Epinephrine is a chemical substance that constricts blood vessels, thereby opening up the airways to the lungs. Such consequences are able to turn around acute conditions, such as low blood pressure, gasping, acute skin itchiness, hives as well as other signs of any allergic reaction. Epinephrine is a prescription drug that is generally used in emergency situations to treat severe allergic reactions owing to foods, insect stings/ bites, reverse hives, blood pressure and helps to lessen swelling of the face, lips as well as throat.
Prior to beginning treatment with epinephrine, one needs to adopt a number of precautions. Before taking this medication for the first time, tell your physician or pharmacist if you have any allergic reactions to epinephrine, any of its ingredients or if you have any other allergy problems. This prescription drug is likely to enclose a number of inactive elements which may result in allergic reactions or other types of health problems. Hence, before using this medication you ought to know about its ingredients. In case you are not sure, consult your pharmacist and also tell him to provide you with a list of the ingredients contained in epinephrine.
Epinephrine may possibly enclose sulfites. Nevertheless, even if you are allergic to sulfites, this should not prevent you from using this drug while in an emergency situation. As this medication has the aptitude to be life-saving, using this prescription drug is of greater importance compared to avoiding it owing to any problems you might experience that is related to sulfites.
Before you use epinephrine for the first time, it is important to tell your pharmacist or physician regarding your entire medical history, especially if you have any heart ailments, for instance arrhythmias (any change or problem in the heartbeat rhythm) and coronary artery disease, diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and/ or thyroid disease. This prescription drug may make you feel dizzy and, hence, it is advisable not to undertake any work that requires alertness, such as driving or operating a machine, till you are sure about the influence of the medication on you and also are sure that you can complete the tasks safely.
People using epinephrine should strictly restrict their consumption of alcoholic beverages, as alcohol use may worsen the condition or aggravate the side effects. Elderly people taking this medication are likely to be more susceptible to the side effects of this prescription drug. They may particularly experience a quick rise in blood pressure with augmented risks, provided they also have diseases. Pregnant women should strictly use this medication if it is absolutely necessary for their condition. Even new mothers taking this medication should avoid breast feeding without consulting their physician. In any case, it is advisable to consult your physician regarding the advantages as well as the risks involved with using epinephrine.
The prescription drug epinephrine is used to treat a number of conditions, especially those related to the respiratory system. Precisely speaking, this medication is given to cure emphysema (a medical condition wherein the air sacs of the lungs are disgustingly distended resulting in breathing difficulty and wheezing), bronchial asthma as well as other diseases related to the lungs. In addition, epinephrine is also the basic cure for anaphylaxis - an acute hypersensitive or allergic reaction to medicines as well as other matters. Many physicians also prescribe epinephrine to cure nasal congestion, cardiac arrest and also to extend the action of anesthetics. This medication is also available in an ophthalmic form and it is especially used to treat glaucoma (unusually high pressure of fluid in the eye).
Since epinephrine is used in emergency conditions, people using this medication ought to always keep it close to them. You should also consult your physician regarding when and how you should use this medication. Epinephrine is administered by injection. It is important that you should learn beforehand how to administer the injection appropriately so that you are ready to use the medication when it is necessary, especially in the instance of any emergency. In addition, you should also teach your caregiver or any member of your family the manner in which the injection is administered properly so that they are able to inject the medicine when you are unable to do it yourself. Before you use epinephrine for the first time and also each time you obtain a prescription refill, carefully read the Patient Information Leaflet made available by your pharmacist. You will find that the instructions provided by different brands of this medication will have somewhat dissimilar guidelines for preparing the injector. In case you are unable to understand any of the instructions or have any query, consult your pharmacist.
This prescription drug should only be injected into the thigh, if required through the clothing. In order to avert injecting the medication into any vein, always ensure to administer the injection into the front outer thigh. Remember, you should never administer the injection into the buttocks. It may be noted that though the actions of this medication are very quick, they do not last for a long time. Seek instantaneous medical attention after taking the epinephrine injection. When the physician or healthcare provider arrives, tell them that you have administered yourself the epinephrine injection. It is important that you adopt precautions to avert injecting the medication into your hands or other parts of the body, apart from the thigh, by sheer accident. In case you really happen to administer the injection in any other part of the body, barring the thighs, seek immediate medical help and tell the healthcare provider your problem.
After having taken the epinephrine injection, ensure that you dispose of the injector in a proper and safe manner. Before taking the injection, check that the epinephrine solution is clear. In addition, now and then, also examine the product visually to see if any particle is present or if the solution has become discolored. If you find that the solution has turned cloudy or changed its color to brown or pink, discard the product and get a fresh supply of the medication.
The prescription drug epinephrine works by widening the narrowed down air passages in the lungs by loosening up the smooth muscles encircling the bronchial passages. In addition, this medication increases the blood pressure by narrowing the comparatively smaller blood vessels, augments the pace of the heartbeat, enhances the power of the contraction of the heart and also reduces the fluid pressure in the eye. The last attribute of this medication makes it effective in treating glaucoma.
Like many other drugs, even epinephrine is known to act together with certain medications, including herbal products and minerals and, hence, they should not be used in conjunction. For instance, taking herbs like ma huang, St. John's wort, kola or chemicals akin to ephedrine while you are using this prescription drug is likely to cause unwanted stimulation of the central nervous system. People who are asthmatics and using epinephrine should never use pine or fir needle oils. Ma huang itself bears a German Commission E monograph indication for asthma cure, but using it concurrently with epinephrine would be akin to using two medicines from the same class and, therefore, it becomes redundant. Patients who have allergic reactions to the plants in the Asteraceae family, i.e. aster, daisy, chrysanthemum, or ragweed, are also likely to be allergic to chamomile, Echinacea, feverfew and St. John's wort and.
People using epinephrine should strictly constrict consumption of alcoholic beverages for it has been found that alcohol has the potential to augment the excretion of this medication along with urine.
People suffering from burn injuries should adopt additional precautions while using epinephrine, since this prescription drug has the ability to enhance drainage from burned tissue. This, in turn, is likely to result in serious loss of tissue fluids as well as blood proteins.
The prescription drug epinephrine should always be kept in the original case or packaging in which it came. Although this medication should always be stored at room temperature, storing the product in temperatures ranging between 59°F and 86°F (15°C and 30°C) for a brief period is allowed. This medication should be stored away from intense heat and cold. Never store this medication in your vehicle or bathroom for it may be damaged due to heat. Similarly, epinephrine should also not be refrigerated or kept in a frozen condition, as the extreme cold will damage the medication. In addition, ensure that you keep all medications in a place that is beyond the reach of pets and children. It is advisable that you should check the medication occasionally to see if the expiry date of the product has lapsed and also to find out if the product has discolored or formed particles. It is important to replace the medication prior to its expiry date and obtain new supplies. In addition, replace the product even if the medication has not expired, but formed particles or changed its color.
Always ensure that you dispose of medications that have either expired or are needed no longer in a proper and safe manner. Unless you have been directed otherwise, you should never discard the product by flushing it down the toilet or pouring it into the drain. If necessary, talk to your pharmacist for further details on how to dispose of the medication safely as well as properly.