
The word 'massage' has been derived from the Arab expression 'mass' denoting 'to feel' or 'to touch'. In effect, massage is a type of treatment that is basically related to physical therapy. Physical therapy may be described as a division of regenerative medication that uses all varieties of mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical as well as radioactive energy for remedial reasons. In massage or the special type of physical therapy, a massage practitioner especially makes use of mechanical heat on the body tissues with a view to activate favorable responses in the body, primarily by means of its impulsive reactions. The degree as well as form of physical reaction caused in the cells, tissues as well as different organs is by and large dependent on the period of the impetus as well as on the extent of rapidity, force and pace of the treatment.

Precisely speaking, massage is a form of art that requires physiological, emotive as well as technological involvement.

While you are massaging someone, always bear in mind that when your partner/ recipient becomes conscious of your touch, he/ she may put up some kind of resistance or adopt a protective poise - a normal biological response brought about by any new stimulation. Hence, it depends on the masseur to restore the confidence of your recipient and encourage them to be in a more calmed down and loosened condition. Hence, it is essential to establish a sense of mutual sympathy, which would enable you or your recipient to unwind completely into your responsive hands. It is important to remember that if you don't become responsive regarding the responses of your recipient, it is unlikely that you will ever become a good practitioner. There is an ancient proverb that says 'it's doing well, if it hurts', but this adage does not hold true any longer. In actual fact, from the technical view point, anyone who incites pain whilst massaging is not doing the job correctly. Efficient practitioners are able to massage even the sore areas without causing the slightest of pain. In such cases, the patients have a feeling as if they have just woken up from a rejuvenating sleep and experience a profound feeling of well-being.

It is vital for the practitioner to entertain as well as respond to the reactions of the patient, for this helps a massage to deliver its complete remedial results. This is all the more important because massage is a treatment rather than a mere perfunctory appliance of the hands. If you desire to perform a massage accurately and pleasingly, you need to follow a few common suggestions. A number of such suggestions are given below to assist you in carrying out a massage in the correct and pleasing manner.

First and foremost, you need to implement those treatments that result in an enjoyable feeling and refuse anything that is undesirable. It is easy to recognize which of your actions are pleasing to your partner/ recipient and which are not by simply identifying the unspoken expressions and the spoken dialogues of your partner. It is always important to bear in mind that the nimbleness and suppleness of your hands and not the muscular force are vital while you carry out a pleasant massage. At the same time, ensure that you are at ease and are equipped to remain in a balanced position for all the actions that you require making during the massage. For this, you need to wear convenient and unfussy clothes. In addition, you should make an effort to talk with prudence and in restrained nature, devoid of any overstatement or private approaches. Although it is desirable that the recipient should consider the practitioner as a friend, it is important for the practitioner to assume a more formal responsibility.

When starting the massage your movements ought to be light - something appropriate for the maiden approach with a new human persona. It is advisable that you initiate each massage using caressing actions. While ending each session, apply the same strategy. Perform the massage in a composed and conventional rhythm, employing particular care to the tender areas and also keep away from the areas that may possibly have any contagion or damage (bruising). While ending each massage session make use of movements that become slower little by little, lighter as well as milder. Avoid stopping the massage all of a sudden for this might result in interruption in the patient's relaxed condition. Whenever it is feasible, cover your partner/ recipient at the conclusion of the massage and give him/ her few minutes to have a rest. This is vital since it enables the body to assimilate the latest physiological information imparted through massage.


The ambiance is of great importance while performing a massage on any individual. In effect, the ideal ambiance should include spacious, airy and hygienic surroundings. In addition, the place should be inviting and should give inkling that everything there is orderly and efficient. It is best if the temperature at the place is maintained around 23°C. Having a soft cotton sheet and maybe a blanket kept handy to cover the body parts that are not being massaged would also be an excellent idea. It is advisable to have a soft and covered lighting arrangement and it needs to be ensured that the direct rays of the light do not fall on the face of the patient. Many massage practitioners have a preference for some kind of pleasant music playing in the background, while there are others who desire complete silence while carrying out a massage. In this case, the option entirely depends on the likings of the practitioner and his/ her partner. There are numerous talcs, ointments, lotions, oils and other suitable things available in the market. Hence, it is advisable that you select the ones that you like better keeping in view the preferences of your recipient/ partner. Moreover, you should use them prudently and only enough to ensure that they do not result in any friction while massaging.

You should bear another thing before beginning the massage - evade applying the product straight away on your partner/ patient's body. Instead, first thaw and daub the material in your hands. Try to keep away from using mineral oils since they prevent the skin from breathing. At the same time, ensure that you are not making use of a product which might cause allergic reactions to your partner/ patient. For instance, there are individuals who react severely to wheat germ and/ or almond oils. Hence, it is advisable not to use them.

General guidance

You just cannot give a massage to anyone desiring it. On the contrary, there are a few important guidelines that you need to follow prior to performing a massage on an individual. In general, massage can be applied when an individual is enduring common, physical and mental exhaustion, since a good massage will facilitate in toning up the body as well as the spirit in the same manner. Precisely speaking, a good massage works as stimulation and gives rise to a feeling of well-being, which is essential for a healthy neuro-physical condition of an individual. In addition, massage can be performed on individuals who have been experiencing problems due to prolonged periods of idleness. In addition, massage may also be necessary for people enduring decreased muscle tone as well as tropism (the reaction of an organism to an external spur).

Precise guidance

It is important to note that not all types of massages can be applied on every individual. Specific individuals require specific types of massages for their particular conditions. Hence, you should implement any one method depending on the requirement of the patient. Some of the precise methods are discussed below briefly.

Relaxing massage: This type of massage is most appropriate for individuals who are keen to maintain their physical looks as well as a feeling of well-being.

Therapeutic massage: Therapeutic or remedial massage is proper where a damage has be caused by trauma or surgery, especially degenerative or deteriorating maladies like arthritis, orthopedic, and injury caused to the peripheral nervous system.

Sports massage: This type of massage is especially meant for athletes. It is carried out prior to a competition with a view to stimulate their muscles and nerves and following the completion of a competition with a view to allow them to relax or unwind.

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