Ran. B.
Bulbous Buttercup

Ranunculus bulbosus

The herb Ranunculus bulbosus, which is generally referred to as St. Anthony's turnip or even bulbous buttercup, is actually a perennially growing plant that belongs to the Buttercup family. This plant bears beautiful blooms having a yellow hue, while its basal leaves are profoundly divided having three lobes and a long petiole. Generally, bulbous butter cup plants grow in clumps.

The flowering stems of this plant grow up to a height of anything between 20 cm and 60 cm, grow straight and then branch out and are somewhat hairy. The blooms appear at the top of the stems and they are glossy and yellowish, each flower having anything between five and seven petals. Normally, the flowers measure roughly 1.5 cm to 3 cm across and they bloom during the period between April and July.

Similar to other plants belonging to the Buttercup family, bulbous buttercup also enclose a toxic glycoside called ranunculin. Livestock keep away from the plant while it is fresh owing to this toxic glycoside, but feed on the plant when it dehydrates, as the toxic substance does not remain any more. Hence, even if hay contains dried bulbous buttercup it is safe for consumption by animals.

Parts used



Ranunculus bulbosus has a number of therapeutic uses, for instance, it is the principal medication for treating conditions like chronic sciatica and herpes zoster. It is especially effective for treating herpes zoster when it is accompanied by vesicular eruptions either followed or preceded by intercostal neuralgia - a rare condition wherein patients experience intense pain around the rib cage.

In such conditions, the vesicles appear to be bluish and the patients experience a severe burning sensation. In addition, Ranunculus bulbosus is also useful for curing corns occurring on the soles of feet, wherein they become very sensitive when touched and are accompanied by a burning and bothering pain.

As mentioned above, this homeopathic remedy is also an effective cure for persistent sciatica, professional neurosis and writer's cramp. In such cases, the pain deteriorates even when there is minimum contact, motion or movement, changes in the atmospheric conditions and damp stormy weather conditions as well as during the evening.

This homeopathic remedy is also indicated for treating various types of chest disorders, particularly intercostals rheumatism, wherein the intercostal muscles are afflicted by some type of rheumatism, myalgia, neuralgia and sometimes also the pleura is afflicted. It is also useful for chest problems attributable to coming in contact with cold as well as physical hard work.

Ranunculus bulbosus is also beneficial for women who experience pain in the periphery of their shoulder muscles owing to needle work or playing piano or type writing. They usually experience a sharp, stitching and shooting pain.

Ranunculus bulbosus is considered to be the most effective homeopathic remedy for treating shingles, particularly when shingles occur on the body's trunk. This homeopathic remedy is also recommended for treating severe cases of burns and itchiness that deteriorates when the skin is touched, when there is motion or while eating.

People suffering from these conditions are suggested to take a 6C dose of the medication as many as four times daily or as required to alleviate the pain. Normally, you will notice an improvement in your condition within just one or two days. In case there is no improvement in a couple of days, please consult a homeopath or any practitioner of allopathic medicine.

Ranunculus bulbosus - also known as Ran. B. - is also among the best homeopathic remedies for treating the adverse effects of consuming excessive alcohol, delirium tremens (a severe episode of frenzy) and spasmodic hiccoughs.

This homeopathic remedy has been effectively used to treat rheumatic neuralgia or muscular headache (also called myalgic headache), which occurs or deteriorates when there is any change in the weather conditions, such as from warm to damp or cold. In effect, such headaches are similar to neuralgia, but using medications meant for neuralgia do not alleviate the condition.

The primary reason for this is that while neuralgia has an effect on the nerves instead of the nerve sheath, when a person is afflicted by rheumatic neuralgia the nerves are affected.

Every headache is centered in the forehead, eyes and scalp and press outwardly and they deteriorate when there is any change in the temperature the patient is exposed to, for instance moving from a cold room to a warm room or vice-versa.

