Borax is known by several other names, including sodium tetraborate, sodium borate and disodium tetraborate, and it is a key compound of boron, a boric acid salt as well as an important mineral. In its powdered form, borax has a white hue, made up of water soluble pale and soft crystals.
Borax is used for various purposes - as an ingredient of cosmetics, detergents and enamel glazes. In biochemistry, this compound is also employed to prepare buffer solutions. In addition, borax is used as an agent that slows spread of fire; in the form of a flux or soldering aid in metallurgy; in the form of an anti-fungal mix for fiberglass; as neutron-capture defense meant for radioactive sources; in the form of an agent to improve the texture of foods in cooking; and also in the form of a forerunner for other compounds of boron.
Occasionally, the borax method is employed in artisanal gold mining in place of toxic mercury in the process involving gold extraction. It is said that gold miners in some regions of the Philippines used borax till the 1900s.
Borax, or sodium tetraborate.
Borax Veneta is considered to be an extremely effective medication for treating a variety of health conditions. This homeopathic remedy works excellently on our nervous system. This medication is ideal for people who feel very scared and have problems following hearing any noise, voice, cough and others. In effect, Borax Veneta is an excellent homeopathic remedy to end fright. Some of the symptoms treated by Borax Veneta are discussed in brief below.
Symptoms related to mind
Borax Veneta is indicated for people enduring mental problems attributable to any ailment and are always fearful owing to the disease. In many instances, the patient is even afraid of going downstairs. In the case of children, they often wake up from their sleep all of a sudden and start crying even during sleep, as they are fearful and also extremely nervous. Such children may feel frightened when they hear any sound while they are asleep. Giving Borax Veneta to people enduring the above mentioned symptoms will help in ending their fear and, at the same time, improve their fortitude.
Symptoms related to mouth
Any child suffering from the development of little, white blisters inside their mouth will benefit from taking Borax Veneta. This medicine is also effective in curing too much warmth inside the mouth of a child, who also suffers from loose motions, wherein the feces have a greenish color. Administering Borax Veneta to such children will alleviate their problems very fast.
Symptoms related to eyes
Borax Veneta is an effective remedy for eyes secreting sticky substances when the patient wakes up in the morning and having eyelids glued to each-other.
Symptoms related to ear
This is the best homeopathic remedy for otorrhoea, a condition wherein pus or mucus is discharged from the ear.
Symptoms related to cough
Borax Veneta is often given to patients suffering from symptoms like cough, violent cough and those whose cough is accompanied by greenish phlegm. In addition, this medication is also effective in alleviating the pain that occurs in the chest's right side during cough.
Symptoms related to stool and urine
Individuals suffering from a whitish coat inside their nose and the coat reappears even after getting rid of it would find Borax Veneta useful in alleviating their condition. Such people generally pass a green stool. All these symptoms can be treated effectively with this homeopathic remedy. Moreover, if your child experiences a burning sensation while urinating and the urine encloses sand particles, you should give him Borax Veneta to alleviate these symptoms. This mediation is effective for treating all urinary problems and it also helps to make the urine clear.
Symptom related to respiratory system
Borax Veneta is an excellent remedy for problems related to the respiratory system. This medication works on the respiratory pipe's (trachea) synovial membrane and helps to release phlegm. In addition, people enduring symptoms associated with polarities on their chest's right portion need to take Borax Veneta, as it helps to alleviate the symptoms quickly.
Symptoms related to female diseases
Women suffering from white leucorrhea (whitish mucus discharge from the vagina) would benefit if they take Borax Veneta. In addition, this medication also helps women to get respite from pain when they are hurt and also during the early stage of the development of a wound.
Borax was a very popular medication during the 19th century and it was used to cure ulcers in the mouth as well as to stimulate childbirth.
People who are said to belong to the Borax temperament are usually feeble and have an earthy or clay-hued complexion that appears to be flaccid. Such people are skinny or they may have sagging tissues and lax muscles.
Individuals who require the homeopathic remedy Borax Veneta most always have a nervous serious expression. Such people get easily frightened by noise and almost suffer from a phobia related to being dropped or falling. Children who have a Borax temperament easily fall asleep when they are carried in the arms, but nearly always wake up whenever they are lowered on the bed, which frightens them. Even the slightest noise can disturb their sleep.
People having Borax personality are prone to phobias and when they are under stress they may feel giddy or become unstable. Immediately before passing stool, such people become tetchy.
The patient usually becomes irritated while going down the stairs; in fact such people get annoyed even while rocking. Babies basically protest by throwing up their arms when they are lowered in their bed and, at times, their irritation intensifies when they are in a lying position.
They are also aggravated while climbing heights or going upstairs - but to a lesser extent. Such type of strange and intense behaviour of the patients is a vital indication that they should be given Borax Veneta. Such people have an intense dislike for mental hard work and when they engage in such exertion, it results in worsening of their physical condition. When these people think deeply, it causes nausea, accompanied by impulsiveness.
