
Tuberculinum koch / T. bovum

The homeopathic remedy tuberculinum is prepared using tuberculinum bacillus obtained from an infected tissue and is used to prevent as well as treat tuberculosis (TB). In fact, it was the German physician Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch who first discovered way back in 1882 that a medication prepared with dead tuberculinum bacteria might be used to cure as well as thwart the ailment.

Subsequently, James Compton Burnett undertook a succession of experiments between 1885 and 1890 making use of lung tissue of patients suffering from tuberculosis and proved the efficacy of the homeopathic remedy tuberculinum. In fact, this homeopathic medication is used to cure any diseases that may have an effect on the respiratory tract.

A section of homeopathic practitioners use tuberculinum merely as a nosode (a homeopathic medication prepared from a pathological sample) and administer it to patients having a family history of tuberculosis. In other words, they often use this medication somewhat as a vaccination against tuberculosis.

The conception regarding the homeopathic remedy tuberculinum comprises a personality profile that is as distinctive as well as precise as any other type. However, it is regrettable that this concept is not properly comprehended by most of the homeopathic practitioners. This is one of the main causes why they use tuberculinum as a nosode more often and not as a therapy for constitutional types.

As the homeopathic medication tuberculinum is prepared from tuberculous lymph nodes, it is very normal that there would be some kind of connection between the features of the patients who require it most, their personality included, and the original substance from which the remedy is prepared.

Unfortunately, the character of the remedy tuberculinum is somewhat manifested in a writer affected by tuberculosis who is fighting against time in order to finish his work regarding intellectual romanticism and one who thrives on bread, wine and tobacco. In effect, individuals said to be belonging to the Tuberculinum type have been found to have some sort of desire to experience several and varied things in a very short span of time, something like they are actually running out of time.

Such type of people cannot usually accept or tolerate a fixed routine in their lives. Whenever their frenzied pace of life slows down, such people are gripped by an dreadful feeling that they are missing out many things in life and in such situations, these people suffer from an absence of motivation in life. In effect, this type of feeling has been found to be most in the Tuberculinum type of people compared to any other type.

In earlier days, people suffering from tuberculosis survived with the ailment for several years, but lost all their strength slowly but surely as their death approached nearer. In effect, such prolonged and persistent nature of the ailment appears to have resulted in a 'miasm'.

Precisely speaking, the disease actually resulted in unfavourable consequences on all the aspects of the patient, virtually altering them even at the level of the cells, giving rise to new aspects that were eventually transmitted to their children.

It has been detected that the dawdling nature of tuberculosis enables it to generate a typical and transmissible mental representation. In fact, it has been found that several people belonging to the Tuberculinum type often find an expression of their restiveness through a belligerent recreation in sporting activities.

However, it needs to be mentioned that the restiveness of the individuals belonging to the Tuberculinum is not without any meaning. In effect, their restlessness comes together with a force for stimulation that urges this type of people to step into novel experiences every time very belligerently.

Actually, the sporting activities of the Tuberculinum individuals satiate a number of requirements - the need for a test to incite them, the need to maintain their fitness that would help them to sustain the frenzied pace of their lives, and the pervasive need or desire of the Tuberculinum individual to play.

The intense desire of the Tuberculinum individual to travel is possibly the most commonly known characteristic of their restive nature. A number of individuals belonging to the Tuberculinum type actually spend several years of their life roving across the world, while they continue to work.

The continuous diversity of this kind of a changing lifestyle facilitates to satiate their restiveness and, at the same time, makes it possible for the Tuberculinum individuals to stay away from the monotony, which they are most likely to experience when their life becomes very much conventional or routine.

Individuals belonging to the Tuberculinum type are known to be best suited to a wandering lifestyle, as they never have any strong bindings with either any people or places. Such a nature of aloofness or lack of involvement on the part of this type of people would remind one of the individuals belonging to the Lycopodium and Sulfur types of people.

However, the detachment of the Tuberculinum individuals is much more compared to both the other types. In fact, it has been found that the Lycopodium type of individuals is extremely dependent on their spouse - emotionally as well as practically.

This is also true in the case of several individuals belonging to the Sulfur type. On the contrary, those belonging to the Tuberculinum type are more self-determining and they frequently present a notion that they do not require anyone in their life. This is 100 per cent true as far as their emotional and practical aspects are concerned.

In effect, the Tuberculinum individual is in need of motivation most and, therefore, he/ she is fond of always being surrounded by motivating people. While they are traveling, they come across several interesting individuals, but they never feel their absence or miss them when they get going.

This is primarily owing to the fact that such people do not ever recollect their association or acquaintance with those interesting people, as they believe that they will always get to know more such people in their life later. Then again, individuals belonging to the Tuberculinum type are not closed as those who belong to the Natrum type.

Instead, they have a resemblance with the Nux type of people and are very open regarding their feelings and thoughts. However, it needs to be mentioned again that they also do not have any sort of personal attachment. In other words, Tuberculinum individuals always live for the present; they love the present and leave the morrow for the devil!

A few individuals belonging to the Tuberculinum type are fortunate enough for they are able to travel around the world while making a living doing something that not only interests them, but also satiates their hunger for more interesting experiences.

These people have a very light and airy manifestation of someone who is able to glide through their life without making any effort and appear as though they are playing and not working. Dissimilar to the Natrum types (the other type of people one may come across) who are generally guides and instructors, the Tuberculinum individuals actually do not put in much effort to gratify their clients.

On the other hand, they merely occupy themselves and display their understanding and talent and do not bother much about or get themselves involved into what their client may be thinking. However, there are times when even the Tuberculinum individuals loose their cool.

This especially happens when their clients are behind schedule, are too sluggish in performing some task or do not show up at all. In effect, people belonging to the Tuberculinum type are not at all tolerant or patient. On the contrary, they are more impatient and intolerant compared to any other type of people one may encounter.

