
Kali bich.
Potassium dichromate
Potassium bichromate

Kali bichromicum

The homeopathic remedy Kalium bichromicum (Kali bich.) is prepared chemically using the caustic chemical potassium dichromate and is generally used to treat complaints of the mucus membranes in different parts of our body.

In effect, potassium dichromate is obtained from the chromium iron ores or by refining potassium chromate using any of the more potent acids.

This chemical compound is known to be an extremely corrosive substance and, hence, has a number of industrial uses too - for instance, potassium bichromate is used in the discoloration of wood, in dyeing textile and also as an element in electric batteries.

Potassium bichromate is known to be a very potent poison.

In homeopathy, Kali bichromicum is most effective for treating conditions which come together with symptoms, such as pain in a distinctive spot wherein the hurting can be located very easily by touching the area with the tip of a finger.

To prepare the homeopathic remedy kali bich., potassium bichromate, also known as kali be, is watered down to non-toxic levels by adding large quantities of milk sugar (lactose) through a pharmaceutical process known as trituration (making a fine powdered mixture).

The end product or kali bich. does not retain any of the caustic properties of the chemical compound it is made from and is an effective remedy for several health conditions.

Parts used

The chemical compound potassium dichromate forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy Kalium bichromicum (Kali bich.).


While the homeopathic remedy kali bich. is effective in treating a number of health complaints, it is generally prescribed to cure problems related to the mucus membranes, particularly those in the throat, nose, stomach, vagina and urethra.

In effect, it is a vital medication which is used to treat health conditions associated with extreme mucus, colds that develop into sinus blockages accompanied by pressure as well as nasal fullness and ear glue (accumulation of fluid in the middle ear).

In such cases, the patients experience a feeling of fullness in the ear too.

Kali bich. is also useful in healing earaches, particularly on the left side accompanied by a dense, yellowish and stinking emission.

In homeopathy, Kalium bichromicum is also given to patients suffering from joint problems accompanied by rheumatic pain that occurs and disappears abruptly and often moving around the affect area very fast.

This health condition is worsened when there is a sudden change in weather conditions or owing to hot weather. People suffering from digestive problems, including vomiting and nausea, may also benefit by turning to kali bich.

Kalium bichromicum is also an effective homeopathic remedy for migraines that occur at night or those that improve on application of firm pressure at the base of the nose. Usually, such migraines deteriorate when the patient bends over.

People who require the homeopathic medication kali bich. most are those who feel chilly and are very susceptible to cold when they are suffering from any ailment.

Nevertheless, such patients feel uncomfortable or their condition worsens during the hot summer weather.

While kali bich. is primarily used to treat health complaints that affect the mucus membranes, this homeopathic medication has numerous other uses. Below is a brief discussion on a few of the condition specific uses of kali bich.

Common cold

Kali bich. is an effective medication for treating common colds, especially when there is a feeling of fullness in the nose accompanied by a sensation of pressure and stuffiness in the upper nasal region.

In such cases, the patients may also experience sinus pain over as well as the length of the eyebrows and they feel better when firm pressure is applied at the base of the nose.

In some cases, the patients may also have a yellowish coating on their tongue. In addition, formation of a coating from the excessive mucus discharge may be there and usually it is difficult to get rid of it.

If you try hard to remove this mucus coating on the tongue, it may leave the skin raw. Turning to kali bich. helps to cure the condition as well as provide relief from the associated symptoms.


The homeopathic remedy kali bich. is often recommended for treating cough, especially a dry cough that expels muggy, sinewy and dense yellowish-green mucus. The sufferers may experience pain in the chest, from the front to the back and also between the shoulder blades.

Sore throat

Homeopathic physicians prescribe kali bich. to patients suffering from sore throats, wherein the throat becomes dry and rough and appears inflamed, shiny as well as swollen.

In this case, the tonsils become distended and sore accompanied by deep ulcers and the voice becomes coarse and raucous.


Kali bich. is also effective in treating diarrhea, especially when the stool is brownish in color and frothy accompanied by excruciating pressure in the rectum.

Some women may also experience vomiting, especially during pregnancy. Using kali bich. helps to treat the original health condition as well as alleviate the associated symptoms.

Urinary disorders

Kali bich. is beneficial for men who suffer from specific urinary problems.

It is very effective in treating conditions wherein the patient experiences a constriction at the base of the penis accompanied by a hurtful sensation and copious discharge something resembling jellies that obstruct the urethra.

The pain in the prostate compels the patients to remain standing still, as the pain enhances when he is walking. Turning to kali bich. helps to heal the problem as well as provide relief from the pain.


