Hydrotherapy For Dogs

Hydrotherapy denotes healing by use of water and in conventional hydrotherapy, all forms of water - steam or ice, hot or cold, are employed to invigorate as well as repair the body. In addition, water is an appropriate medium for any type of physical treatment.

Whenever available, one may utilize whirlpools and water jets to promote muscles as well as joints following any surgery or physical injury. Cold and hot water may also be used in the form of ice packs and warm compresses respectively to heal local medical conditions.

Almost all mammals take pleasure in the sensation derived from floating in water and would go into lakes, ponds, rivers or the seas for the mere contentment of paddling and swimming. From the historic point of view, people all over the world have been therapeutically using warm water bath anywhere hot springs are found in nature.

Hydrotherapy meant for dogs came into existence when veterinary doctors in Japan made arrangements for treating dogs for various medical disorders at hot spring spas located in Hakone.

Water is considered to be the best means for heat as well as cold. Using cold water invigorates the surface of the blood vessels to tighten and this slows down the flow of blood and the surge in chemical occurrences which results in inflammation.

Topical use of cold water helps to redirect blood flow in the direction of the internal organs, assisting them to work further effectively. Enhanced blood circulation carries additional amount of oxygen, nourishments as well as constituents of the immune system to the cells of our body.

This action facilitates in eliminating waste products from the body. Enhanced blood flow to the skin also helps to lower blood pressure.

Traditional vets realize the significance of buoyancy as well as water endurance as work outs for wounded dogs. Generally, veterinarians refer dogs to hydro therapists where ever there are hydrotherapy swimming pools and regard the treatment to be an effectual type of physiotherapy.

Veterinarians in Japan recognize the value of natural sulphur springs for curing dogs having specific skin conditions, like oily seborrhoea caused by too much sebum production by the sebaceous glands. In fact, where ever there are facilities for hydrotherapy for dogs, people use them very often as well as extensively.

In case your dog requires hydrotherapy, it is possible that your veterinary doctor will counsel you to take the pet to a selected pool in your locality. Alternately, it will also be beneficial for your dog to swim in a lake or the sea and be assured that your pet will enjoy it.

It may be noted that swimming facilitates in enhancing overall health and endurance, perks up the muscle tone and is beneficial in recuperating from an injury or operation.

Wear and tear of our muscles starts within three days of any type of obstruction or restriction and, hence, in order to avoid further debility or injury it is essential to restore any muscle that has worsened by means of safe work outs.

It is a better idea to make your dog swim in warm water, because cold water results in the tightening of the blood vessels close to the skin and to the superficial muscles, which are present just beneath the skin.

These superficial muscles confine the blood flow, which renders the muscles to be less effectual. Nevertheless, generally horses are made to swim in cold water since it aids in dispersing the massive amounts of heat they produce when they exert themselves very much - much more compared to dogs and with a fewer effective cooling system. Hence, it is more likely that you will locate warm water pools for dogs and chilly water pools meant for horses.

Canine hydrotherapy and different systems

Canine hydrotherapy has the aptitude to accelerate recuperation following an operation or inhibit the advancement of degenerative health conditions when it is used as a substitute or balance to medication and weight-bearing work outs.

In fact, canine hydrotherapy may also be employed as a fitness system prior to any operation with a view to let a dog to sustain its health condition prior to a surgery if the pet is unable to undertake regular exercises.

When you identify an inborn medical condition in a puppy, it is likely that surgery cannot be performed on the animal till it becomes mature and physically fit. Hydrotherapy may be an effective means to sustain the dog's condition during the period prior to the operation.

You should bear in mind that any injury to the spinal cord or operation in that area may result in harm of the functioning of the motor system. However, this may be cured by permitting the dog to work out in water, as it offers support and also enables the dog to keep on with exercising its muscles, even as renewal of the muscles is happening.

When a dog suffers from degenerative diseases, it may make it hard for the animal to undertake regular weight-bearing work outs. In addition, when pressure is applied on the limbs and the joints, it may worsen some medical conditions.

Hence, hydrotherapy may be employed in such situation enabling the dog to work out in a setting that is bereft of pressure on the affected areas. It is possible for overweight dogs to develop vigour as well as lose weight owing to work outs in a hydrotherapy pool devoid of applying too much weight on their joints. In effect, hydrotherapy may also be employed as a part of the overall fitness regimen for dogs.

When we speak of the integumentary system, it denotes our skin - the prevalent organ of the body that covers as well as protects the entire being of mammals. Use of water enhances the blood circulation that has the aptitude to assist the skin and coat condition.

In addition, water also facilitates in invigorating the entire touch receptors. Water is also beneficial for several other body systems and some of them are discussed briefly below.

Nervous system

Water has the aptitude to cool as well as alleviate the nervous system, which results in decreased stress/ strain. In addition, water is also helpful in invigorating the feelings at the joint position as well as reinstating the sensation channels.

Muscular system

Water helps to enhance relaxing, which, in turn, is capable of easing spasms and pain. Compared to moving in air, the resistance experienced while moving in water is about 15 to 20 time greater and, hence, the muscles are used devoid of the strains of bearing weight. Therefore, hydrotherapy is one of the safest as well as most effectual means of working out and developing muscles.

Circulatory system

Warm water has the aptitude to enhance the temperature of the body resulting in the blood vessels to widen and enhance circulation as well as detoxification. At the same time, warm water helps in supplying nutrients and oxygen, while remove waste and toxic substances. It may be noted that hydrostatic pressure as well as buoyancy neutralizes the influences of gravity, enhances the return of blood from the lower extremities to the heart, augments volume centralization of blood. Water also helps to compress the soft tissues that improves blood circulation, respiration, movement of lymph and augments the amount of oxygen in blood.

Urinary system

Water has the aptitude to enhance flow of blood through the kidneys helping the body to eliminate all toxic substances, counting anaesthetics, as well as the waste products inside the body. It may be mentioned here that the kidneys filters the blood. This procedure has the aptitude to facilitate in regulating as well as balancing water and electrolytes within the body.

Endocrine system

Water has the ability to augment metabolic functioning as well as the function of the hormones that control several processes within our body.

Respiratory system

Water may enhance the depth of respiration by means of creating pressure on the lungs. This helps in supplying more oxygen to the lungs and also in eliminating carbon dioxide.

Lymphatic system

Water helps to augment the lymph drainage, lessen inflammation and, at the same time, enhance the immune system.

Digestive system

In addition to the attributes discussed above, water also has the aptitude to enhance efficient actions of the stomach muscles, thereby improving the digestive system and supply nutrients to the cells. At the same time, it helps to eliminate the waste products through the feces.

Reproductive system

Water has an encouraging or invigorating influence on the body and, thus, is able to facilitate improving the function of the hormones that affect the entire systems of the body, including the reproductive system.

Skeletal system

Skeletal system bears the body and moves in unison in space through a framework or structure. In addition, the skeletal system also safeguards internal organs. Water has the aptitude to lessen inflammation, enhance blood circulation and in its secure as well as helpful manners, water augments the variety of motion as the environment without gravity has the ability to increase movement and stretches.

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