

Bromium is a non-metallic substance. In periodic table, bromine is a member of the halogen group, which also includes chlorine, fluorine and iodine. The chemical symbol of bromine is Br and it is present on the earth's surface in the form of a variety of bromide salts. In addition, bromine is also present in seawater from which the element is extracted.

Compared to chlorine and fluorine, bromine is not as reactive chemically. However, the reactivity of bromine is more compared to iodine. All bromine compounds are known as bromides.

Bromine possesses a unique property. It is the sole non-metallic substance in the periodic table that exists in a liquid form in common circumstances. However, the liquid is generally found in a somewhat volatile (unstable) condition and it has an inclination to turn into vapours very rapidly even at normal room temperature.

Liquid bromine is dense and has a reddish-brown hue. When liquid bromine turns into vapours, its color changes to red and it has a strong odor. Bromine is very soluble in carbon disulfide as well as organic solvents, such as acetic acid and methanol. However, it does not dissolve readily in water.

Bromine's atomic number is 35, while the atomic weight of this element is 79.90. In its cleanest form, the element bromine is more often than not found as Br2 or as a diatomic molecule. This element works in the form of a potent oxidizing agent, as it just requires a solitary electron in its most external shell to realize its octet.

Bromine easily reacts with various metals, especially when there is water. This non-metallic element also blends well with other different compounds when there is light.

As bromine is a very unstable element, it corrodes the human tissues when it is in a liquid form. When this element is in a vapor form, it causes irritation in the throat and eyes. It may be noted that when inhaled, vapors of bromine are extremely noxious.

Human beings may take up organic bromines by means of their skin, along with foods and also while breathing. In fact, organic bromines are used extensively in the form of sprays to eliminate insects as well as other useless pests. In fact, organic bromines are poisonous to the animals against which they are used as well as larger animals. In several instances, they are also toxic to the humans.

Any organic pollutant containing bromine may result is a number of severe health disorders. For instance, it may not only lead to faulty functioning of the nervous system, but also cause disorders in genetic materials. In addition, organic bromines may also lead to organ damage, for instance, cause harm to the kidneys, liver, milt and the lungs.

They may also result in the malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal system as well as the stomach. A number of organic bromine forms like ethylene bromine may also lead to cancer.

Inorganic bromines are present in the nature. Although they are found naturally, over the years, humans have only helped to add to their amount. Humans absorb elevated amounts of inorganic bromines by means of the food they consume and water they drink. These bromines possess the aptitude to devastate the thyroid gland as well as the nervous system.

As an element, bromine has potent bleaching properties and, hence, it is used in the form of a disinfectant in swimming pools. In addition, bromine has widespread use in manufacturing water purification chemicals, dyes, flameproof agents, fumigants as well as a number of drugs.

Bromine also has other uses and one of them is its use in producing brominated vegetable oil that forms an element in a number of soft drinks. Various bromine compounds as well as inorganic metals are also beneficial to us in various ways.

Chemicals such as calcium bromide, zinc bromide and sodium bromide are liquefied in water to produce dense solutions that are employed in the form of drilling fluids to bore holes into the ground. On the other hand, potassium bromide is also used as photographic developers.

The element bromide has large scale industrial use for producing some of the organobromine compounds that have numerous uses and serve a variety of purposes. Organobromine compounds have several uses and one of the main uses includes applying them in the form of a brominated flame retarding agent.

These compounds possess the aptitude to restrain fire flammable organic matters. Another similar organobromine compound that is included in leaded gasoline is dibromoethane. This particular compound is useful in getting rid of the lead found in gasoline that comes out of the engine. Currently, the use of dibromoethane has been restricted owing to a variety of environmental causes.

In industry, bromine is also employed to produce organobromo compounds. Before its use was brought to an end gradually owing to concerns related to the environment, dibromoethane, a leaded gasoline agent, was one of the main organobromo chemicals made from bromine.

There are other varieties of organobromo chemicals that are employed in the form of insecticides, sanitizers, compounds that purify water, agents for photography, medications and emulsifiers in several soft drinks having the flavour of citrus fruits.

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Although bromine does not have any major role in our body, the human body contains many organobromine compounds. As mentioned earlier, as an element bromine is a very poisonous substance and produces a burning feeling when our skin is exposed to it. Vapours of element bromine are rather corrosive as well as toxic. Therefore, it is advisable that one should take appropriate protective measures while handling or transporting bromine.

