The homeopathic medicine pulsatilla is prepared from the windflower or pasque flower plants. In fact, the diminutive pasque flowers have been used for medicinal purpose right from the Greek classical age. The flower has got its name from the word 'Pasch', an ancient term used to denote Easter. This is primarily owing to the fact that these flowers usually blossom during the time of Easter.
According to a Roman myth, the pasque flower has its origin in the tears of goddess Venus and, hence, people in ancient times used this flower to treat tearfulness. In 1805, Hahnemann proved that pulsatilla is an effective remedy for an assortment of disorders that vary from colds and coughs to digestive and gynecological complaints.
It has been found that the homeopathic medicine pulsatilla works best for people who have a sweet and gentle nature and are accommodating. Such type of people generally keeps away from any kind of confrontation, but they may experience frequent and rapid mood swings.
For instance, they are likely to be obstinate as far as their demands for attention and sympathy are concerned. Like their emotional state, the physical symptoms of such people also change very frequently and fast. They may be easily affected by laughter as well as tears and are very inclined to be tearful when they are sick. Nevertheless, it is also equally easy to console them.
They are pacified when someone hugs them. The other characteristics of the pulsatilla type of people include their aversion to being in a stifling room or consuming fatty foodstuff. They have a great preference for fresh air, and suffer from lack of thirst. People who are considered to be the pulsatilla types are mostly tender and can be influenced to collaborate as well as change their perspectives easily.
The pasque flowers always grow in clusters, which is an indication of the nature of people said to be of pulsatilla types. Usually, they are said to be the happiest persons around others. At the same time, a pulsatilla child is initially known to be shy, but appears to be happiest clinging on to his/ her mother's skirts.
Like the winds change the direction of the windflower, people said to be of the pulsatilla are usually sober and can be persuaded to change their mindset and also cooperate with others. Pulsatilla children and their mothers are generally blond, blue eyed people who are sympathetic and can easily be moved to tears.
For instance, a romantic pulsatilla type teenager may be flowing with tears while watching a movie, while a pulsatilla mother may be seen crying on receiving a gift of sagging flowers from her child.
This homeopathic medicine has been indicated for use in treating several medical problems endured by women and children. It is also meant for use for people who have a moderate temperament.
In addition, pulsatilla is useful for women who have a light complexion and are prone to become plump having very little or delayed menstrual flow, imbalances or disorders faced during puberty, postponement of the first menstrual period, and women who face the risk of forced abortion.
Homeopaths also often use this medicine to treat other conditions, such as indigestion, diarrhea, measles, functional nervous affections, rheumatic pains, catarrh of different body parts, including ears, eyes, nose, respiratory tract and even the vagina, and other conditions.
It may be mentioned that pulsatilla also aids in the treatment of several disorders related to women, for instance, varicose veins, cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder), edema (excessive accumulation of fluids in the tissues), overweight and depression. In addition, this homeopathic medicine is also effective in curing many complaints among children, such as cough and cold accompanied by yellow discharge as well as earache.
Like in the instance of preparing any other homeopathic medicine, the process of making pulsatilla from the small pasque flowers plants is also crucial. While the process begins using freshly collected pasque flower plants, there is no trace, whatsoever, of the flowers in the end product, pulsatilla, by the time the process is complete.
The freshly harvested pasque flower plants are chopped into fine pieces and subsequently steeped in an alcoholic solution for a period of time. When the dilution is over, the solution is stirred like in the case of preparing any other homeopathic medicines. The resultant solution or pulsatilla is of immense use for treating several health issues related to women as well as other conditions, including digestive problems.
The homeopathic medicine pulsatilla is administered to women for problems related to menstruation, labor, menopause as well as pregnancy. It is also recommended for curing respiratory ailments that are characterized by yellowish-green catarrh, eye problems and indigestion with changeable symptoms.
Whole plant.
The homeopathic medicine pulsatilla is prepared from freshly harvested pasque flower plants when they are in full blossom. Soon after harvesting, the plants are chopped into fine pieces and subsequently pounded into pulp. Next, the pulp is soaked in a solution prepared by diluting alcohol with water.
After a period of time, when the pulp has diluted in the alcoholic solution, the liquid is filtered and then stirred. It is watered down once again to get the desired levels of dilution. The final product or the homeopathic medicine pulsatilla does not retain any trace of the original plant.
Pulsatilla is generally prescribed for treating conditions or complaints that are accompanied by abundant discharge of surplus mucus, for instance, colds with a runny or congested nose, a loose cough with yellowish-green phlegm or sinus congestion.
