Thyme Oil

Thyme (scientific name Thymus vulgaris) is a very popular herb with many uses, part of the larger mint family. It is a widespread culinary herb used as a spice in all parts of the world.

The plant is a herb that develops into a small shrub, with woody stems that have a square profile. The light green leaves of the plant are important because of their special aroma. It has been known and used for a very long time, not only as a spice but also for its important health benefits. It is known to decrease high blood pressure, cure acne, reduce muscle spasms and boost the mood, among many other positive effects. It provides a package of essential nutrients that can prevent a number of diseases.

Thyme has an excellent nutritional content, providing a rich mixture of vitamins and minerals. It is especially rich in vitamins A and C but also supplies vitamins E and K, folic acid, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and selenium. Like many plants, it is rich in volatile oils with a strong antiseptic and antifungal effect, especially thymol. It also provides several compounds with proven antioxidant properties. The healing benefits of the herb are equally strong in fresh or dried form and several parts of the plant can be used, including the leaves, flowers and the essential oil.

Health benefits

Thyme essential oil is known to boost blood circulation. As a result, it is effective as an ingredient in products used to massage the scalp, since the improved blood flow means that more nutrients will reach the hair follicles. The thyme oil is also a counter against dandruff and can remove dirt and debris from the scalp.

The oil is a popular home remedy for hair loss, both in pure form and as part of mixtures with other natural oils. You can use it as soon as you notice that your hair is becoming thinner, since it also makes it more shiny. It is very effective even if you don't have any hair loss problems, since it acts like a strong natural scalp tonic. Besides preventing baldness, this oil also improves the look and durability of the hair and makes it more attractive.

The easiest way to benefit from its properties is to add a small amount, no more than two drops, to the shampoo that you normally use. You can also prepare a natural mixture to rinse your hair at the end by adding two more drops of thyme oil and a tablespoon of vinegar in a mug of fresh water. Constant use of this solution will greatly reduce your hair loss rate.

In serious cases of hair loss, the thyme oil can be an excellent tonic that counters this problem. A very effective natural mix consists of two drops of thyme oil, with three drops of lavender and rosemary oils, about 20 ml of rapeseed oil and three teaspoons of jojoba oil to act as a carrier. Use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp with this mixture and let it penetrate the skin. You can wrap your entire head in a warm towel in order for the mixture to be absorbed faster, allow it to work on the scalp for at least half an hour. Afterwards, use a quality shampoo to wash it off your hair, avoid hot water and only use cold or lukewarm one.

Blood circulation will be significantly improved if you use this natural mixture constantly, as a result of both the benefits of the oils and the massage itself. The extra blood flow will supply more nutrients to the hair follicles, which make the shafts stronger and restore their shine and healthy look.

An alternative mixture for hair growth is thyme oil with aloe vera gel. It should also be used every day, to massage your scalp with your fingertips. In order to prepare this lotion, mix about five or six drops of essential thyme oil with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel, in order to profit from the health benefits of both.

Thyme oil also provides a number of compounds with a strong action against bacteria and fungi. These include camphene and alpha-pinene, which can boost the body's immune response. Since these compounds are volatile, they can be used both internally and externally. They are especially useful to protect the respiratory tract and mucus membranes from infection. The antioxidant effect provided by the oil is an added bonus.

Thyme oil is also known as a strong cicatrisant agent. It can remove numerous types of skin problems, such as scars and various spots with an ugly look. Some examples include signs left by acne, pox, measles, sores, wounds or surgery.

When applied directly on the skin, thyme oil can not only eliminate scars but also boost the rate of healing. It is known as a natural anti-inflammatory agent, painkiller and moisturizer. It can also prevent the very common skin infection known as acne. Due to the antioxidant and antiseptic properties, it acts as a general skin cosmetic and can delay the affects of aging.

Essential thyme oil is powerful against bacteria due to several compounds, the strongest being caryophyllene and camphene. These are very potent and can be used for internal or external applications. Not only they can eliminate skin bacteria but they also protect internal organs from infection. Thyme oil can be applied on wounds in order to cure them but also fights bacteria in the urethra, intestines, respiratory system and the genital area, as well as conditions like B-Colitis or renal colic. It is a good idea to put it on sores and skin wounds in order to reduce the risk of infection.

This herbal oil is also a general tonic agent. It can significantly increase immunity and improve the health of the skin, muscles, circulatory system, heart, digestive system and nervous system.

Like several other essential oils, it can kill insects and keep they away. It is also effective against various parasites. These include lice, fleas, bed bugs, flies, mosquitoes and other insects that feed on our body. It is also an good repellent for other insect pests, such as the moths that attack clothes or various bugs that eat human food.

The thyme oil is also good for mental health. It can improve concentration, reduce depression and boost your memory. It has many other additional uses, for example as a cosmetic against unpleasant odour and breath. It can treat any type of infection, as well as anorexia, cellulite, eczema, athlete's foot, dermatitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis and bites caused by animals or insects.

Side effects and cautions

Thyme oil can increase blood pressure, so it should be avoided by people who already have this problem. It can also irritate the skin. Like all natural products, there are a small number of people who are allergic to it. Since it wasn’t properly tested, it should be avoided by women who are pregnant or nursing.
