Blue Cohosh

Caulophyllum thalictroides

The homeopathic remedy caulophyllum is prepared using the fresh roots of the blue cohosh or the squaw root, a species of Caulophyllum and belonging to family Berberidaceae, and used to treat problems related to child birth and menstruation. Blue cohosh is a flowering plant that grows one to three feet in height. This plant produces fruits resembling berries and a foliage that is bluish-green in color.

The blue cohosh plant comprises a solitary stalk growing erect from the ground and bears a single three-branched leaf as well as a separate stalk for bearing the fruits. The leaflets of the plants have a bluish-green hue and are shaped like tulips.

They are complete at the base, but dented at the tips. The species name of the plant, thalictroides is derived from the resemblance between the leaves of this plant with the large extremely divided and multiple-compound leaves of the Meadow-rue (Thalictrum).

Blue cohosh plants are found growing in abundance in the hardwood forests in the eastern region of the United States. This species has a preference for moist inlets or hillsides and is generally found in shady places where the soil is fertile.

Since time immemorial, the American Indians traditionally used the herb for medicinal purposes and even now it may be used as a dietary supplement to promote labor, normalize menstruation flow, hasten the process of childbirth as well as alleviate the pain and problems related to childbirth.

In addition, several indigenous tribes of North America and afterwards a number of European herbalists as well as mid-wives used blue cohosh alongside additional herbs and fluids both for inducing abortion as well as for birth control. It is advisable that pregnant women ought not to use this herb for it has the aptitude to force unwanted abortions.

The homeopathic medication caulophyllum may be described as a women's medication and is prescribed solely for treating symptoms in women who have a tendency to be restive, nervous as well as those who suffer from sleep disorders or insomnia when they drink excessive amounts of coffee.

In extreme situations, such patients may not be in a condition to speak. In homeopathy, caulophyllum is primarily used to treat complaints of the uterus, for instance profuse bleeding as well as absence of a tone in the muscles of the uterus. Some women may have inconsistent or totally missing uterine muscle action during their menstruation periods or after labor.

They may also experience internal tremors. In such cases, turning to the homeopathic remedy caulophyllum not only helps to cure the main problem, but also alleviate the associated symptoms.

Apart from being prescribed for problems related to labor, childbirth and menstruation, homeopathic practitioners also recommend the use of caulophyllum for rheumatic joint pains, especially those that affect the smaller joints.

This medication is all the more effective when the above mentioned condition happens during menstruation or concurrently with uterine problems. In such instances, women may experience pain in the fingers and toes, while the ankles may become firm. Even the wrists are painful.

It may be mentioned here that the indigenous tribes of North America held this herb in high esteem for its therapeutic properties that were extremely beneficial for women. They used the herb as a method for birth control, to normalize the menstruation flow and cycles as well as to promote labor and ease childbirth. In addition, the herb was also used to treat colic (spasmodic pain in the abdominal region and/ or bowels) in children.

Parts used

The freshly obtained roots of the blue cohosh or squaw root plants are used to prepare the homeopathic remedy caulophyllum. The fresh roots are cleaned, chopped into fine pieces and macerated in alcohol. Subsequently, the resultant solution is diluted to desired levels and succussed to obtain the homeopathic medicine caulophyllum.


The indigenous American tribes have been using the root of the blue cohosh plant as a herbal medication for a number of health conditions, especially to avoid extended and painful labor as well as to hasten up the process of childbirth. Even till this day, the roots of the plant are used in herbal medicine as an energizer and also as a stimulant to uterine.

Reputed American homeopathic physician Dr. Edwin Moses Hale was the first to introduce caulophyllum to this alternative stream of medicine in 1875. It is important to note that in homeopathy, caulophyllum has to primary uses. First, it is an effective remedy for rheumatic pains that affect the smaller joints of the hands and feet with sudden, excruciating cramping pain as well as aching wrists.

The pain experienced by such patients is of traveling nature and moves from one part of the body to another swiftly. Second, caulophyllum is prescribed to hasten the process of childbirth, ease the pain and problems associated with labor and also to alleviate problems endured after childbirth.

This medication is effective when a pregnant woman experiences feeble and erratic labor pain or may have intensely aching, but ineffective contractions of the uterine muscles. In addition, caulophyllum is also recommended for women who may be experiencing fake labor pains.

The homeopathic medication caulophyllum may help to prevent routine miscarriages and, at the same time, alleviate the acute hurting following childbirth and provide relief from menstrual soreness. Since caulophyllum is a stimulant for the uterine muscles, it is helpful in inducing menstruation flows in women who have been suffering from lack of menstrual flow.

This homeopathic remedy is also beneficial for those suffering from stomach complaints that usually lead to spasmodic dyspepsia (impaired digestion). Some patients who may suffer from stomach pain accompanied by spasms would benefit if they try caulophyllum.

In addition, as a homeopathic remedy caulophyllum is also effective for treating other health problems related to women, for instance amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods), menstrual abnormalities and/ or dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). This medication is also effective in facilitating labor when the opening of the uterus is exceptionally rigid.

Homeopathic practitioners recommend the use of caulophyllum for people suffering from rheumatic pains which are transient in nature, moving from one part of the body to another very quickly. All these apart, caulophyllum is also useful in curing ailments encountered during pregnancy, such as parturition (the process of brining up an infant) as well as lactation (formation and secretion of breast milk).

It is also effective in treating leucorrhoea (white or yellowish mucus discharge from the vagina suggesting an infection) in young girls, which is usually pungent and excoriating.


The blue cohosh or squaw root plant, which forms the basis for the homeopathic remedy caulophyllum, is indigenous to North America, especially the eastern regions of the United States. The plant favours a moist and fertile soil and is found growing in the wild in streams, swamps as well as other locations where the soil remains moist all the time. The plant produces greenish yellow flowers in May and June, which mature into pods bearing scanty seeds during summer.


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