Using Homeopathy
Ten Different Types Of Prescriptions

In all there are 10 major types of prescriptions in homeopathy. If you have not been advised otherwise, all doses of homeopathic remedies should be taken either on the tongue or under it - they should never be swallowed.

Moreover, you should ensure that you do not eat or drink anything for some time prior to and after taking homeopathic remedies.

In fact, you should also not brush your teeth for about 30 minutes after you have taken a homeopathic medicine, as these substances or their odor may remain in the mouth and get in the way of the work of the medicine.

Ideally, a constitutional remedy should be taken in the evening, much before having your super or brushing your teeth, to allow the remedy to commence its healing activities at a time when the body is either resting or repairing itself.

Alternatively, taking these remedies may also be the first thing you do after rinsing your mouth with plain water, as this will help to observe the changes of the symptoms, if any.

The single homeopathic dose

This comprises taking just a single drop of tincture or only two tablets at one time. Usually, there is a tendency to use single doses in elevated potencies and for treating chronic conditions. In this case, a second dose of the remedy is not administered before another 4 to 6 weeks.

In fact, this classical model was first used by James Tyler Kent and it was developed further in the 20th century by two homeopathic practitioners - George Vithoulkas and Joseph Reves from Greece and Israel respectively. The single dose method offers several benefits.

This method will yield optimal results only when the practitioner has a profound perceptive experience of the curative process in individuals. In fact, this is necessary for the success of treatment using this method.

Therefore, it is not surprising that often the results of the single dose method are really astounding. However, sometimes some other types of prescribing may also be necessary.

The collective single dose

This prescribing method involves repeating a homeopathic remedy in the same dose and potency at intervals of every few hours. Usually, remedies with average to elevated potencies are used in the collective single dose.

A number of homeopaths are of the view that this method actually involves pressing on the remedy's actions very strongly. Nevertheless, this kind of prescribing is frequently necessary during the initial phase of treating a severe health condition.

A split dose

This prescribing method involves administering two doses of homeopathic remedies having similar potencies in a span of 12 hours - normally, as the last thing done at night and as the first thing done in the morning.

The split dose approach is effective for treating chronic conditions, especially when the energy levels of the patient require boosting. This prescribing method also uses homeopathic remedies having high potencies.

The single cumulative dose

This particular prescribing method involves repeating the dosage of homeopathic remedies having elevated potencies till there is some noticeable reaction, or symptoms and signs of worsening taking root.

Two things are essential for this method to succeed - careful examination on the part of the homeopath and an understanding patient.

This particular homeopathic prescribing approach may prove to be effective in curing severe or serious bouts of chronic conditions, particularly when the patient has been admitted to a clinic or hospital.

The ascending collective dose

This prescribing method involves administering three doses of a particular homeopathic remedy in successive higher potencies as per progression model of the centesimal potencies devised by James Kent, for instance, administering doses in potencies of 12C, 30C and 200C or in a progression of 30C, 200C and 1M.

These doses are administered at intervals in a 12-hour span or within 24 hours. In a number of instances, this prescribing approach diminishes the chances of the symptoms deteriorating further.

Repeated low potencies with a subsequent high potency complementary remedy

This prescribing method is effective when it is known that a particular organ of the patient is weak.

In this case the low potency homeopathic remedy used is actually a 'drainage' medication that aims to reinforce as well as decontaminate or detoxify the affected or weak organ prior to administering a more potent as well as further individually constitutional remedy.

Nevertheless, it is important that the drainage remedy is applicable to the specific signs and symptoms demonstrated by the patient and also related to the organ that is being reinforced.

A high potency remedy administered prior to the repeating a low potency complementary remedy

In this case it is extremely difficult to evaluate what a particular remedy is doing. This approach of homeopathic prescription may perhaps be required for patients who are already following a regimen of allopathic drugs that they are unable to discontinue all of a sudden.

This particular prescription method is especially effective for detoxifying the patients' systems, especially if they have already taken plenty of medications or were addicted to any particular drug or alcohol.

In such circumstances it may also be necessary to repeat the higher potency remedy more frequently compared to what is normal, as some allopathic drugs may have a depressing effect on the patient's vital energy.

In addition, this prescription method is effective for treating aged patients. However, in their case the potency of the homeopathic remedies should not be very high, as the vigour of the aged people may not be sufficiently strong to enable them to deal with the forceful action of the extremely high potency remedies.

This system is particularly helpful in treating conditions related to the heart, diminished activity of the liver and kidneys, people who have diabetes, as well as acute sickening pathological conditions.

Repeating the doses of low potency remedies that aim at draining out toxic elements may help patients who are of the view that they require several doses of remedies for them to get well.

In addition, this prescription method may also prove to be effective in diminishing aggravations, if there are any.

A single high dose; repeat till there is a reaction, and then stop

This prescribing approach is most effective while treating acute conditions. In addition, this method may also be useful in treating a number of chronic conditions, wherein it is essential to produce a positive reaction in just a few hours time or within a span of just a few days.

Repeated doses of millesimal potencies

In this prescribing method, homeopathic remedies should be repeated thrice or four times every days for several consecutive days or maybe for a week.

The repetition of the dose is continued till there is a noticeable aggravation in the symptoms and no dose is administered till the aggravation abates.

Subsequently, the remedy may be resumed if it is necessary. In fact, the dose is repeated till there is ample improvement in the patient's condition to suggest that the treatment needs to be discontinued.

Repeating decimal or low centesimal potencies daily

This approach of prescribing homeopathic remedies may prove to be effective in treating a number of chronic conditions, particularly when the patient is feeble.

Like in the instance of LM potencies, in this case also the doses ought to be repeated for a short time and then stopped and the condition of the patient reviewed to find if there are any signs of the symptoms deteriorating further. It may be noted that this prescribing method requires continuous monitoring of the patient.

Timing of remedies

Here we will briefly talk about a number of additional points related to the timing of homeopathic remedies and the appropriate time for their administration.

For instance, it is important to administer remedies prescribed for the constitution of women at a time when their menstruation period is not due or has not just ended.

In the case of women suffering from amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) it is best to administer a high potency homeopathic remedy prior to their expected next menstruation period date.

In order to treat conditions that either seem to be aggravated or are actually aggravated during specific occasions every year, for instance, the seasonal problem of hay fever, it is best to administer the relevant remedy about one to two months prior to the expected start of the problem.

In addition, it is essential to ensure that the remedy is suitable for treating the chronic condition, keeping in view all the characteristics of the patient's health.

To cure functional conditions, it would be better to administer the relevant remedy roughly a couple of hours prior to the usual time when the patient's symptoms and signs are apparent every day.

If you are treating epilepsy, remember you should not administer any remedy when the patient is enduring a convulsion, but administer the remedy when the convulsion has subsided.

Often, constitutional remedies are extremely useful provided they are administered following the abatement of a severe ailment - particularly at the time when the vital force of the patient is making an intense effort to push the toxic substances from the internal organs to the surface, as well as bring back a better health level.

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