In homeopathy, kali bich. is an appropriate remedy for thrush, especially when the vagina discharges a yellowish, ropey-like, muggy substance.


The homeopathic remedy kali bich. is prepared chemically by adding the caustic chemical compound potassium chromate, which is yellow in appearance, to a relatively strong acid solution.

Kali brom.
Potassium bromide

Kali bromatum

The homeopathic remedy Kalium bromide (Kali brom.) is prepared chemically using the compound potassium bromide and is generally used to treat health conditions that have an influence on the nervous system - such as epilepsy.

The chemical compound potassium bromide is basically a mineral salt having a white crystalline appearance.

While it is extensively used in photography even to this day, in conventional medicine, there was a time when potassium bromide was used in hefty dosages to treat acute cases of epilepsy as well as other paroxysmal or spasmodic problems.

In effect, it was administered to males having a high libido or extreme sexual cravings. It is interesting to note that in the past potassium bromide was given to male prisoners to diminish their sexual desires.

In homeopathy, Kalium bromide (Kali brom.) is an excellent medication for people who are nervous and restive and always require to be occupied with something.

Such people are usually extremely conscious regarding their sexual urge and they frequently feel that they are sexually obsessive or 'oversexed'.

In effect, the problem is more pronounced during adolescence when such people deem that it is not in conformity with their respective religions and/ or society and, hence, they experience plenty of guilt for their sexuality.

Often this feeling of guilt remains even when they grow up to be adults and is usually suppressed forcibly.

People who require the homeopathic remedy Kalium bromide have certain symptoms, such as continuous twitching or moving around, tapping their feet and/ or squeezing of their hands.

In effect, children belonging to this remedy type are often told to sit in a still position.

It may be noted that when people belonging to this remedy type are ill, they have an inclination to feel hunt for the misconduct or bad behaviour related to their guiltiness.

Even when they are cheered or encouraged, such people still have a tendency to feel that they ought to or would be punished or reprimanded someday or sometime in future for their misdemeanors.

Occasionally, such guiltiness grows into distrust (paranoia) or mental illness or insanity.

Parts used

The chemical compound potassium bromide forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy kali brom. In order to prepare this homeopathic medication potassium bromide is diluted by adding plenty of milk sugar or lactose by a pharmaceutical process called trituration. This yields the mother tincture of kali brom.


In homeopathy, kali brom. has limited remedial uses. While this medication is primarily used to treat health conditions that have an influence on the nervous system, including epilepsy, Kalium bromide is also prescribed for patients suffering from skin disorders, especially acne that leaves behind ugly scars.

People who require kali brom. the most are those who are susceptible to acne, particularly during their adolescence as well as during their menstruation. Although such people are warm blooded, they occasionally feel deadened or lack of any sensation.


The homeopathic remedy kali brom. is prepared chemically using the chemical compound or mineral salt potassium bromide, a white crystalline solid.

Kali carb.
Potassium carbonate

Kali carbonicum

The homeopathic remedy Kalium carbonicum (Kali carb.) is prepared chemically using the compound potassium carbonate and is primarily used to treat problems related to the spine and muscles.

The chemical compound potassium carbonate was known to ancient people and as many as 3,000 years back, the Egyptians used it to manufacture glass.

In effect, potassium carbonate is found naturally in the form of a vegetable alkali and it is present in each and every plant structure.

There are two common ways by which potassium carbonate is acquired - either from the ashes of the burnt wood or plant or prepared chemically in industries.

Potassium carbonate is known to be extremely caustic/ acerbic and, hence, it is seldom prescribed for internal usage.

However, occasionally highly diluted solutions of this chemical compound is given for internal usage for treating specific health conditions. Medicinally, potassium carbonate is mostly applied externally to the body in the form of a lotion or ointment.

Often tincture of this homeopathic medication is also used externally. According to practitioners of homeopathic medicines, potassium carbonate possesses the aptitude to cure symptoms of kidney problems, joint and back pains, asthma and insomnia or sleeplessness.

Looking from the constitutional view point, the Kalium carbonicum remedy type people are among the most widespread among all Kali constitutional types.

Kali Bichromium is the only other constitutional type that occurs very frequently. Individuals belonging to these two remedy types possess quite analogous personalities and can be differentiated primarily on the basis of other issues, excepting their psychological traits.

Individuals belonging to the Kali remedy type are usually closed sort making it difficult for the homeopathic physicians to obtain adequate information regarding the personality to have a hold on it.