Patient requiring Borax feels uneasy when he/ she is eating and even afterward. They feel restive and giddy when they are eating and feel some kind of pressure inside their stomach following eating anything, especially when they have had a fruit. Such people also have colic (stomach pain) when they smoke and feel like they will soon have diarrhea.
When they are traveling by a carriage, they experience queasiness accompanied by a tendency to vomit and also feel the same when they are thinking all through a lively discussion. When they drink anything, aphthous patches spread downwards to the esophagus causing vomiting.
This remedy is typically used to cure the supposed stomach cough, which causes choking and vomiting. Such people usually have a pungent or bland taste and they crave to drink sour liquids.
The Borax patient usually experiences an overall weakness in the abdomen and often also endures a squeezing pain accompanied by diarrhea. They also endure colic or stomach ache, as if some firm, pointed objects are stroking against one another inside the bowels as well as in the upper portion of the abdomen (hypochondrium).
Physicians often prescribe Borax Veneta for treating diarrhea, particularly in nursing babies, diarrhea accompanied by reverberation and stomach aches as well as a very acidic stomach. Borax patients generally pass light yellow stools, accompanied by whitish mucus, resembling boiled starch. The feces are occasionally greenish and even bloody, but they contain mucus at all times.
Aged patients requiring Borax Veneta generally feel feeble and dizzy and suffer from diarrhea. Such patients become irritable, lazy and frustrated prior to passing stool, which is followed by diarrhea accompanied by a burning sensation in the region of the rectum. After this, they become happy and satisfied mentally. They, however, have aphthous patches (fungal infections) in the region of the anus.
Borax Veneta is an effective medication to treat membranous dysmenorrhea accompanied by pains akin to labor before the passing of membrane pieces, now and then even some skin from the uterus. Provided the typical attributes of Borax Veneta are present, this homeopathic remedy is helpful in curing this type of dysmenorrhea.
Women requiring Borax appear to suffer from a more aggressive labor pain in the stomach instead of the uterus. Such women usually push themselves upwards as a result of which the baby's head turns towards the back and they also have frequent discharges (eructations).
Women said to belong to the Borax temperament and suffering from such symptoms and having a history of either this type of dysmenorrhea or leucorrhea or both are sure to find relief when they take Borax Veneta. Such women also suffer from an additional strange symptom - they experience pain in one breast when the baby is feeding on the other breast.
They also produce very less breast milk, which is dense, and tastes awful, as a result of which the child refuses to feed on it. In addition, they experience pain in the breasts when they are empty and require pressing the breasts to make milk flow out.
Often physicians prescribe Borax Veneta for people suffering from symptoms related to the chest, especially those occurring in the right side of the chest - such as a stitching pain passing through the middle of the right lung towards the scapula. This pain is as intense as that which is cured using the homeopathic remedy Bryonia.
Such patients also have dry cough, which is hectic and accompanied by a shooting pain in the chest and the secretion from the respiratory tract (expectoration) having a mouldy or dull taste. People having a Borax temperament experience itching, tingling and a stitching pain accompanied by a wobbly debility in their back as well as extremities.
They also experience pain and a burning sensation in the region of the lumber or lower back as well as stinging in the coccyx while they are sitting. In addition, they also experience a burning sensation in the upper portion of their arms and thighs, wobbly feet, tingling of the finger joints as well as the ankles and stitching in the soles of their feet.
Such people also have a feeling as if warm water is flowing down the thighs; redness and heat in their fingers as well as toes; ulceration in the region of the joints of their fingers and also on their buttocks; a beating sensation in the thumb tips all through the day; and experience erysipelatous (a severe, feverish infectious disease) conditions.
The skin of people belonging to the Borax personality is flaccid or creased, very much inclined to discharge pus, pallid or bruised. These may induce herpes, erysipelas (feverish contagious conditions), ulcers, eczema on the face and/ or the scalp and intertrigo (a form of dermatitis). In addition, they may also have aphthous patches over the mucus membranes.
Such patients are unable to have adequate and sound sleep and get frightened at the slightest noise. They wake up before time and are often fearful after waking up. This type of patient is cold and trembles as well as quivers most of the time. These are often accompanied by shaking debility as well as an intense nervous edginess. They particularly feel cold while sleeping; they also shiver while lying on the bed with minimum covering; they also sweat when they sleep during the morning.
For the very first time, borax was found in the parched lake beds located in Tibet, from where it was imported to Arabia through the Silk Route. This compound was commonly used for the first time in the later part of the 19th century after the Pacific Coast Borax Company owned by Francis Marion Smith started selling as well as popularizing a wide assortment of applications of borax under the famed 20 Mule Team Borax brand.
The trademark gets its name from the procedure used to extract borax in the early days from the deserts located in Nevada and California in huge amounts with a view to make borax inexpensive as well as readily available to the common people.