
In homeopathy, a number of remedies are based on the liquid metal or its compounds. Though mercury, an extremely poisonous substance, forms the basis of these different homeopathic remedies, each of them has different uses.

A brief discussion of a number of such homeopathic medications is presented below.

Merc. cor.
Mercuric chloride
Corrosive sublimate of mercury

Mercurius corrosivus

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius corrosivus (merc. cor.) is prepared chemically using mercuric chloride and is used to cure various types of ulcers, especially ulcerative colitis (persistent ulceration in the large intestine).

In effect, the common actions of the homeopathic remedy Mercurius corrosivus are basically similar to that of any other medicinal preparations with mercury, but it still presents its individual strangeness that cannot be found in any other mercurial preparation.

A vicious poison, people used mercuric chloride in the 17th and 18th centuries as a topical antiseptic. Currently, mercuric chloride is utilized as a fungicidal dip to cure tubers and bulbs.

Mercuric chloride is also used for industrial purposes, such as manufacturing plastics. Swallowing mercuric chloride results in the decease of the cells and also produces a scorching pain in the throat as well as the stomach.

As the name of the medication suggests, Mercurius corrosives is an extremely caustic and exasperating poison that acts to a great extent on the mucus membranes with a disparaging vigour. It causes an extremely severe inflammation that has a tendency to speedily soften as well as decay the system.

In effect, the exasperation caused by this substance spreads to the serous membranes (any smooth moist membrane), particularly to the peritoneum (the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity).

It may be noted that the most vital characteristic of the homeopathic remedy mer. cor. happens to be its phagedenic inclination of the entire seditious conditions. In other words, the homeopathic medication has a severe and destructive tendency to erode ulcerations.

Parts used

Mercuric chloride forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy Mercurius corrosives (Merc. Cor.). In other words, this medication is prepared chemically using the compound mercuric chloride.


Unlike several other homeopathic remedies, Mercurius corrosivus (Merc. cor.) has limited utilities.

This homeopathic medication is primarily prescribed to cure ulcers, especially if they have an effect on the stomach like in the instance of ulcerative colitis (chronic ulceration in the large intestine), which is accompanied by diarrhea along with bleeding, and an intense strain effort to pass a little amount of blood or mucus.

Patients suffering from this condition may also experience the same stimulation and probably bleeding and excretion of mucus from the bladder.

In addition, homeopathic physicians prescribe Mercurius corrosivus to patients suffering from ulcers related to fatigue, ulcers in the mouth, the throat as well as on the front of their eyes.

The usual symptoms experienced by the patients may comprise piercing pain in the rear of the nose that spreads to the ears, copious secretion of saliva as well as a sensation as if the teeth were becoming loose.

Turning to the homeopathic remedy Mercurius corrosivus in such conditions, not only helps to cure the original complaint, but also provides relief from the accompanying symptoms.


Mercuric chloride, which forms the basis for preparing the homeopathic medication Mercurius corrosivus (Merc. cor.), is basically a salt that is found in large amounts in the United States, Mexico, Germany, and the erstwhile Yugoslavia.

Merc. dulc.
Mercurous chloride

Mercurius dulcis

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius dulcis (Merc. dulc.) is prepared chemically using the compound mercurous chloride and is used to heal a few health complaints, especially glue ear (presence of fluid in the ear).

In effect, since the 16th century, people have been using calomel in the form of a laxative. In traditional medicine, calomel was also used for treating any disorder which may have been caused by a liver imbalance.

Contemporarily, this substance is also made use of in the manufacturing of several fungicides and insecticides.

Parts used

As aforementioned, the homeopathic remedy merc. dulc. is prepared chemically from the compound mercurous chloride.


The homeopathic remedy merc. dulc. is basically used to cure feeble and skinny children having a swelling in their neck glands and who have an inclination to make a dense, whitish, and gluey ejection from their mucus membranes, especially in the middle ear as well as the Eustachian tube - the conduit connecting the cavity of the middle ear to the rear of the nose.

In effect, in homeopathy, merc. dulc. is a principal remedy for glue ear (fluid present in the ear) and is also prescribed for treating phlegm. In addition, homeopathic physicians also recommend this medication to people enduring dry and red eyes.


Calomel (mercurous chloride), which forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy Mercurius dulcis (merc. dulc.), is found in abundance in different regions of the United States, Mexico, Germany and the erstwhile Yugoslavia.

Merc. sol.
Quicksilver / Mercury

Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius solubilis (Merc. sol.) is prepared chemically using the liquid metal mercury and is used to treat an assortment of health conditions that are accompanied by copious, very strong and potent smelling secretions and usually related to susceptibility to cold and heat.

