
A multipurpose liquid, vinegar is made by fermenting ethanol. Acetic acid is the main constituent of vinegar and it is responsible for imparting an acidic flavor to vinegar. However, you may also add other types of acids, such as citric acid and tartaric acid, to prepare vinegar. Usually vinegar's pH level varies between 2.0 and 3.5. However, the vinegar you purchase from the stores has a pH of roughly 2.4. Vinegar is a versatile product and can be used in the form of a seasoning as well as an ingredient while preparing several different types of foods. In addition to its culinary uses, vinegar is also used for medicinal purposes, for cleaning household items and has agricultural applications.

The word vinegar has its origin in the old French term 'vin aigre', which translated into English means 'sour wine'. Vinegar is prepared by oxidizing ethanol in a liquid containing alcohol, very similar to wine, beer or fruit juice. Vinegar may be prepared by two different processes, which have different production speeds. Machinery is required for the fast fermentation process to encourage oxidation of ethanol that takes just a few hours to some days.

The second process is known as the slow fermentation process and it takes about several weeks to even months to happen naturally. Simultaneously, a non-toxic cream known as the mother of vinegar amasses in the liquid. The mother of vinegar is made up of bacteria and acetic acid and can be purchased from the stores. Some people consume this substance, despite the fact that it has a tasteless look. A different element of distilling vinegar may comprise the non-parasitic tiny worms (nematodes) known as vinegar eels - organisms that survive freely and take their nourishments from the mother. Although these vinegar eels are said to be safe for humans, still vinegar manufactures filter these creatures out prior to bottling the product.

Precisely speaking, vinegar is available in several dissimilar forms, subject to the type of liquid that has been used to ferment ethanol. For instance, the substance known as white vinegar is fermented by means of oxidizing a hard or purified alcohol. On the other hand, apple cider vinegar is prepared using apple must, which is actually the fresh juice together with the solid and unfiltered substances obtained after pressing an apple, including the pulp, stem, skin and others. Likewise, the fragrant balsamic vinegar is prepared by using the must or freshly pressed juice of white grapes. Traditionally, aromatic balsamic vinegar is made in Italy and the genuinely aged balsamic vinegar has an exorbitant price. In fact, the inexpensive variety of balsamic vinegar that is available at different stores is generally prepared using potent vinegar blended with normal essences as well as sugars. In other different regions of the world, vinegar is prepared from various substances, included cane, dates, raisins, rice, coconut, and also honey. In fact, vinegar prepared from these substances is popular too.

Apart from cooking, vinegar has several other uses. It is used in making pickles, particularly for peppers and dill pickles (pickled cucumber seasoned with dill). In addition, vinegar also forms a necessary ingredient in sauces, salad dressings, marinades and condiments. In the form of a condiment, vinegar is used to add essence to potato chips or fish and chips made in the British way. In fact, vinegar is also an excellent substitute for lemon juice and may be use in various dishes to flavour a variety of meat marinades as well as sauces for lamb and pork. Vinegar is often blended with spices, herbs and oils. It can also be directly interspersed on fruits and vegetables to prepare a delectable and aromatic salad.

Vinegar is available in several flavours as it is found in different varieties, such as balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar, coconut vinegar, white vinegar, red wine vinegar and even vinegar prepared from raisins and honey. In addition to cleaning agents and vinaigrette, vinegar may also be found on the shelves of an assortment of departments and stores selling beauty products. Traditionally, people have used vinegar for smooth skin and silky hair. Vinegar offers us plenty of health benefits, particularly apple cider vinegar and white vinegar.

Health benefits of vinegar

In addition to being used for culinary purposes and cleaning household items, vinegar offers us numerous health benefits, which cannot be overlooked. Ever since vinegar has been in existence, its health benefits have been of great importance and some of these benefits have been mentioned below.

Add 10 ml vinegar to your bath water and bathe in it to make your skin soft as well as supple.