In effect, the old Materia Medica provides a very vague or imprecise depiction of the personality of individuals belonging to the Kali remedy type.

Consequently, more often the homeopathic practitioners miss out on this constitutional type and their precise treatment generally becomes all the more difficult.

It may be noted that it is possible to comprehend majority of the psychological characteristics of the individuals belonging to the Kali remedy type as expressions of the quintessence of this type of individuals - and it is their firmness.

When one comes across any individual belonging to the Kalium carbonicum remedy type, the first impression is that of precise reserveness or decorum.

They seem to have a stiffness that exposes that their body and mind suffer from the absence of relaxation or leisure. In fact, people belonging to the Kali remedial type are those who find it difficult to let their hair down.

This characteristics is more evident at parties as well as discotheques wherein the natural partying of other individuals may make the Kali remedial type person feel all the more reserved as well as uncomfortable.

In effect, even the walk of the Kali personality is inclined to turn somewhat stiff.

Parts used

The mineral compound potassium carbonate is used to prepare the homeopathic remedy kali carb. chemically.


While the homeopathic remedy kali carb. helps to cure several health conditions, it is primarily used to treat problems of the muscles and the spine, including backache, particularly in the pelvic region, mucus membrane disorders, particularly in the chest, for instance, coughs and bronchitis, and menstrual as well as menopausal problems.

Patients who suffer from the above mentioned health problems generally experience a stitching pain. In effect, individuals who require this homeopathic remedy most are those who are extremely unpleasantly cold and possess a typical distension or bulge below their upper eyelids.

Such people also perspire copiously and the cooling caused by the evaporation of the sweat is likely to make them feel chilly easily. In such circumstances, they become prone to developing cold and flu.

Homeopathic physicians generally prescribe kali carb. for people who have a tendency to suffer from recurrent coughs, asthma and other problems or illnesses related to the respiratory tract.

This homeopathic remedy is known to work best for respiratory problems wherein the condition of the patient deteriorates during the wee hours of the day and mornings.

In addition, Kalium carbonicum is also known to be an effective remedy for back pain, especially in the lower regions.

It may be noted here that several homeopathic physicians assert that kali carb. is one of the best medications for women who endure lower back pain during pregnancy.

The homeopathic remedy kali carb. also offers other health benefits; especially it is effective in providing relief to people suffering from kidney ailments and/ or kidney stones.

In addition, kali carb. is also prescribed to ease the shooting pains caused by these ailments. There are several people who claim that Kalium carbonicum is an effective remedy for sleeplessness.

According to them using this homeopathic medication not only helps people suffering from insomnia to fall asleep quickly, but also have a long sound sleep.

Similarly, several homeopathic medicine practitioners claim that use of kali carb. brings in a soothing effect that facilitates in combating insomnia as well as other sleep disorders.

While the kali carb. is extensively used in the form of an ointment or a tincture that is applied externally to the body, this homeopathic medication may also be used in the form of capsules for internal use.

However, before you start taking this homeopathic remedy, it is important to consult your physician since Kalium carbonicum may be acerbic.

In fact, consulting a physician is all the more important if you intend to use kali carb. internally. Generally, majority of the homeopathic medicine practitioners suggest using small dosages of Kalium carbonicum.

At the same time, these homeopathic physicians are of the view that kali carb. should never be prescribed for people suffering from fever, gout and those who are feeble, since this homeopathic medication may prove to be especially injurious to their bodies and sometimes may even turn out to be life-threatening.


The mineral compound potassium carbonate, which forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy Kalium carbonicum (Kali carb.) is acquired from the ashes of wood.

Kali iod.
Potassium iodide

Kali iodatum

The homeopathic remedy Kalium iodatum (Kali iod.) is prepared chemically using potassium iodide and is generally prescribed for treating chronic or enduring health problems.

In effect, the chemical compound potassium iodide is added to common salt/ table salt as well as animal fodder with a view to protect them from insufficiency of iodine in the body.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) it is essential to add one part of potassium iodine to each 100,000 parts of common salt.

It is interesting to note that there was a time when potassium iodide was used to treat the sexually transmitted disease (STD) syphilis.

Generally, homeopathic practitioners prescribe Kalium iodatum (Kali iod.) for people suffering from chronic and enduring health conditions. Kali iod. is an appropriate remedy for people with strong tempers who are problematic to live with.

Parts used

The chemical compound potassium iodine forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy Kalium iodatum (Kali iod.).


The homeopathic remedy kali iod. is usually prescribed to cure problems of the glands, for instance, distended glands related to flu, tender throats as well as complaints of the prostate.

