Cyclamen europeum, a plant belonging to the Primulaceae family, forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy cyclamen. This species is also known by several other names, such as ivy-leafed cyclamen, groundbread, sowbread and swinebread. This plant is native to the regions having temperate climatic conditions and is found growing in North Africa, North America and central regions of Europe.
The woodlands and shady and humid gardens are ideal for the plant to thrive as well as flourish. Many people also grow this plant indoors as decorative items and it is valued for its multi-colored and veined leaves as well as the vivid pastel hued flowers whose petals fold backward.
The tuberous corms of the plant are used to prepare the homeopathic remedy cyclamen, which is believed to be an effective medicine for treating several health conditions, such as stomach disorders, vision problems, anxiety, nervousness and even menstrual problems.
It may often be somewhat tricky to grow the cyclamen europeum plant in the garden. Nevertheless, when this plant is grown in the gardens, it lights up the entire area owing to its attractive leaves and flowers. In fact, the multi-colored and veined leaves as well as the pastel hued flowers of Cyclamen europeum have made this plant popular among gardeners.
This plant has the aptitude to grow and thrive in an assortment of climatic conditions (temperatures ranging from 10°F (-12°C) to as high as 100°F (37.7°C). Light, loamy dirt is considered to be the most suitable soil for this plant to grow. However, Cyclamen europeum will only flourish provided that the plant is placed in a shady area where the soil is moist - neither drenched, nor extremely sandy or arid.
In addition, the corm as well as the tuberous root of Cyclamen europeum is susceptible to decay and mildew when the plant is grown in soil that is excessively moist as well as when grown indoors. In such situations as well as when the plant is grown in a dark room, the leaves of Cyclamen europeum have a tendency to wilt and become yellowish.
Occasionally, the Cyclamen europeum plant is used to prepare homeopathic medicine. In effect, plant extracts obtained by a process known as heat distillation as well as the dehydrated and pulverized corms of the plant are both used to prepare the homeopathic remedy cyclamen.
The medicine is available in the form of pills as well as powder from the online pharmacies selling homeopathic medicines as well as local homeopathic medicine practitioners. Here is a word of caution. It is not advisable to attempt to make a home remedy using the Cyclamen europeum plant since it may result in potential toxicity.
As is well-known, all homeopathic remedies work on the principle of 'like cures like'. In other words, it denotes that an herb or substance that is responsible for any health condition or disorder has the aptitude to heal the problem provided it is used in small dosages. When the herb cyclamen is used in large measures it has the potential to result in eyesight problems, stomach disorders as well as menstrual complaints.
Hence, in homeopathic remedies, it is always suggested to use tiny and watered down doses of the herb as an herbal medication to treat the eye, stomach, uterine and anxiety problems that may be caused when the same herb is taken in large amounts.
In the ancient times, the Romans, Greeks as well as the Arabian physicians used this flowering plant extensively to treat liver problems, such as hepatitis and jaundice; enlarged spleen; phlegm as well as to encourage menstruation. As discussed earlier, the cyclamen plant is effective in controlling menstrual cycles.
Using the homeopathic remedy cyclamen in excessive dosages may result in violent purging as well as vomiting accompanied by digestive disorders with extremely salty saliva. In addition, it may also cause the individual taking this medication in excess to become anemic as well as cause chlorotic conditions.
Large doses of cyclamen may also affect the uterus as well as affect the genitor-urinary and gastro-intestinal tracts encouraging secondary anemia and a variety of reactions. Additionally, it may also cause sleepiness, lethargy and petulance or moroseness in the patient. Using this homeopathic medicine in large doses may also cause coughing during night while the patient is sleeping without being awake, particularly in children.
It may be noted that all homeopathic medicines are a very popular and well-accepted form of alternative medications. Even a single homeopathic remedy is intended to help in having improved health as it supports the body by preventing as well as treating an assortment of ailments or health conditions.
As mentioned earlier, the principle behind the working of homeopathic medicines is based on 'like cures like' or the substances that are responsible for a health condition can itself cure the body of it when used in measured doses. Moreover, it also denotes that any substance that may cause a symptom in one individual may perhaps facilitate in curing the same symptom in another individual.
Before wrapping up the discussion, it may be once again emphasized that the homeopathic remedy cyclamen is primarily used to treat health conditions, such as depression and sorrow, headaches, burning feelings in the heels as well as flickering of the eyes.
Juice from the fresh corm.
The homeopathic remedy cyclamen has several therapeutic utilities and is used to normalize menstrual cycle as well as cure violent headaches accompanied by flashes in front of the eyes. This homeopathic medicine is also effective for treating fiery pain in the skin and muscles.
Individuals who may need this medication are those who may perhaps be averse to fatty foods and have a craving for unpalatable substances, such as earth, chalk and worms. Such people also have a tendency to frequently suffer from depression and serious repentance.
Cyclamen is also extremely beneficial for people who often endure migraines accompanied by poor eyesight, flickering in the eyes as well as light-headedness. In such cases, the sufferer will experience pain on the right side and it may also involve the ear resulting in ear ache or itching inside the ear.
Patients who suffer from such migraines usually feel very feeble and sick and feel thirsty. While the nausea experienced by such people deteriorated on taking foods rich in fat content, they also become susceptible to cold and their symptoms worsen when exposed to the open air.
It has been found the individuals requiring the homeopathic remedy cyclamen are usually very understanding as well as emotional. In addition, such people frequently become anxious and suffer from remorsefulness thinking that they might have ignored some responsibility.
The Cyclamen europeum plant is native to the Mediterranean region, but is frequently grown by people indoors as a decorative plant. As aforementioned earlier, the homeopathic remedy cyclamen, derived from the tuberous corms of the cyclamen plant, is also prescribed to women suffering from menstrual disorders.
This homeopathic medicine is known to be very effective in normalizing menstrual cycles. In addition, cyclamen is also used to cure violent headaches accompanied by flickering in front of the eyes and is effective for alleviating burning pains in the skin and muscles. Cyclamen is a very potent herb and, hence, extreme caution ought to be exercised while taking the medication.
In other words, people using this homeopathic remedy need to strictly follow the recommended dosage. If taken in large doses, cyclamen has the potential to result in fierce purging and vomiting.
The plant Cyclamen europeum, also known as ivy-leafed cyclamen, groundbread, sowbread and swinebread, is native to temperate climatic regions and is found growing extensively in southern and central parts of Europe, North America as well as North Africa.