Horse Chestnut

Aesculus hippocastanum

The homeopathic remedy aesculus is prepared from horse chestnut herb (some people also call the plant white chestnut or red chestnut) belonging to the genus Aesculus, which includes around 13 to 19 species of woody shrubs and trees that are indigenous to the temperate climatic regions in the northern hemisphere.

The species from which this homeopathic remedy is derived is known as buckeyes in North America, while it is known as the conker tree in Britain owing to its relation with the conker game that is played with the seeds also known as conkers. Carl Linnaeus had named this genus Aesculus, which is derived from the Roman word for an edible corn.

The common name of the herb horse chestnut is believed to have been derived from the traditional custom among the Turkish to feed nuts to their horses with a view to provide the animals with an antidote to flatulence (accumulation of gas in the stomach).

Traditionally the homeopathic medicine aesculus has been used to treat problems or diseases of the circulatory system, such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of a vein caused by the formation of a blood clot), hemorrhoids (swollen and twisted veins in the anus and lower rectum region causing pain and bleeding) and ulcers.

The homeopathic medicine is most appropriate for people who feel very dejected, depressed and are touchy. Their ability to concentrate on any subject is also very poor. Such people are likely to suddenly become ill-tempered and have a tendency to feel sorry for themselves later for whatever they might have said or done when they lose temper.

As aforementioned, this homeopathic medicine is basically prescribed to treat hemorrhoids, particularly when the individual feels dryness in the rectum which causes enough discomfort. In such instances, the sufferer has a feeling as if the rectum is stuffed with small sticks.

Then again, when the hemorrhoids are internal and related to constipation (a condition wherein evacuation is difficult and infrequent owing to hard feces) and soreness in the lower portion of the back. In such conditions, the anus generally feels dry, hot as well as prickly.

Individuals suffering from such conditions may have lumpy stools accompanied by an excruciating pain that gives a tearing, stabbing or splinter-like sensation in the anus. It is also possible that the bowels may be swollen accompanied by a colicky pain and bad smelling gas. Some people may also endure varicose veins along with a feeling of clogging and soreness in the liver.

In addition, hemorrhoids may also be associated with soreness and chilliness in the spine. In addition, they may suffer from a constant and monotonous backache that makes it extremely difficult to bend down or rising after sitting for long. Walking almost becomes an impossible exercise for such people owing to the excruciating pain and associated symptoms.

Administering aesculus proves to be highly effective not only in treating the conditions, but also alleviating the associated symptoms.

Apart from the health conditions mentioned above, the homeopathic remedy aesculus is also recommended for treating a dehydrated, coarse and burning throat that is accompanies by sneezing as well as heavy catarrh (inflammation of the mucus membrane with excessive production of mucus).

Parts used

The fresh, ripe, peeled, and finely chopped horse chestnuts are macerated in alcohol.


The homeopathic remedy aesculus prepared from the herb horse chestnut tree possesses numerous remedial properties and is used to treat a variety of conditions, especially for healing as well as providing relief from hemorrhoids. This medicine is also indicated for health conditions emerging from blocking in the veins. Using aesculus for treating hemorrhoids not only heals the condition, but also provides relief from the sticking pains associated with the condition.

Aesculus, the homeopathic remedy prepared from the horse chestnut herb, encloses a substance possessing anti-inflammatory and anti-edema properties called aestin. Aestin also has the aptitude to reduce capillary mobility, thereby, lessening the number as well as the size of the tiny pores on the walls of the capillary.

Researches by scientists have demonstrated that this substance, aestin, helps to enhance the quality of the walls of the veins, which, in turn, helps in avoiding the occurrence of varicose veins.

Administration of the homeopathic remedy is very useful in providing relief from severe hemorrhoids that may develop owing to prolonged as well as primary constipation and a slow bowel movement. People suffering from hemorrhoids and associated symptoms generally experience a sharp pain that moves to the back along with shooting pains traveling from the rectum upwards to the back.

In addition, the dry stool also makes evacuating it difficult as well as painful and the patients constantly suffer from different discomforts. In order to prevent the condition from getting worse, such patients need to keep off heated seats, as using heated seats have a tendency to increase the pressure within the veins of the rectum.

