
Ruta graveolens

The homeopathic remedy ruta is basically prepared from the plant called Ruta graveolens, also known by other different names, such as herb of repentance, herb of grace, rue, bitter herb and rue bitterwort. Ruta graveolens usually grows up to a height of around three feet (one meter) and bears plump or fleshy leaves and blooms that are yellowish in color.

Rue or the herb of grace is indigenous to the southern regions of Europe, but the plant has been introduced in different parts of the world and is presently cultivated around the globe. Ruta graveolens possesses a potent smell that is usually obnoxious to most.

The stream of medicine known as homeopathy is founded on the principle of 'like heals like'. In other words, this denotes that it is possible to cure an ailment by treating it with substances that actually produce symptoms similar to those caused by the disease. Moreover, the homeopathic medicines adhere to another law of homeopathy - the Law of Infinitesimals.

Contrary to the principles or guidelines of conventional medicine, the 'Law of Infinitesimals' emphasize on the fact that the lesser dose of the medication is, the more helpful it is. Therefore, in order to obtain a very low dose of any homeopathic medicine, the product is diluted or watered down with different substances several times till only a minute amount of the original element is left behind in a large amount of the diluted liquid.

In homeopathy, ruta is primarily used for first-aid therapy. Homeopaths generally prescribe ruta for treating sprains and strains, cartilage and tendon damages caused in the region of the joints, damage of the tissues covering the bones, sciatica and injuries of the periosteum (a fat fibrous double-layered membrane covering the surface of bones). In addition, the homeopathic remedy ruta is also frequently used to provide relief from the pains as well as stiffness in the hands, legs, wrists and feet.

Homeopaths also prescribe ruta to cure straining eyes. This homeopathic remedy is basically used when an individual feels that his/ her eyes are red, hot or there is a burning sensation in the eyes following prolonged period of close activities like reading, writing or sewing. Ruta is also administered to cure headaches caused by eye strains.

Ruta is also used in homeopathic dentistry to provide relief from pain as well as to heal the tooth socket infections after a tooth has been extracted. In addition, homeopaths used ruta to treat blood and mucus in stools, plantar warts on the feet, rectal prolapse (a medical condition wherein the walls of the rectum stick out through the anus), pain in the rectum, as well as for treating common debility and depression.

It is a common fact that symptoms of certain ailments improve or get worse under changed conditions. In homeopathy, such changes in the symptoms are used as indications or tools to diagnose the appropriate medicine that needs to be given to the patient for utmost benefit.

Keeping this in view, it has been found that the symptoms that are cured by administering the homeopathic remedy ruta may deteriorate with heavy strain on the eyes; during the cold and moist weather conditions; when the sufferer is lying down or resting and also when the patients stoop or crouch. On the other hand, these symptoms get better when the patient is mobile or with movement.

In homeopathy, specific personality types are also attributed to specific therapies or medications. In fact, people who are said to belong to the ruta personality type are usually depressed, always frustrated or dissatisfied, petulant or irritable and have a tendency to always criticize others.

Such people are also likely to be nervous and apprehensive and suffer from an absence of individual contentment. The Ruta type of personalities also demonstrates restiveness, but still have a feeling that they are desolate and unenthusiastic.

Besides being used to prepare the homeopathic medicine ruta, the plant Ruta graveolens or rue has been used by traditional herbalists for several centuries. Ancient records state that the Greeks used this herb to treat coughs. On the other hand, the Italian Renaissance painter Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475-1564) as well as his contemporary artists were of the belief that the herb Ruta graveolens helped to enhance eyesight.

The Ruta graveolens plant possesses such a strong smell that people during the Middle Ages used the herb to keep off pestilence as well as prevent typhus (a severe, contagious ailment caused by various species of Rickettsia and transmitted by lice and fleas) from spreading.

In addition, Ruta graveolens has also been traditionally used by herbalists to heal poisoning caused by certain types of mushrooms, venomous insect stings, snake bites, epilepsy as well as parasites inhabiting inside the human body.

This homeopathic remedy is also beneficial for women and small doses are given to women to set off menstruation. However, it needs to be noted that administering larger dosages of ruta to pregnant women may result in miscarriage as it has the potential to stimulate the contraction of the uterus.

As in the instance of any other homeopathic remedy, the preparation of ruta also involves carefulness so that the end product or the medicine does not retain even the slightest trace of the original substance. The homeopathic remedy ruta is prepared using the aerial parts of the herb ruta graveolens or rue, which are harvested just prior to the blooming season.

Subsequently, the aerial parts of the herb are chopped into fine pieces and diluted in alcohol. The solution is then filtered and succussed periodically till the desired level of dilution is obtained. The final product obtained through this process is the homeopathic remedy ruta, which is an extremely diluted solution containing no trace of the original herb.

What, however, remains is an extremely desired and helpful homeopathic remedy. Although ruta may not be used to treat as many health conditions as some of the other homeopathic remedies are, in homeopathy, this remedy works excellently for ailments and associated symptoms for which it is used.

Both, practitioners of homeopathic as well as orthodox medicines concur that the time spent from preparing the diluted homeopathic remedy to the time it is administered in dissimilar strengths to treat different conditions, only a few molecules of the original medication are left behind.

