium participates in muscle contraction processes and the conduction of nerve impulses.

Feta cheese contains significant amounts of vitamin B12, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

It is involved in the production of red blood cells and vitamin B2, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system and the organ of vision.

Feta cheese is easily digestible - many people are intolerant to lactose, which is the sugar found in cow's milk, and many people also do not digest the proteins in dairy products.

However, real feta cheese is made from sheep's milk (sometimes with the addition of goat's milk), and this type of milk contains much less lactose than cow's milk.

What's more, the sugar is further broken down in the cheese production process. When choosing feta cheese, check what type of milk it is made from. This is important for people who are lactose intolerant.

Feta contains large amounts of protein - this nutrient is crucial for repairing and building muscles, and is also necessary for the construction and proper functioning of organs and tissues.

Various milk proteins contained in feta cheese act as antibodies, enzymes, messengers and transporters. It is important to eat the right amount of protein with each meal. Some animal proteins also have a beneficial effect on reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Feta contains large amounts of calcium - three times more than in Brie cheese. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, plays an important role in the transport of oxygen between cells, blood clotting, muscle performance and neurotransmission.

Our body does not produce it itself, so it must be obtained from food. Unfortunately, we lose this ingredient in urine, sweat, feces, etc., so calcium must be constantly replenished. A lack of sufficient calcium in the diet causes the body to take it from the bones, weakening them.

Feta contains probiotics - this cheese is also a source of probiotic bacteria, including lactic acid bacteria, which are important for health. These bacteria help maintain a healthy micro biota and strengthen our immune system.

Feta also contains vitamin B6 and histidine - these two nutrients are important for our health, and what's more, they both need each other to function.

Histidine is an essential amino acid in the fetus, which is necessary for protecting nerve cells, producing red blood cells and protecting tissues from radiation, among other things.

It is also metabolized into the neurotransmitters histamine and carnosine, which are involved in the immune response, digestion and proper functioning of muscles, brain and sexual functions.

Histidine has antioxidant properties and is naturally anti-inflammatory, which is why it is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and mental disorders.

Carnosine, on the other hand, reduces muscle fatigue and improves their functioning. Histidine needs vitamin B6 to synthesize histamine and carnosine. Fortunately, feta cheese contains both of these ingredients.

Feta cheese contains vitamin B12 (twice as much as cheddar cheese) and iron (twice as much as blue cheese), so it can be used as part of a diet to combat anemia.

How to eat feta cheese?

Feta cheese has an intense flavor and aroma, and is also very salty. It can be added to warm dishes, in which case you should avoid salting the prepared meal.

Feta is also suitable as an addition to salads, and can be used to stuff vegetables such as eggplant or peppers. The cheese can be eaten with bread, olives, and tomatoes.

Who should not eat feta cheese?

First of all, people who are lactose or histamine intolerant should not reach for feta cheese too often. Hypertension sufferers should also be careful due to the large amounts of salt contained in the product, which increases blood pressure.

Pregnant women should be careful because choosing original, unpasteurized cheese can infect the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria - extremely dangerous for the developing fetus.

What to look for when buying feta cheese?

When choosing feta cheese, pay attention to the packaging and composition. Remember that:

  • real feta cheese is made from sheep's milk (it can be with the addition of goat's milk),
  • the name feta cheese is reserved only for products produced in Greece, if they come from other countries, the name "feta cheese" will be on the packaging
  • feta should be white and stored in brine, if it has a different color (yellowish), it means that the cheese was exposed to air outside the brine
  • feta should have small holes on the surface and be semi-hard (crumbly feta means that the cheese was made from cow's milk)
  • buy certified organic products - you will be sure that the milk comes from animals that are treated humanely, that they do not consume feed from genetically modified products, and have not been treated with antibiotics


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