The homeopathic remedy sabal is prepared from the ripened fruits of a palm tree called saw palmetto that is generally found in North America. This palm tree is an evergreen shrub. The shrub bears hermaphrodite flowers - having both sex (male and female) organs.
The saw palmetto is a shrub that thrives well in adequately drained soil and has a preference of light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. In addition, this palm tree has a preference for acidic, neural and basic or alkaline soils, but can also thrive on saline soil. Although the plant requires humid soil for proper growth, its growth is stemmed in shade. However, the plant has the aptitude to endure exposure to maritime conditions.
This shrub needs a warm and sunny location that is also humid to grow. However, the soil ought to be well drained for the proper growth of the plant. These saw palmetto plants are also able to sustain in somewhat arid soils as long as their roots are able to penetrate the water level under the ground.
Since this plant is generally found growing in the coastal regions, which is its native habitat, it is also able to endure exposure to maritime climatic conditions. However, plants of this species are unable to tolerate cold winds.
It may be noted that the plants belonging to this species are among the most resilient types of palms and are able to thrive outdoors even in areas having warm temperate climatic conditions. In such conditions, the plants are found to be slightly tough and have the aptitude to endure temperatures as low as -5°C and -10°C.
Generally, all types of palm trees have deep infiltrating root systems and usually grow very robustly when they are planted in their permanent positions outdoors at an early age. Nevertheless, the older the plants are, the more they are able to endure cold climatic conditions. In fact, the young palm plants are somewhat susceptible to cold, which slows their growth rate.
Places where the climatic conditions are quite cold, it is advisable to grow the plants of this species indoors in containers for the initial few years of their growth providing them with shelter during winter. In such locations, the plants ought to be planted in their permanent positions outdoors only when they have grown to a substantial size.
In fact, palm trees may be transplanted from one location to another even when they have grown quite large in size. While the thick and fleshy roots of the palm trees are susceptible to damage or can become easily dehydrated, they usually produce new roots quite freely.
It needs to be emphasized that plants of this species need to be planted firmly and their growth observed closely to prevent them from swaying. In addition, it is also necessary to water these plants adequately till they are properly re-established in their new location. Cutting or removing some of the leaves of the plant may also facilitate its growth in the initial stages.
In order to propagate the palm plants, the seeds need to be sowed in a temperate greenhouse no sooner they are ripe. Generally, the seeds germinate quite freely without much care. While the freshly obtained ripened seeds of the plant germinate easily, it is very difficult to propagate the plants from stored seeds.
In case you are using stored seeds to propagate palm trees, they need to be soaked for about 24 hours in warm water before they are sowed in a warm greenhouse. Prick the seedlings out individually when they have grown substantially to be handled and plant them in separate pots. It is essential to grow these seedlings in the greenhouses for no less than the first two winters of their growth.
It is advisable to plant the seedlings in their permanent positions outdoor either during spring or the early part of the summer when the last expected frosts are over.
The homeopathic remedy sabal is best suited for people who have a tendency to worry over their symptoms and are usually angry when people sympathize with them. Such people are likely to be indifferent, tetchy, recluse and depressed. Usually, they are also terrified to go to sleep.
In homeopathy, sabal is primarily prescribed for treating disorders of the genito-urinary organs. The usual symptoms of these problems may include repeated urination, particularly when the problems take place during night time, which may be caused by cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder).
In addition, using sabal is also beneficial for people enduring problems like gonorrhoea and prostate enlargement. This homeopathic remedy is also effective in treating irritation in the seminal tubes, profound and aching pains or, sometimes, spiky pains in the bladder that spread to the abdominal region or spread out down the thighs.
In such cases, the sufferers may also usually experience a cold sensation in the bladder that probably spreads to the external genitals. In addition to curing this symptom, sabal is also prescribed to treat sexual as well as common exhaustion.
The indigenous people of America held this herb in high esteem and basically used the plant as a source for their food. In addition, they also used the fruits of the plant for remedial purposes owing to their sedative properties.
Freshly obtained ripened fruits of saw palmetto are used to prepare the homeopathic remedy sabal. These ripened fruits are chopped finely and crushed (macerated) in alcohol.
Way back in 1885, an American practitioner of homeopathic medicine, Dr. Hale had detected that when food became a scarce commodity during summer, animals consumed raw berries of the saw palmetto plant and regained weight quickly. Another American homeopathic physician claimed in the 19th century that eating the saw palmetto berries on a regular basis helped in increasing the weight as well as the size of the breasts.
The homeopathic remedy sabal prepared from the ripened fruits or berries of the saw palmetto plant is prescribed to cure absence of libido or sexual drive, debility as well as nervous tetchiness. In addition, this homeopathic medicine is prescribed for treating inflammation or tenderness of the testicles.
In homeopathy, sabal has been indicated for treating enlarged prostate gland disorder suffered by some individuals. Such disorder of prostate gland especially affects the elderly and is very common among the inhabitants of the North American regions.
People who require this homeopathic medicine are those who generally experience low or total absence of sexual desire or libido. Such individuals may also experience emissions from the prostate gland and usually such fluid discharges occur when these people pass urine or defecate.
In addition, such people may also experience symptoms like unexpected loss of masculinity or procreation that eventually results in impotency. Moreover, when men suffering from these conditions ejaculate seminal fluid and have a penile erection, they suffer great pain.
When these fluid discharges appear from the prostate gland, they may also give rise to a hot feeling internally in the spermatic cord. In addition, men suffering from this condition also experience a shrinking or drooping of the testicular tissue and physical weakness.
Often, such people may also find their testes being drawing up and this may result in profuse pain among the sufferers. In such conditions, the part of the genitalia is usually very cold when touched and the sufferer also loses sexual desire or libido.
People suffering from this condition may also experience related symptoms or complications, such as prostatitis (tenderness of the prostate gland) as well as epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis). Using the homeopathic medicine sabal not only helps to alleviate the health condition, but also provides relief from the associated symptoms.
It may be noted that the symptoms experienced by such patients deteriorate much when they are exposed to cold and moist conditions or places. Whenever any person notices the appearance of such symptoms, they may turn to the homeopathic remedy sabal for relief and cure. In fact, sabal is extremely beneficial for treating any prostate disorder.
While sabal is highly effective in dealing with prostate problems in men, this homeopathic remedy is useful for treating mastitis (inflammation of the breast tissues) among women. Mastitis may occur in women owing to breast feeding.
In addition, this medicine is useful for women to get relief from pain as well as the soreness of swollen breasts prior to the commencement of their menstruation period. In homeopathy, sabal is also prescribed for women who may be enduring small and contracted breasts caused by hormonal imbalance.
The plant saw palmetto is native to North America, especially the south-eastern regions that extend from South Carolina to Florida and to the Arkansas in the west. This plant species is found growing in the wild in the savannas, low pine woods and thickets - wherein they grow as dense undergrowths. In addition to these locations, the plant is also found growing on the sand dunes along the coasts.