Chelation therapy is employing precise substances, both natural and synthetic chemicals, to rid the body of toxic metals. It is harmless, devoid of any pain and a non-surgical therapeutic process that is employed to eliminate unwanted heavy toxic metals, for instance, mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, nickel and other similar metals from our body.
In addition, some physicians have employed chelation therapy to turn round the symptoms of atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis (stiffening of the arteries) by getting rid of the obtrusive plaque that has accumulated within the circulatory system. It may be noted that atherosclerosis is a fall-out of numerous complicated causes, counting anomalous build up of metallic components within the body.
In the instance of atherosclerosis, the development of plaque inside the arteries contains the circulation of blood, which, in turn, results in additional problems like heart attack and angina. Plaque is basically a rubbery tissue made up of oily materials as well as cholesterol attached mutually (a process known as chelating) along with calcium as well as different additional binding metals.
Devoid of any surgery, chelation therapy straight away neutralizes the damaging consequences of calcium by eliminating it from the plaque. When calcium as well as additional binding metals are removed from the plaque, the remaining elements of the plaque are slackened and transported to the liver for ultimate emission from the body. Atherosclerosis symptoms improve when the diameter inside the blood vessels is enhanced and fresh suppleness is brought back to the walls of the blood vessels, enabling augmented flow of blood.
The term chelation has been derived from the Greek expression 'chele' denoting 'claw' (similar to the pincers of a lobster or crab). A synthetic amino acid known as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDT A), a chelating agent, possesses the ability to affix as well as bind the metal molecules it comes into contact with. Employing the pincer effect, the molecules of the metals are bound to the EDT A molecules in a manner that a completely new as well as altered chelated compound is developed. This latest steady compound whose atoms are bound together firmly can subsequently be expelled from the body by means of the kidneys.
For the uninitiated, chelation therapy is given by means of an intravenous infusion. A measured drip of EDT A solution, in the correct potency and amount, is injected straight into the bloodstream. Although slow, chelation therapy is a trouble-free process that takes anything between three and four hours to be completed. A comprehensive course of chelation therapy entails a general health care series of routine exercise, mineral and vitamin supplements as well as dietary modifications.
In chelation therapy, a usual curative series may comprise as many as 20 injections or infusions administered over a period of 10 to 12 weeks. Apart from intravenous injections, chelation therapy may also be administered orally. Medical practitioners suggest a minimum of 20 to 40 treatments to begin with. However, several people may possibly suggest sustained therapy for a maximum of 100 treatments spread over many years together. Since, chelation therapy also eliminates a number of vital minerals from the body, during the course of the treatment patients usually receive high amounts of mineral as well as vitamin supplements.
A Swiss Nobel Prize winner, Alfred Werner, had put forward the theory of metal attachment way back in 1893 and this provided the basis of the contemporary chelation chemistry. Many years later, in 1920, Mr Morgan and Mr Drew especially classified chelation stating that it was the 'assimilation of a metal ion into a heterocyclic ring formation'.
The chelating agent EDT A was synthesized for the first time around 1934-35 in Germany by chemist F. Munz. In effect, Munz was endeavouring to form an alternative for citric acid, a chelating mediator utilized by the textile industry to eliminate calcium from hard water. When calcium is present in water, it has a tendency to discolour fabrics with caustic dyes that were not acceptable to the textile and clothing manufacturers.
Sometime during the early 1930s, Frederic C. Bernsworth developed a different procedure to synthesize EDT A in the United States and also patented it in 1941. Some years later, in 1948, chelation therapy was introduced in the United States.
Between the period 1950 and 1990, findings of several clinical studies have demonstrated the advantages of chelation therapy. Today chelation therapy is accepted by medical authorities across the globe in the form of a perfect cure for toxicity due to heavy metals, toxicity caused by radiation, digitalis intoxication, and heart arrhythmia as well as poisoning due to snake venom.
In the early 1950s, Dr. Norman E. Clarke noticed the advantage of augmented blood circulation owing to chelation therapy. During the course of treating patients affected by lead poisoning, Dr. Clarke noticed an overall improvement in their health. According to records, one of the patients who was undergoing coronary artery ailment, found that his symptoms of angina faded away. Since adequate blood circulation is a must for health irrespective of the problems suffered by any individual patient, chelation therapy is a useful adjunctive treatment to cure all types of chronic degenerative ailments. Dr. Clarke was conscious of the relation between calcium build up and formation of plaque. He, therefore, hypothesized that eliminating calcium may possibly be helpful to patients enduring atherosclerosis as well as the symptoms accompanying this condition.
It is really unfortunate that majority of the useful consequences of chelation therapy, the ones that involve avoiding as well as overturning the problems of degenerative aliments caused by greatly reduced blood circulation, are presently not accepted by the medical authorities. These chronic degenerative diseases comprise gallbladder stones, diabetes and kidney ailments caused by diminished blood circulation, emphysema, stroke, cataracts, osteoporosis, high blood pressure (hypertension), senility and Parkinson's disease.
Chelation therapy is known to offer several health benefits and, hence, is employed to treat a number of medical conditions. For instance, chelation therapy is employed in treating arteriosclerosis of arteries, especially ridding of plague containing calcium. In addition, chelation therapy may possibly be of use in treating a number of types of cerebrovascular ailments like stroke, cardiovascular diseases as well as high blood pressure (hypertension). It is also effective in treating intermittent claudication caused by arteriosclerosis. Chelation therapy may perhaps also be useful in treating a number of instances of vascular problems of diabetes. Moreover, it is also effective in the healing of toxicity caused by the presence of heavy metals like lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, aluminum as well as other different lethal metals.
In addition to the above mentioned health benefits offered by chelation therapy, there are many others. Some of them are mentioned below.
In recent times, several doctors as well as parents have recommended chelation therapy for children suffering from autism. Some people believe that autism is loosely associated with mercury poisoning caused by vaccinations. Several people who actually accept this as true consider that chelation, which, in any case, gets rid of heavy toxic metals may possibly be useful in treating autism. Nevertheless, scientific proof strongly suggests differently - that mercury is an important casual aspect in developing autism. What may be said at best is that the effectiveness of chelation therapy for autism is yet to be proved and that it could also prove to be hazardous.