Cannabis Ind.

Cannabis sativa subsp. indica

The homeopathic remedy Cannabis Ind. is prepared using the flowering tops of the marijuana plant and is used to treat a number of health conditions, including psychological disorders and infections of the urinary tract.

Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus was the first to classify Cannabis sativa way back in 1753. Until very recent times, Cannabis sativa was the major species found all over North America. Cannabis sativa is a lofty plant usually growing up to a height of eight feet to 12 feet having long, slender leaves that have a pale green hue. As the buds of this plant mature, they become red in a temperate location.

When grown in relatively cooler climatic regions, the buds are likely to be somewhat purplish in color. The Cannabis sativa plant releases a sweet and fruit-like fragrance and is a source for making rope and other products. This plant does not usually produce too much resin, while specific cultivars give off significant amounts of it.

In effect, Cannabis indica is extensively found in India, the Middle East, Pakistan, Central Asia, particularly in Afghanistan. This plant is much shorter in height compared to the Cannabis sativa and usually does not grow above six feet in height. Unlike the Cannabis sativa, the leaves of Cannabis indica are broad and resemble the fingers of a human hand. In addition, the leaves of this plant species have a deep green color and are occasionally dashed with purple.

The species Cannabis indica is known to be one of the earliest plants cultivated by man. In effect, the history of these cultigens dates back to nearly the starting point of agriculture in the Old World - denoting Europe, Asia and Africa.

Ancient available documents reveal that the plant has been cultivated in China as early as 8,000 years back and the people of the region held it in high esteem for its therapeutic properties. Similarly, the inhabitants of Assyria - a prehistoric empire in South East Asia - are known to have used the medication as early as the 9th century B.C. in the form of an aroma (incense).

Even the drug was first documented in the Old Iranian Zend-Avesta for its invigorating resin way back in 600 B.C. Earlier, around 450 B.C., the ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the Scythians who rode from Central Asia to Europe, burned the seeds of Cannabis indica in some sort of a steam bath with a view to generate a sedative smoke.

Inhabitants of Thebes, an ancient city in Upper Egypt located on the Nile, used the Cannabis to prepare a drink that is said to have possessed inebriating properties. Ancient Greek physician Galen has documented that the hemp was generally used in cakes, which when consumed in large amounts produced heady reactions.

In India, the Near East as well as certain regions of Africa and also some regions of the Old World, the sedative use of Cannabis dates back to several thousand years. However, the spread of Cannabis to the other inhabited regions of the world has permitted the use of this plant as an intoxicant and its use has lately augmented in urban societies.

Close on the heels of Napoleon's invasion of Egypt, the Cannabis plant was brought into European medicine. In fact, explorers as well as traders who visited Persia and Arabia from China and India, where people were aware of the plant's therapeutic properties since ancient times, about the 5th century carried information regarding the drug to these places.

It is believed that people in Arabia and Persia used the medication initially both as an antiseptic as well as a palliative. People in ancient Greece used Cannabis indica to treat problems like earache, oedema (accumulation of excessive fluid in the intercellular space of the tissues) and swelling and tenderness.

Likewise, the indigenous tribes in Africa used as well as valued Cannabis for the drug's antiseptic properties as well as its aptitude to bring back desire for food and its use in easing the pain caused due to hemorrhoids. In France, Cannabis was hugely popular as an antiseptic and a pain killer during the period after Napoleon.

Since time immemorial, people of various cultures have used marijuana as a crucial herbal medication. In Europe, marijuana had turned out to be a regular analgesic by the 19th century.

In some countries, marijuana has been recommended as a regular medication for providing relief from nausea owing to chemotherapy as well as convulsions caused by multiple sclerosis (a chronic, often spasmodic degenerative ailment of the nervous system) in more recent times.

The species Cannabis indica also happens to be an illegal drug used for recreational purposes by many and, therefore, many countries have even banned its use in medications too. It may be noted here that the American Provers' Union proved the homeopathic medication cannabis ind. in 1839, while Dr. Trinks introduced this remedy in 1841.