People in ancient India and China were familiar with mercury and this liquid metal was also discovered in an Egyptian tomb dating back to 1500 BC.

Despite its poisonous nature, at one time, mercury was given to treat the sexually transmitted disease syphilis as well as induce different secretions in the body. In the present times, mercury is primarily used in thermometers and batteries.

Exposure to or touching mercury may result in toxicity, whose symptoms may include copious vomiting and secretion of saliva.

As mentioned earlier, the ailments that can be distinguished as having their roots in mercury poisoning are those that are accompanied by profuse, potent smelling secretions.

Use of the homeopathic remedy merc. sol. not only helps to cure the main ailment, but also provide relief from the associated symptoms.

Parts used

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius solubilis (Merc. sol.) is prepared chemically using the liquid metal mercury, also known as quicksilver.


In homeopathy, the medication merc. sol. is prescribed to treat an assortment of health problems that come together with symptoms, such as copious, tingling and pungent secretions.

Usually, these health conditions are related to one's susceptibility to cold and heat.

Specifically speaking, this homeopathic remedy is used to cure problems of the mouth and throat that are accompanied by an intense craving for cold drinks.

Such ailments may comprise oral thrush, copious secretion of saliva, inflamed gums (gingivitis), tonsillitis, halitosis or foul smelling breath, excruciating throat ulcers, loose teeth in infected gums and a distended, dark red, inflamed throat.

In addition to the health problems mentioned above, merc. sol. is also used to treat a number of other health conditions, including neuralgic pain, sporadic coughs, fever accompanied by soaking, oily, disgusting smelling perspiration that cools the skin on evaporation or worsens the other symptoms, a weakening headache, distended glands, ear ache accompanied by foul smelling discharges and/ or painful joints.

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius solubilis is also effective for eye problems, such as chronic conjunctivitis accompanied by red, swollen eyelids that are almost stuck together or burning, watery and aching eyes.

Several homeopathic physicians also prescribe merc. sol. to cure nasal problems caused by allergy or cold - for instance, running, stinging mucus, sneezing that gives rise to a sensation as if the nose is raw or a stinging nasal flow.

Turning to the homeopathic medication merc. sol. heals all these problems as well as associated symptoms.

Mercurius solubilis is also effective for treating skin disorders as it works on the skin and is a wonderful remedy for problems, such as encrusted lesions on the scalp accompanied by a foul-smelling emission, pus-filled eruptions or blister on the surface of the skin.

This remedy is also effective for ulcers or opens sores that cause a burning and itching sensation.


Cinnabar that forms the basis for the homeopathic remedy Mercurius solubilis (Merc. sol.) is among the most vital ores of the metal mercury. This ore is found in several places across the globe, including China, the United States, Italy, Spain and Peru.

Merc. viv.

Mercurius vivus

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius vivus (Merc. viv.) is prepared using the metallic element mercury and is used to treat severe disorders of the mucus membranes and skin.

It may be noted here that the ancient Chinese and Hindu civilization in India were aware of the liquid metal mercury, which is also known as quicksilver.

Both the Chinese and the Hindu civilizations used this metallic chemical element for therapeutic use. In effect, ingesting specific compounds of mercury may result in augmented sweating and secretion of copious saliva.

Hence, in primeval medicine, mercury was used to help the body get rid of the impurities and toxins. In addition, it was also used as a laxative and a medication to stop bleeding.

Mercury in its concentrated form is highly toxic and the symptoms of mercury poisoning may be acute, such as inflammation of the digestive tract, nausea and even kidney failure.

Generally, homeopathic physicians prescribe the medication merc. viv., a preparation of the metallic chemical element mercury, to treat health conditions that occur together with symptoms like restiveness, hot and cold sweats and trembling.

Typically, any female who responds well to the homeopathic remedy Mercurius vivus (Merc. viv.) is one who generally has profuse menstrual flow accompanied by nervousness and aching cramps.

Similarly, a new mother breastfeeding her child would produce unpleasant flavoured milk for the infant.

On the other hand, a male who might be requiring the remedy merc. viv. most is one who may experience a burning sensation after passing urine, which may occur together with discharge of dense mucus or pus from the urethra.

In effect, the rabble-rousing feeling related to the symptoms of the ailments suffered by Mercurius vivus patients are experienced all over their body.

Usually, the mouths as well as the gums of such patients are always tender and swollen and the gums are likely to leak blood when touched.

Such patients may usually have already lost several of their teeth. In addition, the patient may also complain of a metallic savour in the mouth. Whenever such patients suffer from headaches, they are accompanied by a burning sensation.

