All our actions, including eating, walking, falling, and even thinking, are continually recorded and they influence all the organs, and systems of our body. In case you are experiencing soreness in one leg, you naturally shift your body weight with a view to alleviate the pain. Therefore, when you put more pressure on the muscles of the other leg and the foot, it changes your position as well as the center of gravity. When this happens, it may result in locked joints as well as strained blood vessels, thereby limiting blood circulation throughout the other leg and foot. This, in turn, affects nutrient supply to the organs and even alters hormone production. In other words, this denotes that the chemical balance of your body is altered when this happens and this has an effect on every single cell of your body. Moreover, your posture will also change when you begin to feel as well as think in a different way, and this will result to another area becoming tight, another pain and, eventually, another cycle.
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Our body actually works as a single interacting unit, an inherent unit complete with several dissimilar parts, organs, systems and functions. All these interconnect and interact closely affecting one another. There are many things we do that disturb the balance of our body. In such situations, our body gives off warning signals in the form of pains and aches, trivial digestive problems, common tiredness, tension, crying for no perceptible cause, absence of concentration and so on. These signals tell us that everything is not well with our body and we need to be cautious and take care. It is, however, unfortunate that we do not pay any heed to such warnings all the times. On several occasions, we simply wait till our body begins to break down and takes immediate attention.
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All our actions or whatever we do influence our entire body in various ways. This is the primary reason why all complementary therapies, including kinesiology, do not just address the symptoms, but employ the whole person technique or approach. Precisely speaking, kinesiology takes all the aspects of an individual, counting his/ her physical, mental, and nutritional conditions as well as life style, into account. Each of these not only interacts with the others, but also helps to offer an overall picture of the person's condition. When we talk about interaction, we mean that each of the above mentioned aspects are dependent on one another and when one of these is disturbed, it may also affect the others. Therefore, addressing any one area or the affected condition will not cure the problem. On the contrary, dealing with just one area may result in the recurrence of the problem. For instance, treating low back or lumber pain may involve several things like manipulations, adjusting the spinal cord and/ or taking pain killers. However, if the sufferer consumes ten cups of potent coffee daily, which actually makes his/ her psoas muscles (also known as hip stabilizer) weaker, the patient is also likely to undergo tension at work and will also not have a satisfactory home life. In such a situation, undergoing only physical treatment is possibly not enough to cure the problem permanently and the health disorder is likely to occur from time to time. Therefore, in order to provide a complete and permanent relief to the patient, it will be necessary to address all the aspects at the same time. Only this will ensure that the sufferer will be able to function effectively and also not suffer any pain.
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In kinesiology, therapists generally use a triangle to explain the health harmony between this therapy method, nutritional/ chemical, structure/ physical and the subject's mental or emotional aspects. As each of them has the potential to influence the others, it is essential to adopt an approach that will help to reinstate the balance between all these aspects. Therefore, undertaking a muscle test is often useful in finding out the basic source for the problems suffered by an individual and also helps to decide the mode of treatment needed to cure them.
It is interesting to note that our body stores all data regarding the trauma experienced in our lives. These are stored in the muscles and all the muscles in the body enclose detailed records of how they have been used and the trauma experienced by them in different times. In addition, the muscles also have a major role in the communication systems of our body. The muscles transmit signals to the spinal cord, which, in turn, sends the signals to the brain, which received the messages, interprets them and also responds to them. The replies sent by the brain to the muscles through the spinal cord result in actions. Significantly enough, all these take place within a fraction of a second. The actions taken by our body following receipt of messages from the brain may differ and include a movement responding to a change in gravity, releasing any hormone, an alteration in the body temperature, development of a feeling and countless such actions. This communication between the muscles and the brain via the spinal cord is a continuous and unceasing process inside our body. So, when we check the responses of the muscles to instructions received from the brain, we are actually checking the neurological system involving the muscles, spinal cord and the brain.
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Simply imagine your body to be a massive telephone system, the spinal cord as the local exchange and the brain to be that most important exchange. In such a situation, you can visualize the messages being transmitted from the muscles (in this case, telephones) via the spinal cord passing through the vertebrate column (which can be considered as the telephone wires in local exchanges) to the brain (the main exchange). As in the telephone systems, there are calls disconnected, crossed connections, permanently engaged lines, breakdowns as well as interference in the neurological communication system between the muscles and the brain. This makes it obvious why sometimes messages sent by the brain or the muscles can also be confused. So, when we undertake muscle testing, we actually look into this communication system inside the body, find out the disentangled lines that may have become interweaved resulting in confused messages. During muscle testing we work to correct this anomaly with a view to reinstate the normal balance of the body.
