The homeopathic remedy Spigelia is prepared using the dehydrated aerial parts of the herb pinkroot, and is used to cure various health conditions, especially those that are related to the heart and eye. In addition, this homeopathic medication is also given to eliminate intestinal parasites from the body. It may be noted that Spigelia anthelmia is also used in several herbal medications.
Most commonly, the herb pinkroot is given to people to expel or destroy the intestinal parasites, for instance, tapeworm and roundworm, in the body. The native tribes of America have used the roots of the plant to get rid of intestinal parasites since long.
Practitioners of herbal medicine advise combining the root of Spigelia anthelmia with senna, fennel as well as other herbs to produce a strong formula to facilitate expulsion of worms from the body. In addition to removing intestinal parasites, Spigelia anthelmia is also prescribed to treat health problems like common headaches, migraines and sinus infections.
Spigelia anthelmia encloses alkaloids that make the herb very helpful in treating heart ailments. This herbal remedy is useful in curing heart problems like rheumatic heart disease, murmurs (an unusual sound heard during heartbeats), valve disorders and angina.
In addition, pinkroot or Spigelia anthelmia is also useful in providing relief from chest pains, particularly those spreading into the chest, throat as well as arms. The other uses of this herb include its effectiveness as a laxative. It also possesses antibacterial properties.
People who respond well or effectively to this homeopathic remedy typically have a pensive, absentminded and 'blank' personality. Such people are very conscientious and endure immense pain that usually causes nervous anxiety. Turning to spigelia helps them to get rid of their conditions as well as associated symptoms.
Homeopathic physicians mainly prescribe spigelia to treat heart problems as well as disorders of the nervous system, particularly when the symptoms have an affect basically on the left side of the body and if the patients endure extreme and violent pains.
In addition, this homeopathic remedy may also be given to patients suffering from frequent tremors/ palpitations, which are fierce, noticeable as well as easy to hear. As aforementioned, spigelia may also be prescribed for people suffering from valve problems or murmurs as well as rheumatic heart disease.
In addition, spigelia is given to patients suffering from angina accompanied by constricting pains that spread into the chest, to one or both the arms and up to the throat. Homeopathic physicians also prescribe this medication to treat migraines, general headaches, sinus infections and/ or neuralgic or rheumatic pains, particularly when the symptoms are bad on the left side of the body.
As mentioned before, the herb pinkroot or Spigelia anthelmia encloses specific alkaloids, which are very effective in treating heart ailments in herbal medicine.
The homeopathic remedy spigelia is prepared using the dehydrated aerial parts of the herb called pinkroot. These aerial parts of the plant are macerated in alcohol to produce the medication, which is used to cure a range of dissimilar health conditions.
Dr. Browne was the first to introduce the herb Spigelia anthelmia into medicine way back in 1751. While introducing this plant, Dr. Browne had remarked that it helped to induce sleep as effectively as opium. In addition, Spigelia anthelmia was known to possess toxic properties akin to those of strychnine and in the 17th century, the plant was used as an element in preparing poisons. When obtained freshly, this herb has a somewhat disgusting smell that may cause a sedative effect when inhaled in an enclosed area.
The homeopathic remedy spigelia is mainly used to cure heart diseases that are accompanied by angina pain, for instance, coronary heart disease. In addition, this medication is also given to people suffering from headaches, neuralgia, migraines as well as iritis or inflammation of the iris.
Generally, the symptoms of these conditions comprise fierce, spreading and sharp or excruciating pain that normally affects the left eye and the left temple. People who require this homeopathic medicine most suffer from a horror of sharp objects like needles when they are ill.
Spigelia is commonly given to people enduring frontal headache accompanied by pain that spreads to the eyes, hurting in turning eyes, chronic catarrh (inflammation of the mucus membrane especially in the respiratory tract) that is accompanied by ejection of post-nasal bland mucus, facial pain in the cheek, teeth, eye and temple, foul mouth odour, difficulty in breathing that is eased when the patient lies on the right side keeping the head in an elevated position, fierce palpitations and even worms.
These symptoms of these conditions may include chilliness, a stabbing pain and sensitivity to touch. Individuals who require the homeopathic remedy spigelia feel better when they are lying on their right side with the head in an elevated position and while inhaling. On the other hand, their symptoms worsen when there is noise, washing or someone touches them.
In fact, this homeopathic remedy has a noticeable action on eye pain as well as chronic catarrh. In such cases, generally the left eye of the patient is affected. There is a feeling in the eyes that they are too outsized for the orbit. In addition, the patients also experience tremendous pain something like pressing in the eyes when they are moving their eyes.
At the same time, the pupils are widened accompanied by excruciating pain in and in the region of the eyes. Even the eye balls become very sensitive to touch. Such pain actually worsens when there is movement, noise, touch, cold, while moving the eyes and due to moist and rainy weather conditions.
In homeopathy, spigelia is also designated to treat neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve (also called the fifth cranial nerve) of the left side of the body. This condition also has an effect on the left eye, left orbit, left mala bones as well as the teeth on the left side. In addition, thus homeopathic remedy is also effective in providing relief from toothache caused by smoking tobacco. In such cases, the patients experience a sharp, hurtful, lingering and tearing pain and the teeth become extremely sensitive to touch.
Many homeopathic physicians prescribe spigelia for people suffering from headaches due to smoking tobacco. Usually, this is a left-sided headache and begins at the base of the brain, extending over the head and is eventually sets in the left eye, orbit as well as left side of the temple.
In such conditions, the patient has a sensation that his/ her head has been constricted by a band around the head. It may be noted that such headaches begin at daybreak and become worse during the noon and subsequently diminish by the evening. This condition or the headache worsens due to touch, noise as well as movement.
The homeopathic remedy spigelia is also effective for treating rheumatic affects of the heart. In such conditions the patients experience excruciating pains that are related to valvular problems, particularly arising from rheumatic pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium) and endocarditis (inflammation of the endocardium) of rheumatic nature.
The precordial region or the area just above the heart of such patients is extremely sensitive to touch. Even they have a very feeble pulse rate and it is erratic too. In addition, the homeopathic remedy spigelia is also effective in destroying and expelling worms, especially intestinal worms, from the body. Such patients generally have a frequent urge to pass stool, but in most occasions it is ineffective as no or very little stool is actually exuded.
The herb pinkroot, which forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy spigelia, is indigenous to the United States and it has been used by the native Indians for ages as an anthelmintic (any substance that has the aptitude to obliterate or get rid of parasites, especially the intestinal parasites, from the body) much before the European settlers arrived in America.
In effect, way back in the 1750's, this herb was introduced to medical profession by Dr. Lining, Dr. Garden and Dr. Chalmers as an official vermifuge (a medication that helps to expel worms from the body, especially the intestines).