The homeopathic remedy Colchicum is prepared using the freshly dug up bulb of the herb Colchicum autumnale and it is used to treat a number of health conditions, especially joint pains, gout and rheumatism.
Individuals who respond excellently to treatment with the homeopathic remedy Colchicum are generally feeble and very restive. At the same time, such people are also likely to suffer from depression and be tetchy. They may also have a poor memory and suffer from inability to concentrate.
These are some of the primary reasons why they always seem to be dazed, even while replying to queries suitably. Interestingly enough, individuals to respond well to this homeopathic medication have a noticeable absence of any type of worry and apparently also are not afraid of death.
The main symptoms related to the individuals belonging to the Colchicum type basically concentrate on joint membranes and muscle tissues, mainly the membranes in the relatively smaller joints. They may suffer from painful joints, which are also hot and distended, while the muscles may be highly slackened and at times even wilted.
Such patients may suffer from acute gout and arthritic joint pain, which may be so severe that may even cause them to scream when the joints are touched or jerked. In addition, such people may also experience itchy and trembling sensations right through their body.
In addition, the homeopathic remedy colchicum is also believed to be an effective medication to treat ulcerative colitis (chronic ulceration in the large intestine that is typified by agonizing abdominal cramps) as well as nausea accompanied by colicky pains (spasm-like uneasiness in the abdomen that comes and goes) and swelling of the abdomen.
Such ailments generally come together with an icy cold sensation in the stomach. Apart from these symptoms, the body of the patients is likely to feel cold within accompanied by severe oversensitivity to stimulations from outside like potent smells, bright lights, physical contact and at times other people's manners.
In ancient Arabia, people used the corm (roots and bulb) of the herb Colchicum autumnale to treat gout as well as other joint pains. In addition, there are several indications that people in Europe, especially England, believed that the corm possessed therapeutic properties.
Since a dosage of colchinine (the active poison enclosed by the roots and bulb of the plant) is extremely critical, the corm was considered to be extremely poisonous. In effect, the difference between a therapeutic and fatal dose of colchinine is too small.
In the ancient periods, the herb Colchicum autumnale was believed to be extremely noxious for use by humans. Later, during the Middle Ages, physicians in Arabia used the corm of the plant to treat gout as well as other joint pains effectively.
The homeopathic remedy colchicum is prepared using the freshly dug bulb of the herb Colchicum autumnale, generally dug up during spring. Subsequently, the bulb is cleaned, chopped into fine pieces and soaked in alcohol. Preparing this homeopathic remedy requires continuously diluting the chopped pieces of the herb till all traces of the original plant are removed.
The final product of the process is the homeopathic remedy colchicum, which is safe for use and is used to treat a number of health conditions. In effect, extremely diluted homeopathic medications are usually safe for use and usually do not produce any acute side effects.
Going by legends, the ancient Greeks had discovered that autumn crocus (plants belonging to the genus Colchicum) was very useful for treating gout and rheumatism and hence, they named it the 'soul of the joints'. In addition, people have been using colchicum to treat dropsy (a condition typified by a build-up of watery fluid in the tissues), bronchitis, fevers, neuroses (a relatively placid personality disorder marked by extreme anxiety or indecision), venereal diseases as well as convulsions.
The homeopathic remedy colchicum is mainly used to treat gout wherein the pain is acute and it becomes worse due to least movement or touch, which is unbearable to people suffering from such conditions. In fact, colchicum is the best treatment for gout when the joint is reddened and becomes extremely sensitive to touch.
Such kind of gout pain actually worsens when there is slightest movement and improves when the patient is lying in a still position. Typically, the big toe is worst affected due to gout and the patient experiences intense sensitivity due to the excruciating pain.
In addition, many homeopathic physicians also prescribe colchicum for people suffering from digestive problems, for instance, nausea, vomiting, heartburn as well as diarrhea. These conditions are said to improve and the patient feels better while bending forward. In addition, colchicum also facilitates in treating heart ailments as well as muscle and joint problems.
As aforementioned, the homeopathic remedy colchicum is a wonderful medication that has been used since the Middle Ages to treat gout. In effect, it is effective in treating all cases of gout in some form or the other. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that although colchicum is one of the first remedies discovered in homeopathy, not all people enduring arthritic problems are given colchicum by the careful homeopathic physicians.
