
Commiphora wightii (guggul or mukul myrrh tree) is a blossoming plant belonging to the family Burseraceae. While the guggul plant is found growing extensively throughout northern regions of India, it may also be found in other places, such central Asia and northern Africa. The plant favors dry and semi-arid climatic conditions and can even grow in inferior soil type.

The guggul may be described both as a small tree or shrub that grows to an utmost height of 4 meters. While the branches of the tree/ shrub are thorny, the bark is paper-thin. The tree produces simple or trifoliate leaves (having three combined leaves), while the leaflets have an oval shape growing to a length of 1 cm to 5 cm and anything between 0.5 cm to 2.5 cm in width. The leaflets of guggul are jagged but erratically. Commiphora wightii is gynodioecious (bearing female flowers on one plant and androgynous flowers on a different plant of the same species). The colors of the individual flowers, which have four small petals, vary between red to pink.

Gugulipid is extracted from the mukul myrrh tree and has been used in the Ayurveda (the ancient stream of Indian herbal medicine) for several centuries and, in India, it is officially identified as a medication for lowering cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. It may be noted that the mukul myrrh tree yields a muggy resin that is processed to get hold of gugulipid. Compared to other herbs, mukul myrrh tree is new in the West, but still gugulipid capsules are commercially available in majority of the stores selling natural foods. The daily standard dosage of gugulipid is 1500 mg.

It may be noted that gugulipid forms an important ingredient in several herbal medications for cardiovascular health. In Ayurveda, gugulipid has also been used as a remedy for arthritis and obesity. It is believed that this extract from the mukul myrrh tree also possesses the aptitude to invigorate the thyroid gland to enhance production of its hormone. Hence, the action of gugulipid is likely to encourage as well as augment metabolism, thereby, causing weight loss. Nevertheless, further researches are required to prove this advantage from using gugulipid. Herbal medicine practitioners and also those practicing alternative streams of medicine have asserted that the use of gugulipid has the aptitude to avoid health conditions, such as atherosclerosis (a medical condition wherein the arteries are hardened) as well as lower the intensity of triglycerides.

In addition, commiphora wightii also possesses antioxidant attributes. It may be noted here that antioxidants are actually chemical compounds that facilitate in protecting the body from cellular harms caused by the free radicals. In effect, free radicals are extremely reactive substances that have the aptitude to attack as well as harm the cells of the body. This, in turn, may result in various diseases as well as premature aging.

It is interesting to note that several researches, almost all of them undertaken in India, demonstrate that gugulipid is highly useful in reducing the high levels of blood cholesterol as well as elevated levels of triglyceride - both these medical conditions have the potential to considerably enhance the risks of heart ailments as well as stroke. At the same time, gugulipid helps to increase the levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as the 'beneficial protein' or 'good cholesterol', by providing increased protection against heart ailments. In effect, it has been found that gugulipid has functioned equally well as or even better compared to several prescription agents for lowering cholesterol and with no side effects, for instance, nausea, stomach upset and potential damage to the liver, of the prescribed modern medications. Several studies have suggested that gugulipid has the aptitude to reduce cholesterol levels to the extent of 27 per cent and lower the intensity of blood triglycerides up to 30 per cent just within four weeks of use.

Laboratory experiments conducted on mice have been established that gugulipid might even possess anti-diabetic attributes. Another advanced study hints that gugulipid may also help to alleviate acne. However, these researches were in small measure and need to be proved by undertaking larger clinical experiments. It is unfortunate to note that these researches usually depend on the concept of marketing gugulipid and have a tendency to overstate the type of clinical trials as well as their consequences.

It may be noted that scientists are yet to appraise gugulipid as far as its use among pregnant and nursing women is concerned. Therefore, it is advisable that pregnant women and nursing mother ought to avoid using this herbal product. Like many herbal medications, even the use of gugulipid may result in some side effects, such as gentle to mild stomach complaints - including flatulence, pain and diarrhea. In addition, people using gugulipid may experience allergic skin rashes every so often.

It is most important to consult a qualified physician before adding any new herbal product to your existing list of medications. This is essential because a number of herbal products are known to interact with other medications resulting in health problems. In fact, a number of physicians are more amenable to using alternative streams of medicines compared to others. In case a physician is predisposed to using alternative streams of medicine or therapies, medical practitioners who utilize harmonizing medications, the combination of conventional medicine plus alternative medicine might appear to be the most appropriate option for consultation on this issue or any other herbal preparation. It may be noted that gugulsterones, compounds akin to steroids, are the active ingredients contained in gugulipid.

Selecting a gugulipid supplement

Before you buy any gugulipid supplement, it is important that you do some homework and select the one that only uses homogeneous or consistent extract. In fact, the resin from which this chemical compound is derives encloses toxic substances that have the potential to stimulate numerous health problems. When you buy the standardized gugulipid extract, you can be sure that these toxic substances have been removed from the product, which only contains the beneficial active ingredients.

At the same time, it is important to make certain that the gugulipid supplement you are using has been produced by a reputed pharmaceutical GMP facility. In such places, the manufacturers abide by the most superior production standards. It may be noted that to a large extent the nutritional supplement industry is unregulated and, hence, this is the sole method by which you can ensure that you are receiving the exact amount of the ingredients that have been mentioned on the product label. Always make it a point to ensure that the products used by you do not enclose any fillers or additives, for instance, starch, sugar, silica (sand), gluten or any other synthetic colors or essence.

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of supplements which can unfavourably interact with others and taking two such supplements simultaneously may prove to be detrimental for your health. Therefore, it is vital that any product enclosing many or additional ingredients is formulated scientifically. It is unfortunate that several products available in the market these days are envisaged, produced as well as promoted by marketing agents instead of top-rate scientists who possess perfect qualifications.

Here are some tips for choosing the right supplement that is genuine as well as suits your requirements best. First and foremost, find a dependable manufacturer of nutritional products. However, it is not only difficult to ensure whether a manufacturer is reliable, as this industry is actually demeaned for its fraudulent practices. If you undertake a personal research, you will soon come to learn that the market is flooded with numerous companies offering poor quality ingredients, bogus labelling and inferior quality control systems as well as horrible customer service. In such a scenario, a company that is truly sincere and focused on outstanding customer support is really noticeable.


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