Bromine is also used in medicines, especially those that are employed for treating respiratory pathologies and tinnitus. On the other hand, Bromium may be employed in the form of a disinfectant and possesses the ability to treat specific gynecological contagions.

The homeopathic remedy Bromium is helpful in lessening the ringing or whistling sounds produced in the ears - irrespective of the fact whether they are occasional or lasting. Actually, this medication also helps to augment the quality of life of tinnitus patients. It may be noted that tinnitus is a fall-out of too much exposure to noise or ageing. Nonetheless, similar to the entire remedies for this kind of hearing problem, Bromium is not effective in curing the condition completely.

Then again, Bromium is also employed to put off the potential development of tumours in the ear. In addition, this homeopathic remedy is also used to treat a condition known as Menière's disease - a type of ear infection. This medicine is especially effective for people with Menière's disease which is accompanied with nausea, dizziness and pain prior to a fit.

The homeopathic remedy Bromium is also used to treat asthma. The patient may take this medication immediately when the initial symptoms appear, as this helps in preventing the condition from worsening. Using this remedy in the initial stages of asthma also helps in restricting breathing problems in the chest as well as discomfort in the respiratory tract. Homeopathic physicians also recommend the use of Bromium for treating laryngeal cough.

As Bromium works as a disinfectant, patients suffering from various genealogical infections may also take this medication, particularly when the condition occurs together with fever. In addition, this homeopathic remedy also helps to restrict the chances of developing secondary infections or occurrence of mycosis. Last, but not the least important, Bromium also helps to put off recurring infections of the urinary tract.

Bromine is also employed to treat croup especially when children suffer from deep, croaky voice that brings about coughing. Usually, a whistling sound comes from the larynx and the patient also gives up some phlegm while coughing.

When the patient has heavy phlegm it signifies choking and augmented failure to breathe properly. In such cases the child may also seem to be lethargic and would desire to be taken from one room to another rather than making an effort to walk.

As a homeopathic remedy, Bromium mainly aids in the treatment of respiratory problems. This medication is especially helpful in treating chronic cold accompanied with corrosive tenderness or pain in the nose. People who require this homeopathic remedy experience pressure at the base of their nose accompanied with blockage of the right nostril.

They also suffer from sneezing due to inhaling dust. In addition, Bromium is effective for treating dry cough occurring together with croakiness and a blazing pain at the back of the sternum. They experience spasmodic cough together with clattering mucus. Such patients also have a cold feeling when they breathe. Bromium is especially effective for treating respiratory problems in sailors.

Another use of Bromium is in diphtheria treatment, especially when there is diptheric membrane formation in the bronchi, larynx or trachea and it spreads upwards. The patient also suffers from chest pain that extends upwards. There is diptheric and membranous croup accompanied with great mucus rattling while they cough. However, the patients do not experience suffocation.

This homeopathic remedy is also used to treat glandular affections, wherein the glands, particularly those that become stony hard or have tuberculous swelling on the throat and lower jaw. Bromium is also helpful for treating swollen testicles accompanied with pain and those that worsen when there is even slight jarring.

It is also an effective remedy for breast tumours that are accompanied with stitching pain and worsen when pressure is applied to them or when they occur on the left side. It is given to breast tumour patients whose pain spreads from the affected breasts to the arm pits (axillae).

Bromium is also a wonderful homeopathic remedy for coughs, tender throats and bronchitis. This remedy is potenized from bromine and is also used to treat problems related to the lungs. It also provides relief from sore throat; croup, asthma and emphysema.

People suffering from coughs that are croupy type, spasmodic, dry coughs, wheezing cough when they breathe, tickling inside the throat, chest tightness accompanied with asthma and barking cough will also benefit from taking the homeopathic remedy Bromium.

Homeopathic physicians also recommend Bromium for people suffering from glandular swelling, particularly mumps on the left side. It is also effective for treating inflamed throat accompanied with corroded places and redness similar to net as well as scraping inside the throat. Bromium is also given to people who suffer from pharynx mucous membrane swellings.


A homeopathic remedy Bromum is prepared from bromine, a chemical element that is a member of the halogen group.


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