The characteristic cases where physicians prescribe the homeopathic remedy colchicum are when the joints become distended and red or pale accompanied by intense sensitivity to touch and when the pain has a propensity to move from one joint to another as well as when the pain deteriorates even due to slightest movement.
In homeopathy, colchicum is the ideal remedy if the patient suffers from common symptoms of extreme prostration of the muscles and bloating. The homeopathic remedy is more effective when the relatively smaller joints, such as in the fingers, wrists, toes and ankles are affected by gout or arthritis.
Generally, such type of pains is very aggressive and the patient is unable to endure anyone touching the effected parts or even anyone coming close to him/ her. Individuals belonging to the Arnica type usually have the apprehension that their affected parts may be hit by someone passing by.
In effect, such patients needing are also likely to suffer from arthritic pains in the foot, which becomes worse during the evening. In addition, the joint on the big toe makes the patient feel that it has been strained. Thus, it may be noted that the homeopathic remedy arnica may also be prescribed for people suffering from gout.
Patients requiring the homeopathic remedy colchicum are generally prone to be exceptionally tetchy and having gout is unlike to diminish this type of petulance. It may be noted that until such patients are given colchicum, they are unlikely to be permanently well. Here is a word of caution.
Although colchicum is a very effective remedy for gout, giving this homeopathic medication to all patients suffering from gout to ease their problems may also result in disasters. In many cases, giving colchicum to all gout patients, irrespective of whether their condition deserves it or not, may result in the medication attacking the heart or moving to other parts of the body causing adverse after-effects.
The homeopathic remedy aconite is most effective in treating severe gout attacks in the joints of the feet. This medication ought to be given only at the onset of the gout attack and if it is continued for a couple of days, this homeopathic medication has the aptitude to cure a number of cases.
The homeopathic remedy colchicum is highly effective in treating limb neuritis (inflammation of the nerves in the limbs) and the action of the medication is quite remarkable. In such cases, the patients experience intense pain which disables the arms to such an extent that they are even unable to hold the lightest object. They also experience flying pains in the hips and itching in the finger nails and toes.
When anyone touches the patient or the affected parts, the pain is so intense and unbearable that they may even scream out. During warm weather conditions the patients experience a tearing pain, while they are engulfed by a stinging pain during the cold weather. In addition, they also experience sensations of pricking by pins and needles in the hands and wrists, while the finger tips may become insensitive.
Besides gout and rheumatic pains, colchicum is also very effective in treating gastrointestinal problems, such as nausea, vomiting, colic, dysentery and diarrhea. Patients suffering from these conditions feel like vomiting, sick and at times faint due to the food odour. Generally, they vomit bile, mucus or the ingested food.
In such cases, the abdomen of the patients is tremendously swollen, filled with gas and they have a sensation as if the stomach would rupture. The homeopathic remedy colchicum is also highly effective in treating dysentery and diarrhea that generally occur during autumn. In such cases, the stools of the patients have a disgusting smell and contain scours of the intestine. The patients have a frequent urge to pass stools, but in most cases they actually end up with passing no or very little feces.
Conditions that worsen the symptoms: people suffering from gout or rheumatism and requiring the homeopathic remedy colchicum feel worse during the night, in damp weather, owing to touch and mobility. These are the factors which make the conditions deteriorate.
Conditions that improve the symptoms: the symptoms of the patients enduring gout and/ or rheumatism and needing the homeopathic medication colchicum improve and the patients feel better when there is warmth; they take rest, after vomiting or passing stools and after belching or flatulence.
The herb Colchicum autumnale, which forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy colchicum, is indigenous to Europe, especially Britain, and North Africa and is generally found growing in the meadows. This plant is unusually poisonous producing flowers that resemble crocus.
Much of the active poison known as colchinine is found in the roots and bulbs (corms) of the plant. This dangerous poison has the aptitude to result in vomiting, acute diarrhea and severe intestinal inflammation. In effect, colchinine finally results in untimely death. The leaves of this plant have a deep green hue and grow up to 12 inches in length.