In this case, the pains are dispersed or spread instead of being confined to one particular place. Individuals to require this homeopathic medication most are those who are prone to have hay fever and sinus congestion, particularly during the hot summer weather.

Such patients usually have dense greenish mucus or pungent runny nasal discharges.


The homeopathic remedy Kalium iodatum (Kali iod.) is prepared chemically from iodine and potassium hydroxide.

Kali mur.
Potassium chloride

Kali muriaticum

The homeopathic remedy Kalium muriaticum (Kali mur.) is prepared chemically using the mineral salt potassium chloride and it is used to treat a number of health conditions, especially inflamed mucus membranes as well as problems related to the ear.

Potassium chloride is found in the form of a solid or powder, usually a white crystalline solid. While this mineral salt is available in abundance in nature in all salts of potassium, generally it is obtained from the mineral called sylvine.

Being a Schussler salt, potassium chloride is used in the secondary stage of inflammatory ailments.

Inadequacy of potassium chloride in the body adversely affects fibrin (a white colored resilient protein that develops from fibrinogen during blood clotting). In effect, fibrin is an essential element of clotting of blood in the body.

Parts used

The mineral salt potassium chloride that is obtained from the mineral sylvine forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy Kalium muriaticum (Kali mur.).


In homeopathy, Kalium muriaticum (Kali mur.) is an effective remedy for inflamed mucus membranes accompanied by a gristly secretion.

In addition, homeopathic physicians also prescribe this medication to treat contagions in the middle ear as well as the Eustachian tubes that connect the cavity of the middle ear to the rear end of the nose.

Kali mur. is especially beneficial in curing middle ear infections wherein the discharges are whitish, dense, muggy and greasy.

This homeopathic remedy is also prescribed for people suffering from glue ear (liquid within the ear), temporary deafness, mucus that trickles down the back of the throat as well as tonsillitis, especially when it is difficult to eat or drink anything and it is only possible to swallow something by bending the neck and the tonsils have a whitish coating.

It may be noted that when specific physical, psychological as well as emotional symptoms are seen in an individual, it is a sign that he or she needs the homeopathic remedy Kalium muriaticum (Kali mur.).

In homeopathy, Kalium muriaticum (Kali mur.) is an effective medication for use during the initial phases of deafness, especially when the health condition is a result of a congestion of the Eustachian tubes.

Such a situation may arise either owing to any infection or even due to blocking of the tubes by mucus accumulation.

Homeopathic physicians also give Kalium muriaticum to patients suffering from earache, as it is effective in diminishing the pain that occurs owing to exposure or alteration in the atmospheric pressure.

If this homeopathic medication is taken at night, it helps to clean-up sinuses and also alleviate headaches that are usually accompanied by a cold.

In the case of any fever, the homeopathic remedy Kalium muriaticum (Kali mur.) is used as a secondary medication. In other words, this medication is usually given in the second phase of such ailments.

In such conditions, Kalium muriaticum is administered concurrently with Ferr Phos., as this combination of medicines not only combats fever, but also helps to lower the body temperature. In addition, kali mur. is also effective in providing relief from rheumatic pains.

Kalium muriaticum is also an excellent medication for treating skin complaints. This homeopathic remedy is useful when the skin becomes extremely dry with the appearance of dry, whitish, flaky secretions from the skin.

Kali. mur. is a very beneficial homeopathic remedy for children and is very effective in healing eczema among them, especially when it occurs on the face.

When used in low strength, by diluting the medication in water, Kalium muriaticum is also effective as a first aid therapy for burns as well as blisters. In addition, kali mur. is an excellent homeopathic medication that facilitates healing and assists in stopping blood outflow from the wounds and healing them quickly.

The homeopathic remedy kali mur. also has an extraordinary effect on the mind. When ill, people who require this medication often have a feeling that they ought to go hungry if they need to recover quickly.

Such patients also endure restive sleep and are frightened out of their unsound sleep even at the slightest disturbance.

Kalium muriaticum is also an excellent remedy for the brain. In effect, Dr. William H. Schussler was of the firm belief that no new brain cells can be formed in the absence of fibrin.


Sylvine, which forms the source of the mineral salt potassium chloride that is used to prepare the homeopathic remedy Kalium muriaticum (Kali mur.) is generally found in a number of places, including the United States, Germany as well as Canada.

Kali phos.
Potassium phosphate
Phosphate of potash

Kali phosphoricum

The homeopathic remedy Kalium phosphoricum (Kali phos.) is prepared chemically using the compound potassium phosphate and is used to cure several ailments, especially mental and physical fatigue accompanied by nervous anxiety and oversensitivity.