It is also recommended for treating eye problems, such as styes (swelling and tenderness of one or more sebaceous glands of an eyelid) and conjunctivitis (tenderness of the conjunctiva, the clear mucous film that lines the inner facade of the eyelid and covers the front portion of the eyeball).
In addition, homeopaths also prescribe pulsatilla for treating digestive disorders that may be caused by consuming rich and oily foods. This homeopathic medicine also helps in healing indigestion, nausea, vomiting and gastroenteritis (irritation of the stomach and intestines).
The homeopathic medicine pulsatilla is an important medication for curing gynecological problems. Precisely speaking, this homeopathic medicine is useful in treating an assortment of menstrual and menopausal complaints that are usually distinguished by tearfulness and depression. Women suffering from such conditions require comfort and sympathy in addition to medications.
Pulsatilla also works wonders when used to treat conditions, such as nosebleeds, varicose veins, toothaches, osteoarthritis and rheumatism. This medication has also been found to be useful in treating other complains, including headaches, migraine, acne, low backache, chilblains (swelling and tenderness of the hands and feet owing to exposure to cold and moisture) as well as fever accompanied by lack of thirst.
As discussed earlier in this article, pulsatilla is helpful in treating a number of conditions, especially those related to women. Below is a brief discussion on the condition specific benefits of this homeopathic medicine.
This homeopathic medicine is especially useful in treating a range of women's health problems, especially brief, changeable, and delayed or lack of menstrual flow accompanied by acute pain. It is also an effective medication for teens whose first menstrual period is delayed during puberty.
Women who suffer from acute premenstrual syndrome are likely to benefit much from the use of pulsatilla, especially when their problems are accompanied by weepiness, indigestion as well as mood swings.
Pulsatilla is also administered to women during pregnancy, provided the common symptoms are alright, to overcome stress incontinence (involuntary leakage of urine owing to pressure on the bladder caused by coughing, laughing, sneezing, lifting or straining), alleviate exhaustion, cure indigestion and morning sickness, particularly if it is owing to ingestion of rich and fatty food.
Most importantly, use of pulsatilla also acts on the uterine muscles and often helps to turn a breech baby (a baby whose feet are presented first during the process of birth) inside the uterus during labor.
Besides being a very useful remedy for women's health problems, the homeopathic medicine pulsatilla is also prescribed to cure sinusitis accompanied by headaches, tearfulness and yellowish catarrh. Basically, sinuses are very painful when touched. The symptoms of this condition include piercing pains on the face accompanied by agonizing and intolerable tenderness.
Pulsatilla is effective when the person has a watery release from the eyes along with the incapacity to breathe normally. The individual may experience sharp pains on the right side of the face which may have a tendency to travel all over the face.
The homeopathic medicine prepared from pasque flower plants, pulsatilla is extremely useful in treating infections of the eyes. Homeopaths especially prescribe this medicine for eye contagions that are accompanied by a greenish discharges. Such green colored discharges practically ooze out from the eyes when such infections occur.
In addition, pulsatilla is an ideal homeopathic medicine for curing conjunctivitis and styes that causes itching sensations. Besides the conditions and symptoms discussed here, pulsatilla can be used to heal any type of sensitivity to the eyes or associated symptoms.
Pulsatilla is also an effective medication for treating colds and coughs. Homeopaths usually prescribe this medicine to cure runny or congested nose accompanied by smelly, dense and yellowish-green colored catarrh. People suffering from such conditions also endure diminished taste and smell senses.
Such patients may also experience damp, spasmodic or intermittent coughing accompanied by discharge of yellowish-green mucus or phlegm and shortness of breath. These symptoms usually worsen when the patient is lying on his/ her left side. Bouts of violent coughing seem to occur during the evenings and nights and they may be set off when the person in lying down.
Often, such spasmodic coughing may also disturb sleep. Using pulsatilla helps to get relief from such conditions and related symptoms. In addition, homeopath medical practitioners also recommend the use of pulsatilla for treating influenza wherein the fever is accompanied by alternating hot and cold flashes. There is a possibility that such patients may also suffer from earaches.
The homeopathic medicine pulsatilla is also useful for treating various digestive problems, such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, as well as tender and itching hemorrhoids in the digestive tract. Stools of such patients also vary from time to time. Although they endure a dry mouth, they do not feel the urge to drink any liquid.
In such cases, craving or aversion for rich foods can aggravate the symptoms. However, administration of pulsatilla not only helps to get relief from such bothersome symptoms, but also heals the condition too.
Pasque flowers are indigenous to the Northern Hemisphere, especially Europe and adjoining regions. It is found growing naturally in Scandinavia, Germany, Denmark and Russia. Presently, this plant is grown throughout the northern as well as central regions of Europe.