Nevertheless, homeopaths are of the view that these medicines carry on working by means of an effect known as 'potentiazation' (the process of watering down and forcefully shaking whereby the various strengths or potencies homeopathic medicines are prepared) , which no conventional scientist has been able to explicate or establish thus far.

As aforementioned, the homeopathic remedy ruta should never be given to pregnant women since it has the aptitude to stimulate the contraction of the uterus and, thereby, result in forced abortion or miscarriage.

Although the use of ruta is not known to result in any adverse after-effects, many people have reported that handling the fresh ruta graveolens plant has caused contact dermatitis or skin rashes. Therefore, it is essential to wear gloves when harvesting this plant so that the workers do not develop skin rashes.

Taking ruta, the homeopathic medicine derived from the herb Ruta graveolens, in the prescribed dosages or the appropriate diluted form does not result in any side effects, barring rare instances of individual aggravations that may happen with any homeopathic remedy. As discussed earlier, if pregnant women take ruta in high concentrations, they are at the risk of having miscarriages.

It has been seen that people who benefit most from the use of ruta homeopathic remedy have a tendency to have feelings of nervous anxiety and fright and may also be extremely weepy type. In addition, they are most likely to be petulant, argumentative as well as suspicious, frequently having a feeling that they are always being watched or cheated by others.

The typical symptoms that can be cured by administering the homeopathic medicine ruta, include problems of the connective tissue accompanied by distinctive muscle and tendon stiffness and pain frequently owing to sprains, any injury or extreme use of the muscles.

The pain in such cases is characteristically uncomfortable, bruised and excruciating and is mostly associated with restiveness. In addition, ruta also helps in curing recurring strain injuries, ganglions (type of cyst), eye strain as well as incessant arthritis. This homeopathic medicine is also effective in treating sciatica, stiff and painful lower back.

Physicians in ancient Egypt and Greece have prescribed the plant Ruta graveolens or rue to persuade abortion, fortify the eye sight as well as set off menstruation in women suffering from delayed or absent menstrual periods.

Parts used

Aerial parts of the herb.


Unlike several other homeopathic remedies, ruta is not prescribed for treating numerous ailments or symptoms, but it is extremely effective in healing the conditions for which this medicine is recommended. In fact, the homeopathic medicine ruta is extremely beneficial for healing staining of the periosteum (the lining of the bones) as well as sciatica (the soreness along the sciatic nerve), a condition that actually worsens during the night and when the sufferer is lying down.

In addition, homeopaths also prescribe ruta to heal eye strains that are accompanied by reddish eyes and eye strain that is a fall-out of headaches, generally caused due to reading very small print.

The homeopathic medicine ruta is also frequently recommended for treating weakness of the chest and breathing problems that are accompanied with pain on the breastbone, for instance, when one is suffering from coughs and croup (a throat condition, usually occurring in children and distinguished by a hoarse cough and breathing troubles); contagion of the tooth socket following the extraction of a tooth; constipation that changes with stools that are loose and blood and mucus filled; prolapsed of the rectum that deteriorates when the patient stoops and crouches and a rectum pain that is tearing or resembles the pain of stitching which occurs in the instance of rectal prolapse.

It has been seen that people who benefit most from the use of the homeopathic medicine ruta are those who suffer depression as well as an absence of individual contentment. Such people may also always have a tendency to criticize others and suffer from nervous anxiety. Below are a few condition specific uses of this homeopathic medicine.

Eye strain

In homeopathy, ruta is an important medicine for healing most types of eye strain. The type of eye strain that is treated with ruta is that which occurs owing to exerting oneself or working too hard and straining the eyes excessively - for instance reading very small prints. Using ruta not only facilitates in curing the eye strain, but also the associated symptoms that occur owing to such eye strain. Such symptoms may include headaches or reddish and a burning sensation in the eyes.

Bruised and aching bones

The most important use of the homeopathic remedy ruta is healing bruised and aching bones. This medicine not only helps in treating bruised bones, but also facilitates the origin of the problem. Administration of ruta enables the homeopathic medicine to work on treating the lining of the bones and, thus, this medicine is incredibly benefit for people who are enduring bruising as well as painful bones and muscles.

The medical preparation that involves transforming the herb ruta graveolens into the homeopathic remedy ruta is useful in curing any type of soreness or reaction endured due to injuries to the muscles, tendons and/ or bones. In addition, this homeopathic remedy prepared from the common plant Ruta graveolens is useful in treating aching bruising, sciatic nerve soreness as well as all other types of associated pain that is commonly associated with these kinds of injuries.

Chest weakness

Ruta, the homeopathic remedy prepared from the herb Ruta graveolens is highly effective for treating health conditions, such breathing troubles or chest weakness. Hence, people enduring these problems ought to turn to ruta to cure their conditions as well as alleviated the related symptoms.

In many people, chest weakness is also manifested as sore breastbone, coughs and also croup. Bending or stooping may either result in the continuance of the pain or worsen the situation. Administering ruta in such cases may prove to be extremely beneficial.


The plant Ruta graveolens which is used to prepare the homeopathic remedy ruta, belongs to a genus of potently fragrant evergreen sub-shrubs. This plant belongs to the family of Rutaceae and is indigenous to southern Europe, especially the Mediterranean region, southwest Asia and Macaronesia region comprising three habitats - the Azores, Madeira (both belonging to Portugal) and Canaries belonging to Spain.


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