People who benefit most from the use of the homeopathic remedy cannabis ind. are known to possess behaviour that changes from sweet and gentle to frantic and sometimes even obsessed. The characteristic physical symptoms of individuals who require this medication comprise of a distinct augmentation in desire for food and need for liquids. Such individuals usually have a craving for sweet foods as well as cold drinks.

Homeopathic physicians mainly prescribe cannabis ind. to cure anomalous mental conditions, for instance, stupefaction, disorientation, bewilderment, volatility, loss of memory, obsession and/ or needless fear. In addition, this homeopathic medication is also prescribed to treat certain physical symptoms like headaches, throbbing legs as well as infections in the urinary tract.

Parts used

The homeopathic remedy Cannabis Indica (Cannabis Ind.) is prepared using the flowering tops as well as the seeds of the marijuana plant. The freshly obtained flowering tops and seeds are chopped finely and then macerated in alcohol for about 10 days. Subsequently, the resultant solution is strained, diluted to desired level and succussed (continuously shaken). The end product is the homeopathic remedy cannabis ind.


The homeopathic remedy cannabis ind. has a number of therapeutic uses, especially related to abnormal mental conditions. However, this medication is also prescribed to cure certain physical symptoms. Below is a brief discussion on the condition specific uses of cannabis ind.

Psychological disorders

Homeopathic medical practitioners usually prescribe cannabis ind. to cure distinct changes in an individual's thoughts and moods, varying from being sweet and gentle to even obsession. A soft ecstasy, stubborn views and a hyperactive brain, especially involving mysterious and obscure topics like UFOs and astrology are noticeable when the patient is in a gentle state of mind.

In such a situation, the patient experiences amazing and illuminating conceptions in quick sequence. However, they forget them very rapidly too. In such circumstances, they are likely to be giggling frantically stimulated by the least thing. The patients are also likely to experience supernatural occurrences, predictive dreams as well as prediction regarding the future in such conditions.

When they are in an extreme state, i.e. a paranoid condition, the patients usually experience horror and nervousness, especially the apprehension of losing control over their mental state and becoming unreasonable or even crazy. They are also likely to suffer from loss of memory, stupefaction as well as bewilderment even while they are in their familiar environs.

Such patients are likely to suffer from anguish owing to traveling or replacement. Even delusions, which may twist time, space as well as distance, are quite common in such conditions.


People who require the homeopathic remedy suffer from headaches with a feeling that they start as well as end at the top of the head. In such conditions, they have a feeling like shock waves are transmitting through their brain. In some cases, the heads of the patients may also tremble against their will and they may have a feeling like the head is a detached from their body. The patients are also likely prostrate owing to a feeling as if they have a burden or heavy load on their brain or due to migraine.

Infections of the urinary tract

The homeopathic remedy cannabis ind. is also prescribed for treating infections of the urinary tract, wherein the patients experience a tedious, scorching, throbbing or suture-like pain in their right kidney. In such cases, the patients may also suffer from copious and pale urine accompanied by irregular urination owing to some kind of obstruction in urinating.

Some people may even suffer from urethritis (a condition where the urethra is inflamed) accompanied by mucus secretion as well as a burning and harsh pain. Turning to cannabis ind. not only helps to cure the main health problem, but also provide relief from the associated symptoms.

Throbbing or paralytic legs

The homeopathic remedy cannabis ind. is effective in treating wrenching pain or spasms that move upwards on the legs while walking. In effect, people suffering from this type of pain may also experience tiredness after a brief walk. On the other hand, they may also have a feeling of paralysis in the lower limbs or legs. All such symptoms often come together with a backache.


The plant species Cannabis sativa, which forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy cannabis ind., is indigenous to China and the central western regions of Asia. However, presently it is grown all over the world, provided there is no legal restriction in cultivating the plant.


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