Mix one teaspoon of vinegar in some boiling water and inhale the steam to clear chest congestion. In fact, this is one of the best home remedies for this purpose. You may also inhale vapours of vinegar with a view to get respite from cold and cough, sinus infections and nasal congestion.

White vinegar is known to be effective for treating tender throats. Dissolve a tablespoon of white vinegar in one cup (250 ml) of warm water and gargle your throat. This solution can also be used to clear congested chest.

White vinegar possesses antiseptic properties and may be applied to small cuts, rashes, insect bites and even scratches. It also helps to provide relief from sunburns. In fact, white vinegar is an excellent home remedy for these conditions.

When blended with tea tree oil and applied on the scalp, vinegar helps to eliminate head lice in children as well as adults. What you simply need to do is apply the blend of vinegar and tea tree oil to your hair and allow it to remain for some time. Subsequently, wash your hair using plain water.

It is believed that vinegar is also an excellent home remedy for treating age spots, which are also called liver spots. Applying vinegar externally to the spots will help to remove the bruised spots that show on the skin owing to the aging process.

In addition, vinegar is also effective for treating warts, toe nail fungus and also athlete's foot. All you need to do to treat these conditions is to immerse your affected foot/ feet in white vinegar for some time every day for about three to four days. It is a wonderful home remedy for these conditions.

In addition, vinegar is one of the natural alternatives for treating infections of the toe nails. You need to apply vinegar on the infected areas to treat them. People who are suffering from the condition known as swimmer's ear may also alleviate their condition by making a solution using equal amounts of white vinegar and alcohol and dripping the mixture into the affected ear.

Vinegar is also a wonderful home remedy for treating insect bites. Applying vinegar topically to the area affected by insect bites helps to alleviate the irritation as well as inflammation.

Vinegar offers us various health benefits, including maintaining our dental health. When you rub vinegar on aching or decaying tooth, it helps to alleviate the pain and discomfort. In addition, vinegar also works in the form of natural bleach as it helps to make the teeth whiter when you brush your teeth with vinegar at least once every week. Moreover, vinegar is an effective remedy for foul breath.

Vinegar is useful as it works to absorb calcium as well as other vital minerals from the various ingested foods. In effect, acetic acid enclosed by vinegar possesses the aptitude to facilitate the body in assimilating calcium and the necessary minerals. Hence, vinegar not only promotes digestion, but also helps to strengthen the bones, and by this means, it helps to avoid osteoporosis. One ought to remember that since vinegar contains acids, it is essential to water down vinegar prior to consuming it. Ingesting undiluted vinegar may result in heartburn.

The effect of white vinegar on different bodily functions is very positive and it aids in improving an individual's health in general. Hence, vinegar is useful to use in various ways. Vinegar is said to augment the health of our heart by means of reducing the blood pressure as well as the levels of cholesterol. Vinegar is also helpful in regulating the commencement of diabetes and promoting the health of the digestive system. Together, all these actions of vinegar help to fortify the immune system.

You can also use vinegar for treating skin burns as well as insignificant infections. Wet a piece of cloth with white vinegar and place it on the area that has been infected and it will cause a cooling effect. In addition, vinegar also helps to soothe sunburned skin, thereby providing us with effectual skin care.

Dab a little white vinegar using a cotton swab and put it on infected area, insect bite spots and rashes to clean the affected areas as well as put off any further skin infection.

Vinegar is very effectual in curing strep throat. Take one teaspoon of white vinegar and add it to 8 oz of water and use the solution to gargle. Subsequent to gargling, swallow the solution, as it will help you to eliminate all problems related to the throat.

White vinegar is also very beneficial for the skin. It is used for treating very dry skin. Bathing in a water containing two tablespoons of white vinegar helps to keep your skin naturally moist and also facilitates treatment of skin itching.

Vinegar is also very useful in treating dandruff and using it to rinse your hair will instantly alleviate itchiness of the scalp. Remember, if you wish to rinse your hair with vinegar, you need to dilute it by adding water in the proportion of 1:2.


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