Nearly 600 identified species of spiders found all over the world belong to the spider genus 'Theridion' from which the family Theridiidae derives its name. This spider genus, particularly the orange spider, forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy theridion.
In fact, Theridion nigroannulatum and T. grallator are among the prominent species of spiders belonging to the genus Theridion. Between these two, Theridion nigroannulatum is among the very small species of spiders that inhabit in social groups and are not found collectively just by happenstance.
In other words, spiders belonging to this particular species live hidden in big settlements or colonies on the underside of leaves or on the edge of a stick waiting patiently for a passing prey. These spiders are tiny measuring just around 4 mm and emerge from their hiding only at night for food.
When any other insect invade their privacy and butts into the web, a multitude of these species of spiders overwhelm the prey in their capacity as a team. Spiders belonging to the Theridion nigroannulatum species are also known to alter their position with one another to facilitate pulling even victims larger than them back into their cobweb.
On the other hand, the orange spider is about the dimension of a cherry pit and derives its name from the fact that it bears orange colored spots on its back. On its underneath or belly, the spider has a big yellow spot. Another unique aspect of this species of spider is that it is found inhabiting the orange trees.
The venom produced by this spider species is especially lethal and infectious and people who are exposed to it experience debility, shuddering, anxiety, coldness, loss of consciousness and have a cold sweat. The spider has a noticeable similarity for the bony makeup and also to the nervous organs it surrounds.
The poison of the orange spider also results in hearing hyper-sensitivity as well as lightheadedness. Dr. Hering was the first to introduce the homeopathic remedy prepared using this venomous spider as well as prove its efficacy in 1832.
People who need the homeopathic remedies prepared from different species of spiders are basically small, feeble and incapable by nature and, hence, very often others make fun of, dictate, taunt as well as pester such patients. At the same time, such people have an inclination to dishonesty, engage in deception and are deceitful.
These lowly acts give them a false sense of authority or supremacy and they are done in response to the domination of other people. In addition, such people also are very restive and crave to be attractive with a view to draw other's attention.
Remedies prepared from spider species are also essential for people who usually have some talent in music, dance and/ or singing or pursue them as a hobby. They also possess an enthusiastic sense of rhythm and are hypersensitive to noise. In other words, all the characteristics mentioned here are generally present in individuals requiring medicines prepared from various species of spiders.
In addition, such people may also have the wish to climb or hide from view along with an exceptional level of physical skill - something akin to the nature of the spiders. In fact, instances of spiders as well as their subjects would greatly help one to comprehend the animal temperament of such patients as well as their specific personal features in the midst of the dissimilar types of medicines prepared from the spider groups.
As discussed in beginning of this article, the homeopathic remedy theridion belongs to the spider group of medicines since it is prepared using the species of spider known as orange spider. Theridion is often compared with another spider group remedy called tarentula and they both belong to the tubercular miasm (intensified psoric miasm or the grouping of psora and syphilis).
Like several other homeopathic remedies in the spider group, theridion is also related to conditions like hypersensitive nervous system and people who require this medication are not only hyperactive, but have high sexuality (libido), and are fond of music, dancing, singing and colors. In addition, such people also have high energy levels. At the same time, such people are also always fretful - apprehensive of being entrapped, nabbed or being killed.
Since this homeopathic remedy also represents people who are always in a hurry and have hectic activities, theridion is considered to belong to tubercular miasm. Precisely speaking, both the homeopathic remedies theridion and tarentula are frequently related to Tuberculinum children owing to their extreme restiveness.
This fact is corroborated by Phatak who has mentioned in his Materia Medica that theridion possesses a tubercular diathesis. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who are said to belong to the Theridion type are busy all the time and mostly without any reason or gain.
Practitioners of homeopathic medicine prescribe the spider medicine theridion for people enduring various and dissimilar health conditions. Below is a brief list of the indications for which this spider group medication is indicated.
Whole, live spider.
The homeopathic remedy theridion prepared from the venomous orange spider primarily works on the spine, nerves and the bones. People who practice homeopathic medicine prescribe theridion for people who suffer from vertigo, toothache, motion sickness, bone decay as well as Meniere's disease (a complaint of the internal ear).
People suffering from any of these conditions become highly sensitive to noise as well as vibration, which when enters the body causes intense pain. In fact, the spine becomes particularly susceptible when any of these conditions occur.
In other words, sensitivity to noise and vibration is the main characteristic associated with all these conditions. Individuals who require this homeopathic remedy most are unable to endure the frequent shaking or vibration of the body while walking. Another characteristic of such people is that they always prefer to sit sideways on a chair with a view to keep away from putting pressure on the lower spine.
Owing to such extreme reaction or hypersensitivity, such people often endure nausea or vertigo while they are moving or traveling. The vertigo or nausea experienced by these people is said worsen when they close their eyes. Turning to the homeopathic medicine theridion not only cures the primary health conditions, but also provides relief from the associated symptoms.
The orange spider, which forms the basis of the homeopathic remedy theridion, is native to the West Indies, especially in the Curagoa Island of the Caribbean. This species of the spider measures around the size of a cherry pit or stone and is usually found inhabiting the orange trees.
When the spiders of this species are young, they are velvety black having white dotted anteroposterior (looking from front to back) lines. On the posterior region of their body, they have three orange-red spots and a big four-sided yellowish spot on the belly. The poison produced by this variety of spider is lethal and infectious.