Nevertheless, most individuals belonging to the Tuberculinum type are fortunate enough to rove around the globe and, at the same time, make a living by satisfying their hunger for new and interesting experiences. In effect, majority of this type of people would ultimately give up their nomadic nature when they are actually exhausted of living on the borderline of earning their bread and undertaking monotonous or routine casual jobs.

In such cases, most Tuberculinum individuals would reconcile for some time and try to find a stable and worthwhile job as well as a steady partner. But then, before it is too long, such people become petulant and impatient once again and suffer from a feeling of discontent with everything till they are no longer able to tolerate the constancy of their life. Subsequently, such kind of dissatisfaction and intolerance with life prompts the Tuberculinum individual to adopt his wandering ways once again.

In effect, this kind of restive and roving lifestyle may also be witnessed in majority of the people belonging to the Staphysagrias. Nevertheless, there exists a significant dissimilarity between the nomadic way of life of people belonging to the Tuberculinum type and Staphysagrias individuals.

It needs to be noted that the Tuberculinum type individual actually roams in his quest for motivation or to satiate his desire for interesting experiences in life and becomes fed up when he is forced to remain at one place for long, performing the same things over and over again for a prolonged period of time.

However, all said and done, there are several Tuberculinum individuals who are able to lead a steady live given that they have an interesting work as well as partner who matches up to their expectations and stimulate them.

Contrary to what many people may presume, the Tuberculinum individual possesses a very clear and less intricate character. In the event of a Tuberculinum individual escaping from or abandoning a normal and steady life, it is more because of monotony and not owing to any kind of trepidation.

People belonging to the Tuberculinum type are comparatively less emotional by nature and are generally very clear in their thoughts. Such people are also very confident and self-assured. Similar to people belonging to the Nux vomica type, the Tuberculinum individual goes all-out for what he desires. However, dissimilar to the Nux vomica type, people belonging to the Tuberculinum type are prone to be exhausted or lose interest very fast in what he wants after he has actually achieved it.

Parts used

The bacterium tuberculinum bacillus obtained from the infected tissues of any human or animal suffering from tuberculosis is used to prepare the homeopathic remedy tuberculinum, which is used to treat as well as prevent the disease. The bacterium is disinfected, dissolved in decontaminated water, watered down and subsequently succussed.

The resultant solution is the homeopathic remedy tuberculinum. The process of preparing tuberculinum needs special care since one has to ensure that the remedy ought not to contain any trace of the bacterium.


The homeopathic remedy tuberculinum is used for people who suffer from distinct vulnerability to colds and also have evidence of a family history of tuberculosis, any persistent respiratory problems and allergies. Such people may also possess a hereditary failing in their immune system.

In addition, homeopathic practitioners prescribe tuberculinum primarily for people suffering from coughs, fevers accompanied by sweating at night, emaciation (unusual weight loss or thinness owing to malnutrition or any ailment) as well as piercing pains, which may be experienced across the upper part of the left lung.

In addition, patients enduring these health conditions may have distended lymph glands in the neck. Another significant aspect of these symptoms is that they may alter as well as travel from one area of the body to another. Such symptoms may also commence or subside all of a sudden. In such cases, turning to the homeopathic remedy tuberculinum not only cures the health problems, but also helps to provide relief from the associated symptoms.

In addition to treating as well as preventing tuberculosis, the homeopathic remedy tuberculinum has several other therapeutic uses. Some of the condition specific uses of this medication are discussed in brief below.

Cough and acute bronchitis

The homeopathic remedy tuberculinum is effective in treating certain types of cough that are dry and come together with fever. Patients suffering from this condition may experience pain in the lungs, while the lymph glands in the neck are distended and also painful.

If such patients also suffer from bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes), they may frequently experience shortness of breath, gasps and a chronic and an agonizing cough. Turning to the homeopathic medication tuberculinum helps to cure the cough as well as bronchitis, while providing relief from the excruciating symptoms associated with these health conditions.


Tuberculinum is an ideal remedy for chest cold accompanied by fever, a yellowish catarrh and throbbing muscles. In homeopathy, this medication is also helpful in treating other conditions, such as tender throats as well as watery eyes. Taking this homeopathic remedy helps to cleanse the respiratory tract of phlegm, while alleviating the associated symptoms.

Hay fever

The homeopathic remedy tuberculinum has been found to be effective in treating hay fever as well as providing relief from the symptoms associated with this condition. In effect, patients enduring common runny nose accompanied by sneezing, nasal blockades and running eyes have reported to have been benefitted immensely by turning to tuberculinum.

Neurotic behaviour

The homeopathic remedy tuberculinum is also useful in treating neurotic behaviour, which is not only a physical symptom, but also a mental one. Individuals who endure neurotic behaviour often have an intense feeling of dissatisfaction as a result of which he/ she appears to be unable to settle in life.

Such people may generally be troubled with the feeling that they are never satisfied and, hence, they manipulate their behaviour for that reason. In effect, such kind of feelings may result in spiteful or disparaging actions. In such cases, turning to the homeopathic medication tuberculinum works to provide relief from all the symptoms that come together with this condition.

Arthritic pain

Tuberculinum is an effective remedy for joint and limb pains that shift from one area of the body to another. In effect, people suffering from arthritic pain always experience that their joints are inclined to get worn-out quite easily. At the same time, they experience soreness or restiveness. Using the homeopathic remedy tuberculinum helps to cure these conditions and the symptoms associated with them.


Tuberculinum bacillus or the bacterium responsible for the ailment tuberculosis forms the basis for the homeopathic remedy tuberculinum. This bacterium is obtained from human or animal tissues affected by the disease and sterilized before preparing the medication.


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