It is important to note that the treatment for headaches is just the contradictory of the treatment for other specific symptoms. In effect, headaches deteriorate when the sufferer is in a lying position and usually during the mornings. The sufferer feels better when he/ she is standing, is in motion and during the evenings.

All other particular symptoms improve when the sufferer takes rest and during the mornings, while they worsen due to any kind of motion and especially in the evenings. Therefore, among all body parts, the head is an important exception.

This homeopathic remedy is excellent for people who are suffering from burning sensation and pressure in the eyes, accompanied by intense eye pains, particularly in the right eye. They may also experience pain and burning sensation in the lower right eyelid and there may also be discomfort and burning sensation in the right eye's external canthus.

Sometimes, there may be herpetic vesicles everywhere over the eyes. These herpetic vesicles are bluish-black in color. In fact, Ranunculus bulbosus has successfully cured hemiopia in pregnant women.

Homeopaths have successfully used to Ranunculus bulbosus to cure hay fever accompanied by burning sensation in the eyes, tingling of the soft palate, which deteriorates during the evenings and while pressing the nose root. In such cases, the skin on the nose turns out to be red and is inflamed.

This homeopathic remedy is also ideal for curing stitching pains inside the ears, particularly during the night, and which deteriorate during the evenings.

Ranunculus bulbosus has also been effectively used to cure several conditions related to the face, including vesicular flare-ups on the face accompanied by an intense burning sensation; itchiness of the nose, face and chin, epithelioma (timorous growth comprising epithelial cells) of the face as well as twitching or trembling of the lips.

In addition, this medication is also effective for treating throat aches accompanied by burning sensation and inflammation as well as the smarting and tingling in the soft palate.

Ranunculus bulbosus is an excellent homeopathic remedy for rheumatic conditions, especially when the condition also involves the chest muscles. In such cases the patient experiences tender spinal nerves and pleura, while the costal muscles are extremely painful all the times. The condition is sensitive like in the case of Bryonia as well as cold and damp weather conditions, as in the case of Dulcamara.

Ranunculus bulbosus is also very effective for treating pleural effusion, particularly when the ribs are very painful - mainly the ribs in the lower portion. When this condition afflicts the chest, usually it is erroneously thought to be pleurisy.

The homeopathic remedy Ran. B. is useful for treating chronic cases of costal rheumatism. It is also used for treating the tenderness of the diaphragm attachments, in addition to pleura and inflamed diaphragm. It is also effective for curing hydrothorax pains inside the chest caused by pleura sticking together.

In such conditions patients become very sensitive and feel like something is holding on to their internal parts. The pain associated with the condition deteriorates when the patients are moving, exposed to cold air, when they become cold and on inspiration. When they are exposed to cold air they have a feeling as if a cold wet cloth has been placed on their body.

They suffer from stitching pains whenever the weather changes from temperate to cold. They also have painful spots all over their rib cage.

This remedy is also effective for curing any type of pain in the area surrounding the heart that may occur owing to motion plus inspiration, in addition to lying on one's left side. Ranunculus bulbosus is also useful for conditions like pectoral muscles' rheumatic distension accompanied by intense pain, especially when someone touches the area.

People suffering from pleurodynia (pain inside the chest or on the side) accompanied by very aggressive cutting pains owing to pressure, inspiration, cold air and twirling the body may also find this medication beneficial. In such cases, the patients experience full, stiff and very fast pulse during the evening, while the pulse slows down in the morning.

People suffering from this condition also endure heavy and short breathing that occurs with a feeling that something is afflicting the chest. This especially occurs during the evenings. The patients also have sighing breathing and feel some kind of pressure on as well as tightening of the chest. They experience intense stitching pains on the walls of the chest.

Stitching pain also occurs in the area around the fifth as well as the sixth ribs. The floating ribs are extremely painful and the condition worsens when there is pressure or someone touches the area. In addition, rheumatic pains are common inside the chest. All these symptoms can be alleviated by using Ranunculus bulbosus.

