Yellow Pit Viper / Fer De Lance

Bothrops lanceolatus / Lachesis lanceolatus

The homeopathic remedy bothrops is prepared using the freshly obtained venom of bothrops lanceolatus and it is mainly used to cure thrombosis (intravascular coagulation of blood in any part of the circulatory system) and hemorrhages.

Belonging to a genus of venomous pit vipers that are found in Central and South America, Bothrops contains a heat-sensitive pit on both sides of its head. The generic name bothrops has its origin in the Greek words bothrops denoting 'pit' and 'ops' meaning 'eye' or 'face' - a reference to the heat-sensitive organs on its head.

Compared to any other group of venomous snakes, members of this genus are liable for more number of snake-bite deaths in the Americas. As of date, 32 species of snakes in this genus have been identified.

It may be noted that the yellow pit viper is a highly poisonous snake and its bite may prove to be fatal for humans. This species is distinguished by its gray or brown color and a series of black-edged diamonds, which usually have a paler shade along the border.

Anyone suffering a yellow pit viper bite on a limb experiences rapid swelling of the part, so much so that it becomes enormous in size. At the same time, the limb is infected along with the formation of gangrene.

The yellow pit viper is a very violent and extremely poisonous snake that is indigenous to the island of Martinique. The highly poisonous snake, which belongs to the family of Crotalidae, is commonly known as the Martinique lance head or fer-de-lance.

Usually, a large, semi-arborial and heavy-bodied Martinique lance head adult is about 150 cm to 200 cm, however, there have been instances when snakes as long as 300 cm too have been sighted. The color of this species body ranges from gray to brown to yellowish tan and usually has marked darker patterns on the back as well as laterally.

The top of the lance head's head generally has a darker color. The color of the belly region of the snake varies from a paler yellowish-gray to grayish-brown. In the case of some snakes, the belly region is also freckled with small, relatively darker grayish marks.

The yellow pit viper or bothrops lanceolatus is mainly found in humid tropical forests as well as tropical soggy forest in the highlands. Sometimes, this species is also found inhabiting the stony hillsides. Previously, this species was found in a number of other Caribbean islands, but now it is only found on Martinique island, on land ranging from the sea level to about 1,300 m height.

Although the yellow pit viper is generally a nocturnal species and primarily land-dwelling, some members of this species have also been found living at a height of 20 meters above the ground. As mentioned before, the yellow pit viper or bothrops lanceolatus is a very aggressive snake and has the ability to attack swiftly when it is taken aback or endangered.

This species is known to be ovoviviparous (producing eggs and hatching them inside the body), but the size of the litter has not yet been reported. This species of snakes mainly feeds of birds, lizards, small mammals that are available to it and also frogs.

The venom of bothrops lanceolauts is basically hemotoxic (a poison that results in hemolytic reactions), usually with cytotoxic (a substance poisonous to living cells) aspects. Envenomation or the injection of this snake's venom is likely to cause regular internal bleeding and at the same time, damage the local tissues. Several deaths of humans owing to bites by bothrops lanceolauts (B. lanceolauts) have been kept in details.

Parts used

The homeopathic remedy bothrops is prepared from the freshly obtained venom of the poisonous snake bothrops lanceolauts or the yellow pit viper found in the South and Central America. Although this homeopathic medication is prepared from deadly snake venom, it does not retain any of the toxic or poisonous attributes of the substance it is made from and is absolutely safe for human use.


Unlike most other homeopathic medications, bothrops has limited therapeutic uses. This homeopathic remedy is primarily used to treat thrombosis or hemorrhaging. In addition, bothrops may also be given to patients who have suffered strokes on the left side along with paralysis on the right side and enduring incapability to be eloquent or memorize the right words.

Generally, individuals needing this homeopathic medication are somewhat slow or tired and they also experience trembling due to nervousness.

There are no specific factors that are known to make people bitten by the yellow pit viper feel better or improve their symptoms. On the other hand, they feel worse or their symptoms deteriorate when they are walking, on their right side or taking a deep breath. In addition, their condition worsens after midnight and also at sunrise.


The yellow pit viper or bothrops lanceolatus, whose venom forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy bothrops, is found on the Martinique Island in the Caribbean. Earlier, this species was also found on several other islands of the Caribbean. This species is an Ophidian belonging to the Crotalidae family. Bothrops lanceolatus is a highly aggressive snake and its venom is extremely poisonous.


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