The homeopathic remedy Phosphoric Acid (Phos. Ac.) is prepared by diluting phosphoric acid, a common mineral acid, and it is used to cure a number of health conditions, especially given to people who are basically indifferent and lethargic.
In addition to its medicinal use, phosphoric acid has extensive industrial utilities. Phosphoric acid is used to manufacture detergents and fertilizers and it is also important in refining sugar and providing a fruity and acidic essence to soft drinks. Long back, phosphoric acid was used in conventional medicine to promote digestion.
In the present times, it is used to diminish the intensity of calcium in the blood of individuals who have developed cancerous or benign tumors in their parathyroid glands, which are found in the neck.
As a homeopathic remedy, phosphoric acid is known to have extensive uses. Although the medication is prepared by diluting phosphoric acid heavily so that the end result does not contain even the slightest trace of the mineral acid, the potency offered by the homeopathic remedy phos. ac. vis-à-vis healing is genuinely intense.
In homeopathy, phos. ac. is considered to be among the most effective medications in this alternative stream of medicine and, therefore, it seems right that common people as well as homeopathic physicians turn to this medication so frequently. In its original form, phosphoric acid is widely used to produce pharmaceutical drugs and also fertilizers. In fact, this is enough evidence of the versatility of this mineral acid as well as the numerous applications offered by it.
In effect, in homeopathy, phos. ac. is normally believed to be a severe or semi-severe remedy for the consequences of anguish and fatigue. In effect, the most typical aspect of the mentals of this homeopathic medication is a strange emotional detachment.
This actually is a deeper and further anomalous condition of emotional deadness that can be seen in the indifference of the Sepia remedy type, the provisional fatigue in the Phosphorus remedy type as well as the dispassionate sagacity of the Kali remedial type. The feeling of detachment is so full or absolute as well as constant among the individuals belonging to the Phosphoric Acid remedy type, that the patients states that they feel as if they are not living.
Barring occasional fear, such individuals do not experience any type of emotion at all. In effect, the patients have a feeling as if they are ghosts wandering through an illusory life wherein they function or carry out their duties just about robotically. Such people do not have any inspiration and also no feeling of fulfillment.
While the intellect of the individuals belonging to the Phosphoric Acid remedy type is finally affected, their pathology is primarily on the emotional plane. Such people are likely to perform very effectually in the world for a prolonged period of time, but, at the same time, have a vacant feeling within.
In effect, they also do not have any pleasure, love, grief, but simply barrenness wherein their feelings ought to be. Significantly enough, the patient is aware of the fact that such detachment or neutrality is not only bad for his/ her health, but also anomalous.
Individuals who seem to gain most from the use of the homeopathic remedy phos. ac. are those who are usually indolent and normally fatigued. Such tiredness and detachment or neutrality originates from several sources. For instance, individuals belonging to the Phosphoric Acid remedy type may possibly experience excessive stress in their life and bear this all though the day every day.
In addition, such people are also likely to be stressed owing to studying for long hours or exerting themselves too much in their jobs. People who usually benefit most from the use of the homeopathic remedy phos. ac. are also likely to feel weary owing to any recent ailment that may have resulted in a loss of fluids, for instance, the stomach flu.
Diluted or watered down phosphoric acid forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy phos. ac.
In homeopathy, phos. ac. is considered to be the most useful medication for people, including children, who are basically indifferent as well as languid. People may suffer due to conditions owing to studying too hard or exerting themselves too much.
Some people may also experience lethargy and listlessness as a result of acute loss of fluids from the body following any ailment, for example losing stomach fluid following a bout of dysentery. In such cases, turning to the homeopathic remedy phos. ac. helps to cure the original health condition as well as provide relief from the associated symptoms.
A number of physical symptoms are related to sluggishness and apathy. For instance, people enduring these health conditions may experience loss of desire for food, coldness, an intense desire for succulent fruits or energizing fruit drinks, sweating, and the feeling of an overwhelming weight on their head and / or light-headedness occurring in the evenings following long hours of remaining standing or when they are walking.
Practitioners of homeopathy prescribe the remedy phos. ac. for children who grow up very rapidly and, thereby, often suffer from growing pains. In fact, this is an appropriate medication for treating growing pains as well as other types of pains.
As mentioned earlier, the phos. ac. is a versatile homeopathic remedy and has numerous applications. A few health condition specific uses of this homeopathic medication are discussed in brief below.
The homeopathic remedy phos. ac. is really beneficial for people who have been suffering from problems of the nervous system owing to long hours of studying. Using this medication may perhaps facilitate in providing relief from headaches caused by tension and stress.
In homeopathy, phos. ac. is also a useful remedy for people enduring eye strain caused by reading very small print or studying for prolonged hours. This medication is appropriate for easing headaches and strains as well as providing relief from associated symptoms.
In homeopathy, phos. ac. is an excellent remedy for children as well as adolescents who are growing rapidly and, therefore, suffering from some kind of growing pains. In effect, this medication is extremely beneficial for everyone who feels that their body is unable to maintain the pace of growth. In effect, phos. ac. works on the pain that is caused by the natural growth within the body. It helps to provide relief from the growing pain as well as normalize growth.
People often suffer from grief or shock as a result of certain ailment endured by them or due to the stress in one's hectic life. What ever may be the reason behind the grief and shock, the homeopathic medication phos. ac. is an excellent remedy for both. Using this medication helps an individual to deal with the emotional and psychological symptoms endured by them and, at the same time, it works effectively to alleviate any physical side effect that the individual may suffer from owing to these two health conditions.
Occasionally, mental as well as physical exhaustion or fatigue forms the basic reason for all other associated symptoms endured by an individual. In homeopathy, phos. ac. is an excellent remedy that works to eliminate the root cause of exhaustion. It has been found that often, exhaustion is related to stress. Therefore, this homeopathic remedy reinstates the energy within the body and helps to do away with additional symptoms, thereby providing relief from fatigue - mental as well as physical.
Some people often suffer from headaches that give a sensation as if there is a crushing weight on their head, especially just on the top of the head. Such headaches usually cause an overwhelming sensation and may even contribute to worsen a potential light-headedness. Individuals suffering from this type of acute headache may turn to the homeopathic remedy phos. ac. as it not only works to do away with the excruciating pain, but also provide relief from associated symptoms too.
The homeopathic remedy phos. ac. is used to treat different types and varying degrees of diarrhea. While this medication is effective in curing the impermanent type of diarrhea that is usually related to several ailments, homeopathic physicians also prescribe phos. ac. for people suffering from diarrhea which may actually be a side effect of any digestive disorder.
Phosphoric acid, which is diluted to prepare the homeopathic remedy phos. ac. is basically a transparent / colorless, crystalline solid. Phosphoric acid is made chemically using phosphate minerals like apatite.