In all, the flesh of our body comprises roughly 650 muscles and all of them make up nearly 50 percent of the body's total weight. The muscles make the bones move and they remain attached to the bones by means of tendons. In fact, there are two attachments - one fixed (also called the origin) and the other an insertion. The insertion type of attachment is movable. When any muscle contracts, it works to pull the insertion in the direction of the origin. A harmonized action of the muscle pairs that contract and relax simultaneously brings about movement. It is worth mentioning that the state of all the muscles in our body is always in a slight tension, also known as muscle tone, which helps to sustain the upright position of our body. In addition, the slight tension of the muscles also helps the muscles to respond quickly, springing into action whenever required.
When energy from the different body systems freely flows to any muscle, it results in the augmented performance of that particular muscle. On the contrary, when the flow of energy to any particular muscle is obstructed or stops completely, the performance of the muscle will diminish. However, one does not always feel or realize this, as our body tries its best to compensate for the weak muscles by engaging the other muscles to overcome all unnecessary strain and stress it has to endure. As our body possesses the inherent aptitude to regulate as well as correct its anomalies on its own, it will try to work by itself to restore the balance of the various systems and aspects of the body. Kinesiology helps the body to tweak or modify itself when it is enduring imbalances. In addition, kinesiology also equips us with several means to gather together the self-healing abilities of the body.
In kinesiology, muscle testing is an extensively used tool. It enables the practitioner to access the communication system of the body and collect information regarding the health condition of the person who is being examined. Depending on these as well as the information received and sent by the muscles, the practitioner checks to find out whether the treatment given has been successful. When the muscles are rested after the treatment it tells the therapist a few things about the person undergoing the treatment and the effectiveness of the treatment. Besides telling us about the efficacy of the treatment, it also communicates to the body that some modifications have occurred. When the muscles receive this information they adjust them to the changes that have taken place following the treatment. The muscles that had become firm and inflexible, unwinds themselves as well as adjust to the correct tune and recover their postural position. In fact, the muscles have received new information and they require reinforcing this. As we all are aware, it is very difficult to overcome our old habits. So when we rest the anchors, it helps to modify the systems of our body.
Muscle testing is designed in such a way that it aims at isolating a particular muscle or a group of muscles to the maximum extent possible by applying pressure on it so that it contracts to its utmost position. You will be able to experience this especially when you stretch one hand out to your side and up to the height of your shoulder. Subsequently, bring the arm in front in such a manner that it forms a 90° angle with your body. When you do this, you will experience that the muscle below your hand is gradually becoming shorter as well as bulkier. So now you know what exactly happens to your muscles when they contract. A therapist will apply manual pressure on a muscle at this stage to find whether your arm is able to hold in this position. Kinesiology practitioners undertake this test not to assess the strength of a muscle, but to determine the neurological response of the muscle as well as its capability to lock in a particular position.
There are three main ways in which the testing methods involved in kinesiology vary from the original approach of muscle testing. First, kinesiology does not involve appraising the strength or power of a particular muscle. On the contrary, it evaluates the nervous system that regulates the functioning of the muscle that is being tested.
In kinesiology, the timing of a muscle test system is also different from the original form of muscle examination. After the limb, which is to be examined, is placed in the proper position, there is a purposeful break in proceedings of approximately two seconds prior to applying pressure on the muscles. This is done deliberately to allow the body sufficient time to record as well as alter according to the changes that have occurred. Moreover, this is also necessary to enable the body to recollect earlier data, which is accumulated in the muscles.
When we tap into the complicated communication systems of our body by means of muscle testing, it allows us to know or find out the imbalances between the different aspects of our body. Whenever one muscle becomes weak, our body undertakes all things possible to compensate this by engaging the services of the other muscles. Muscle testing enables us to ascertain the authentic condition of our body. When we undertake muscle testing, we actually try to find a 'lock' that is responsible for the problems. So what is a 'lock'? Precisely speaking, it is a muscle which meets as well as remains rigid even when pressure is applied to it. We know that a muscle requires to be treated when it feels sappy, quivers or gives way during muscle testing. Once it has been found that a particular muscle is weak, you can choose from an assortment of available options to correct the imbalance or restore its balance.
While an individual can easily push on any limb, but muscle testing is not just limited to this. In addition to some first-rate fundamental understanding of the muscles, you require appropriate training as well as practice to be able to find their location as well as precise function in our body. At the same time, you ought to know the different aspects that may influence muscle testing. Unless you take all these things into account it is likely that the results of your examination will not be reliable. Generally, nearly all kinesiology practitioners undertake a 'clearing' process prior to commencing a muscle test. Just like trying to learn how to play a musical instrument, you just cannot be an expert in muscle testing in a while and start playing a tune. You need to pick up the skills slowly and fine tune them through regular practice. Like in the case of learning to play any musical instrument, fine tuning your skills is necessary before you can become a professional kinesiology practitioner.