Ranunculus bulbosus is considered to be a vital medication for treating rheumatic afflictions of the abdominal muscles as well as those at the back. On many occasions, such stitching pains are wrongly thought to be colic.

Any individual suffering from this condition experiences considerable colic, flatulence, burning sensation as well as an intense pain in the abdominal region, especially when some kind of pressure is applied. They also experience a stitching pain on the right portion of their abdomen, precisely below the ribs.

The pain deteriorates when the patient is in motion, is walking or breathing. In fact, they suffer several pains in the abdominal region. This condition may be accompanied by dysentery and water-like diarrhea. The patient suffers from herpes zoster accompanied by aggressive pains.

The patient also has a sensation of pain in the floating ribs, feels as if jaundiced and experiences a stitching pain in the liver. The liver pain worsens when there is deep pressure as well as during the evening.

This homeopathic remedy is useful for people who experience great thirst during the afternoons. In effect, this medication has successfully cured people who have been enduring feeble and wobbling conditions following long use of stimulants like brandy and whisky. It has been proved that Ranunculus bulbosus is an excellent medication for feeble as well as wobbly condition due to extended misuse of alcohol.

It is also indicated when an individual is experiencing delirium shudders and the person is obsessed and has hiccoughs, besides being somewhat convulsive. He or she may also be suffering from epileptiform convulsions owing to consumption of excessive alcoholic beverages.

In such instances, the hiccoughs are not only very aggressive, but also convulsive and the patient has eructations or belching very often. They also have a burning sensation in the stomach, particularly in and around the cardiac orifice. In such cases, the stomach becomes very sensitive to touch and the patient experiences stomach neuralgia.

It is also effective for treating rheumatic pains that are paroxysmal in nature and occur in the upper limbs.

Ranunculus bulbosus is frequently prescribed for people suffering from stitching pains that afflict the arms as well as the hand, especially tearing pain in the hand and forearms. This type of pain deteriorates when the patient is exposed to cold or is in motion. Vesicles appear on the palms as well as the fingers and they have a bluish color. In addition, there are seed warts on the patient's thumb.

The patient also has immense debility in the legs or the lower limbs, especially during the forenoon. They also experience a stitching pain that burns down from the spine the length of the sciatic nerve when they are exposed to cold, when the weather condition is damp and stormy. The condition deteriorates when the patient is exposed to cold air.

The patient also experiences a drawing pain in his/ her thighs and rheumatic soreness in their knees, while the feet and toes are extremely sore. Even the corns become sore and very painful when touched. The corns also cause a stinging and burning sensation. In most instances, the patient also suffers from a condition similar to chilblains.

This remedy is also useful for conditions suffered by women, especially for curing excoriating leucorrhea as well as intense pains in the ovary that deteriorate when the weather condition changes from warm to cold, due to motion and also during the evening.

This homeopathic remedy is indicated for treating vesicles or formation of small blisters on the skin, pemphigus (blisters that extend to a large skin area and originate from autoimmune disease) and bullae (big blisters on the skin).

This happens when the immune system of the suffering individual erroneously invades as well as divides the skin cells by eliminating the agent that binds them. In turn, this enables the fluid to amass between the skin layers, thereby forming blisters. It is worth mentioning here that all such eruptions are basically accompanied by brutal stitching pains, something akin to what one experiences when he/ she has herpes zoster.

The small blisters that occur on the skin have a deep bluish color. When the blisters are opened, it leads to formation of horny scurfs. The ulcers cause a burning sensation and are stinging, accompanied by horns similar to excrescences. It may be noted that Ran. B. is generally used for treating several kinds of skin afflictions, including burn injuries, vesicular eruptions, eczema, herpes zoster and even pemphigus.


The Ranunculus bulbosus plant is used to prepare a tincture, which is subsequently watered down by adding different amounts of alcohol and left undisturbed for about a month.


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