It is advisable that people suffering from hemorrhoids or are susceptible to this painful condition should avoid heated seats while they are travelling by car on any long journey. Use of the homeopathic remedy aesculus is effective not only in treating as well as reducing the impacts of hemorrhoids, but also providing relief from associated pains and other symptoms.

In homeopathy, aesculus is a very effective therapy for pile. Piles or hemorrhoids are somewhat better during the summer, but the condition deteriorated during the winter. In fact, hemorrhoids are considered to be blind or bleeding and when they bleed, the patients get some sort of relief.

As mentioned earlier, people who suffer from this painful condition have dryness in their rectum and this results in a sensation like there are small sticks or splinters are pricking the creases of the mucus membrane. This feeling is accompanied with a weakness in the sacroiliac joints, something like the legs would stop supporting the body and give way any time.

Aesculus patients may suffer from several dissimilar symptoms that may be caused by liver disorder, insipidness of the head and mind, depression and even fullness at the base of the nose. They may suffer from fullness and tenderness in the region around the liver. In such conditions, touching the abdomen causes pain.

Such people may also suffer from jaundice with stools without bile. They experience an excruciating pain in the abdomen, particularly hypogastrium (the lower and middle part of the abdomen). They also experience an extreme action on the lower bowel as well as the organs in the pelvic region. Generally, such people have a sensation of prolapsed (as if an organ is falling off from its place) rectum after evacuating stool.

Generally, they also experience pains in the lumbar as well as sacral region associated with rigidity in the back, making it just about impossible to walk. In addition, such people also endure a tearing pain in the lower back or coccyx as well as the hips. At the same time, the face has a reddish appearance and the pulse is very rapid. These symptoms can be effectively treating using the homeopathic medicine aesculus.

Aesculus patients usually feel drowsy and appear to be asleep; however, the sleep is broken up at brief periods by awaking up abruptly and screaming. When such people wake up suddenly they seem to be very frightful as if they have had a nightmare or are in a state of misbelieve when they open their eyes after a short sleep.

In fact, when such people are questioned regarding the reason behind such dreadful feelings, they are unable to provide any satisfactory answer. In effect, the aesculus patients are pessimistic and touchy most of the time. Using this homeopathic medicine helps to get rid of these symptoms.

It may be noted that any attempt to walk actually worsens the symptoms of aesculus patients. In addition, cold seasons as well as cold air also bring in deterioration in their condition. The nose and throat of such patients are very susceptible to inhaling and the condition worsens when they have a wash. Turning to aesculus helps to heal as well as prevent these symptoms.

Aesculus patients often suffer from a condition called varicose veins, wherein the veins frequently become distended and twisted. In fact, varicose veins are a result of accumulation of anomalous amount of blood in the veins.

Many patients suffering from varicose veins also suffer from pain and other associated symptoms, which may include discoloration, itching and swelling of the affected site. Use of the homeopathic medicine aesculus helps to diminish the severity of the condition as well as provide relief from the related symptoms.

While the fact remains that there is no cure for varicose veins, aesculus certainly has the aptitude to improve the condition as well as provide relief to the sufferers. Precisely speaking, homeopathic medicines are particularly useful in providing relief as well as improving the symptoms that are generally related to varicose veins.

Simply chose the homeopathic remedy having the description that matches best with the conditions you are suffering from as well as the symptoms associated with it. When you do this you are sure to be benefitted.

Another homeopathic remedy arnica, which is also known as Arnica Montana, is beneficial for those who have been suffering from varicose veins, especially those who have a sensation as if the veins are bruised or damaged. More often than not, people who endure such varicose veins will also have a discoloration of such veins.

The widely used homeopathic remedy arnica is an excellent remedy for varicose veins that cause excruciating pains when touched and are also distended.


The herb Aesculus hippocastanum has its origin in a small region located in the Balkans Mountains in southeast Europe. Horse chestnut is also indigenous to other small areas in the Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, particularly in the mixed forests of the Pindus Mountains and the Balkan mixed forests as well as Serbia. Presently, horse chestnut is cultivated extensively all over the world, especially in the regions having temperate climatic conditions. In fact, Aesculus hippocastanum is the most familiar species of the genus.


From Emelia - Jun-27-2011
Aesculus is a wonderful remedy for painful hemorrhoids, bringing almost immediate relief, in my experience. Better than any prescription I've had.
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