In addition, people who require the homeopathic medication merc. viv. are usually found to have a bothersome and fiery sensation in their abdomen and chest.

Worse still, such people generally do not have any craving for food and there is little appetite. Nevertheless, they have an extreme thirst or craving for cold drinks.

Patients who need the homeopathic medication Mercurius vivus to heal their health conditions usually endure several mental and psychological symptoms, such as restiveness, irritation or tetchiness and an inclination to be intolerant and stubborn.

In effect, this character is not very unusual in the case of Mercurius vivus since the English term 'mercurial' denotes such a temperament.

While such patients are usually found jabbering and chattering instead of talking normally, most of the times, they are also likely to act on their whims and fancies.

Such impulsive behaviours may occasionally result in aggression and hostility. Moreover, patients who need merc. vic. are also prone to undertake suicidal or murderous actions as a result of their impulsive behaviours.

The other qualities of the Mercurius vivus type of people may include being confrontational and suffering from discontent.

In homeopathy, the conditions that make a patient feel comfortable or worse are as important as their physical symptoms, especially physical and psychological indications, in deciding which medication would suit those most.

These conditions or situations may include the time of the day, weather conditions, intensity of their activity, position of the body, light or sound, sleeping pattern and others - which are called modalities.

These modalities are responsible for making a Mercurius vivus patient feel better or worse.

Generally, the conditions that result in the deterioration of the symptoms of the Mercurius vivus patients include extreme temperatures, evening, being touched, breeze, open air, lying on the right side, sleeping in a warm bed, consuming sweet foods and a clammy sensation.

On the other hand, the modalities that help to make the patient feel better or be more at ease include an arid weather, fair temperature and being in a sitting position while taking rest.

It is important to note that when the metallic element mercury is ingested by itself, it results in acute toxicity and has the potential to cause permanent harm to a patient's nervous system even if he/ she succeeds in surviving mercury poisoning.

Individuals suffering from mercury poisoning usually experience an intense thirst for cold drinks, pain in the abdominal region, shock, bloody diarrhea and distension as well as discoloration of the membranes inside the mouth.

Mercury was among the substances Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of the alternative stream of medicine called homeopathy, examined first since he was always keen to learn about the accidental toxicity caused by the medications that were widespread during the 18th century.

Since the primeval period people, especially the ancient Chinese and Hindu civilizations, were aware of the therapeutic properties of mercury and used this liquid metal, also known as quicksilver, and used it medicinally to help fever patients to get rid of toxicity.

However, in the contemporary times, mercury poisoning is mostly to happen accidentally owing to inhaling metallic vapours exuded in some industrial procedure instead of being poisoned by certain medications based on mercury, as was the case in the 18th century.

However, taking homeopathic medications based on mercury, such as Mercurius vivus, are safe since these medications are highly diluted.

In fact, even if a patient takes a significant dose or overdose of these medications, he or she would not be suffering from mercury poisoning, let alone life threatening conditions.

Parts used

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius vivus (Merc. viv.) is prepared using the metallic chemical element mercury. To prepare this medication, mercury is diluted adding huge amounts of milk sugar or lactose.

Although, pure mercury is toxic, the homeopathic medication prepared from it does not retain the slightest trace of this toxicity and is beneficial for people suffering from acute disorders of the mucus membranes and skin.


The homeopathic remedy Mercurius vivus (Merc. viv.) is effective for curing severe skin problems and mucus membrane disorders that are marked by acute inflammation along with pus formation.

In addition, in such conditions, patients may also experience broken areas or raw skin in the affected parts.

People who suffer from this health problem may also endure symptoms, such as bacterial contagions accompanied by pus at the back of the eardrum, infected eyes accompanied by pus discharge, throbbing throats occurring together with open or broken skin patches and formation of pus, skin ailments like boils and herpes as well as infections in the urinary tract.

In addition to healing these problems as well as the associated symptoms, the homeopathic remedy merc. viv. is also prescribed to cure chickenpox, diarrhea, colds, influenza, ulceration in the mouth, eye inflammation, toothache occurring together with profuse secretion of saliva, indigestion and backache.

The common symptoms that help the homeopathic practitioners to prescribe Mercurius vivus include profuse secretion of saliva that may trickle down from the mouth, disgusting smelling sweating, bad breath (halitosis), and foul-smelling body odor.

People who require this homeopathic remedy are those who get irritated quite simply even by things like a change in temperature or changes in the environment.

Such individuals have a tendency to tremble or shudder and are usually feeble and become exhausted only after a little physical exertion or physical activities.

The worst problem with such patients is that they are very slow in responding to treatment as a result of which it takes very long to heal the infected parts of their body. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that they usually appear to be relentlessly sick.


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