It may be noted that the chemical compound potassium phosphate is necessary nourishment.

Potassium, found in the brain as well as the nerve cells, is utilized by the body in several manners, for instance, to facilitate amass energy in the cells as well as to make sure that the nerves function healthily.

In conventional medicine, potassium phosphate is administered to patients who are nourished intravenously.

The homeopathic remedy kali phos. is basically a Schussler tissue salt and is a vital medication in homeopathy for treating exhaustion as well as problems related to the nervous system.

In homeopathy, Kalium phosphoricum is a common 'debuzzer' for all - including infants, children and adults. This medication is prepared from a mineral compound that is vital for the nerve as well as the brain cells.

In addition, it is also critical for the muscles, intercellular fluids and blood.

People suffering from sciatic pain, backache as well as other pains related to the nervous system respond excellently to the homeopathic remedy Kalium phosphoricum, particularly when it is caused by debility and cold heavy-feeling hands and legs.

In most cases, such pain brings in nausea accompanied by a vacant sensation in the stomach and sour belching. Turning to kali phos. helps to cure these health complaints as well as provide relief from the associated symptoms.

At the emotional level, Kalium phosphoricum is a healing and calming homeopathic medication. It helps to soothe outburst of irritability, pains related to anguish and nervousness, night terrors as well as oversensitive nerves.

When any individual is exhausted and, at the same time, restive, nervous, depressed and gloomy owing to work, nervousness, studying, strain or ailments, the homeopathic remedy kali phos. may be used freely to get relief from these symptoms.

This may possibly also include a fright regarding what may be happening next as well as powerlessness to stand up and take any initiative to prevent or combat such a situation.

Whether it is the temperament of an individual or a provisional state, people who are benefitted most from the use of the homeopathic remedy kali phos. are those who are likely to be withdrawn, worried, become fatigued easily, oversensitive, feeble and occasionally somewhat cynical.

Such individuals may also have additional symptoms, such as insomnia, nightmarish dreams, buzzing or chiming in the ears as well as an intense desire for sweets and ice-cold water.

Though it is quite simple to overlook that psychological or emotional symptoms may be expressly associated to physical as well as dietary disparities, the homeopathic remedy Kalium phosphoricum (Kali phos.) is actually an excellent reminder of how the state of chemical sadness and restiveness may be.

Parts used

The mineral compound potassium phosphate forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy Kalium phosphoricum (Kali phos.). In other words, this medication is prepared chemically using potassium phosphate.


Unlike most homeopathic remedies, Kalium phosphoricum (Kali phos.) actually has very limited use. It is primarily prescribed for people enduring psychological and physical tiredness accompanied by nervousness and hypersensitivity as a result of strain or overexertion.

This homeopathic medicine is generally required by students who exert themselves for studying and subsequently suffer a collapse.

People requiring this homeopathic remedy may recoil even at the least sound. They also turn out to be withdrawn and prefer to be left alone.

In effect, in some cases these types of people may also develop a dislike towards their own family members. The weak point or flaw of such people is irritation/ aggravation, which actually makes them tetchy and fuming.

It has been seen that people who require kali phos. endure physical and mental fatigue.

The symptoms of exhaustion may include susceptibility to cold, a yellowish or pus-filled secretion from the vagina, lungs, bladder and with stools along with the tongue coated with yellow mucus, getting up at around 5.00 in the morning with hunger, tremendous muscular debility as well a biting pain in the stomach.

As aforementioned, people who need this homeopathic remedy are those who usually suffer from fatigue and incessant fatigue syndrome. Such people are prone to sweat on the face or the head owing to excitement or after having their meals.

Interestingly, they do not perspire otherwise. When such people are famished, they endure a headache as well as an empty and edgy sensation in their stomach. Generally, these types of people loathe having bread and have a preference for sweet dishes.


As aforementioned, the homeopathic remedy Kalium phosphoricum (Kali phos.) is prepared chemically using the compound potassium phosphate.

To prepare this homeopathic medication, phosphoric acid is diluted by adding it to a solution of potassium carbonate. The end result is potassium phosphate that is used to prepare kali phos.


From Lucia C. - May-14-2020
This remedy helped me with my horrible pains from my slipped disc / sciatic pain. I take 5 doses of 30D first thing in the morning and after less than 30 minutes my pain is gone. I take another dose in the evening or when I feel the pain is coming back. I have a chronic condition with sciatic, but since I discovered this medicine I am not worried anymore.
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