Water Dock

Rumex hydrolapathum

Herbs gallery - Water Dock

Common names

  • Giant Water Dock
  • Great Water Dock
  • Water Dock

Water dock (Rumex hydrolapathum) is a species belonging to the buckwheat family. It can be found in nature throughout Europe, and also occurs in Turkey.

Water dock is a perennial with beautiful, long (50-70 cm), lanceolate leaves. These are basal leaves, slightly wavy at the edges. They are beautifully arranged vertically upwards, creating rosettes. In early spring, they are slightly reddened, with time the color changes to vivid green.

The stems on which paniculate inflorescences appear reach up to 2 meters in height, are erect, branching at a certain height. Water dock blooms from June to August. The root of water dock is a fleshy rhizome.

Parts used

Roots, leaves, seeds.


Water dock is a close cousin of traditional sorrel, from which we prepare many dishes. However, this one is not suitable for cooking, but its roots and dried leaves can help us in many situations.

Due to the fact that it contains tannins, it has an astringent, antiseptic, but also antibacterial and antiviral effect. Specially prepared root has antidiarrheal effect. This plant also has anti-anemic effect.

The herb has many properties, thanks to the phenolic acids contained in it. They effectively fight free radicals, and also have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Water dock is also used in the treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa and the upper and lower respiratory tract.

For those struggling with anemia, the juice of the whole plant is given. But not only. It should also be drunk by those struggling with a weakened heart muscle, with ulceration of the digestive tract, with chronic diarrhea, in metabolic disorders or those suffering from gout.

A decoction of rhizomes should be added to baths, as they have a relaxing effect, have a tonic effect and relieve rheumatic pain.

The root and other parts of the water dock are most often used for inflammation of the abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal problems. Water dock is known in folk medicine as a natural remedy for diarrhea, vomiting or indigestion.

Water dock improves the functioning of the digestive system, supports the secretion of bile and acids, thanks to which it copes well with really different ailments of the digestive system. Water dock is also worth drinking after eating heavy meals, parties or holidays, when we know that our stomach is overloaded and we may have unpleasant symptoms from it soon.

Similarly, we can use it during stomach flu and food poisoning, water dock minimizes symptoms, cures diarrhea, but also strengthens the weakened body very quickly. Remember to drink large amounts of water during food poisoning to prevent dehydration.

Although inconspicuous, water dock contains a lot of iron and vitamin C, which is why it is recommended for the treatment of anemia. It should be drunk regularly and consistently, the vitamins and minerals contained in this plant are characterized by very good absorption, thanks to which we can quickly replenish deficiencies in our body.

Another use of water dock is for female problems. Water dock treats pain during difficult periods, reduces the abundance of bleeding and replenishes the iron content in our body, preventing anemia.

An infusion of water dock root is also recommended for weakened people, it is recommended for patients after convalescence. Water dock strengthens the autoimmune system, has healing and relaxing effects, so it is worth drinking in case of fatigue, physical and mental weakness.

In addition to its medical use and properties, water dock is also used in cosmetology. Water dock has bactericidal, antiseptic and antifungal properties, which is why it is a very good agent for use on the skin.

There are many ways to use water dock infusion, one of the simplest is to prepare an infusion that we can apply to a tired face and skin. Water dock infusions alleviate the symptoms of mycosis, acne, support the healing of difficult wounds, seborrhea and skin inflammation.

Water dock is suitable for all skin types, we can use it locally, but also prepare a bath with the addition of water dock extract.

It is also worth adding that water dock has antioxidant properties, fights free radicals, thanks to which it deeply cleanses the skin. In this way, it acts as an antioxidant, therefore reduces the risk of cancer and delays the aging process, thanks to which our skin will remain firm and elastic for longer.

Water dock is also used as an ornamental plant and planted on the banks of ponds, waterholes or in flower beds.

Water dock is a dyeing plant - a yellow dye is obtained from its root.

Culinary uses

Young leaves of water dock are edible and can be used as an addition to salads.

Habitat and cultivation

Water dock is an undemanding and easy-to-grow plant. It will grow even in poor-quality soil, and to ensure good-quality leaf rosettes, a medium-rich, permeable and moist soil with a slightly acidic pH is enough. The location should be sunny to slightly shaded.

It would be ideal by a pond or by a water feature; it can even grow in water itself. In nature, it grows in damp meadows, ditches, banks of rivers and ponds. Water dock can be propagated by sowing its seeds in spring.

In autumn, it can also be propagated by separating root suckers from the mother plant, of which it forms quite a lot. Water dock also reproduces without any problems on its own. Its seeds are spread by the wind, and root suckers are formed on underground rhizomes.


The herbal raw material is primarily the root of the water dock. It is rich in pyrogallic and pyrocatechin tannins, phenolic acids, as well as anthranoid compounds, flavonoids, sugars, mineral salts, organic iron compounds and resin compounds.

Water dock has medicinal properties in both the root and the seeds, it is a rich source of iron, vitamin C and flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties and thus prevent aging.

The ingredients contained in the root gently support digestion and excretion, regulate intestinal function, have antidiarrheal and antibacterial effects, support the secretion of bile and gastric acids.

The seeds have the same properties, but their effect is milder. Due to the stronger properties of the root, it is recommended to use a decoction in adults, while in the case of diarrhea in children, an infusion of the seeds should be used.

Usual dosage

In case of diarrhea, pour hot water over a teaspoon of water dock seeds, then brew under cover, after about 10-15 minutes, strain the infusion through a sieve and consume. You can sweeten to taste, although it is not recommended during diarrhea and stomach irritation.

Side effects and cautions

In the case of stomach problems, an infusion of water dock can also be given to children. However, in the case of toddlers, an infusion of water dock seeds will work best, because it has a milder effect. In the case of children, however, we should remember to use the infusion once a day and no longer than a few days without consulting a doctor.

In the case of adults, an infusion of water dock can be used regularly for a maximum of 3 weeks, because water dock contains large amounts of calcium oxalate, which can be dangerous to the human body in the case of prolonged use.

Water dock is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Water dock root can cause cramps and even threaten fetal life. In the case of certain diseases, it is also not recommended to consume water dock, especially in the case of kidney stones and severe kidney diseases.

Collection and harvesting

We can collect water dock ourselves near the banks of rivers and ponds, nearby roadsides and meadows. All parts of the plant are used, i.e. leaves, root and seeds, because they have similar properties and differ only in slightly different strength of action.

The end of August and September are the best times to collect water dock seeds. The dark red seeds should be dried and stored in a warm and dry place.

The roots of water dock should be dug up at the same time, then dried and a decoction should be prepared - 1 tablespoon of roots per 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, set aside for 30 minutes.

Water dock is a very easily accessible herb, we can collect and dry it ourselves, thanks to which we will be sure of the quality of our herbs. However, if we are not fans of herbalism, water dock can be bought in pharmacies, some drugstores, tea shops, herbal shops, health food stores and of course online stores.


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