B vitamins belong to a group of vitamins that are soluble in water and have vital roles in metabolism at the cellular level. Although the different B vitamins have similar names, studies have revealed that they chemically are different vitamins that are found existing alongside in the same foods.
All the eight B vitamins work in tandem to perk up the metabolic process, reinforce the immune as well as nervous systems, ensure the health of skin and muscles, promote new cell growth and proliferation, and several other benefits in your body. It has been found that the brewer's yeast is among the most excellent natural B vitamin resources.
Vitamin B is essential for various purposes, especially the healthy functioning of nearly all the bodily processes. This nutrient is essential for the nervous system, metabolism, for the proper functioning as well as sound health of your vital organs, eyes, skin, muscles and even your hair. After we eat something, our body makes use of nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and fats for fuel to run the various bodily functions. Vitamin B facilitates the body to make use of the fuel generated from these foods.
Vitamin B performs vital roles in the functioning of proteins and enzymes, which work to govern the chemical reactions inside our body. Such chemical reactions are crucial for transforming the ingested foods into energy. However, our body is only capable of storing a limited amount of vitamin B. Hence, it is essential for us to consume vitamin B regularly to ensure that all our body processes function properly. Any deficit of vitamin B can usually result in several health disorders in the form of a chain reaction.
Our body requires nearly all the B vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B7 and vitamin B12, for the growth as well as development of the superficial skin layers and its appendages. It has been often found that B vitamin deficiency results in dry, scaly skin; dandruff; dementia; dermatitis; greying of hair in addition to several other signs of pre-mature aging. It is worth mentioning here that physicians recommend vitamin B6 for treating several skin conditions like acne, dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis and various other diseases related to the skin.
Vitamin H, also known as biotin, forms a part of vitamin B complex. Aside from facilitating the body in metabolizing carbohydrates and fats, biotin has also been associated with improved health of the hair as well as ensuring that the nervous system functions normally. Usually, people seldom suffer from biotin deficiency. However, some people, including alcoholics, chain smokers, pregnant women and those who are enduring Crohn's disease and/ or any type of liver disorder may suffer from biotin deficiency. In addition, people whose diet is packed with processed foods may also have a deficiency of vitamin H or biotin. There are various symptoms associated with deficiency of biotin and they may manifest as dry eyes, scaly skin, depression, cracks on the sides of the mouth and even hair loss.
In fact, deficiency of biotin in the body may be responsible for various skin disorders, counting acne, rashes, dermatitis, general itchiness and serious conditions like psoriasis. B vitamins have crucial role in the nervous system functioning effectively and they influence enzyme activity. This is why any deficiency in the level of biotin in the body can result in several skin disorders. On the other hand, adequate levels of the B vitamins, especially biotin, can ensure sound skin health. When your skin does not receive enough nourishment from inside out, it will result in the formation of toxicities all over the nervous system. These toxicities will, in turn, manifest on the surface of the skin as various skin diseases. This is among the most major signs of vitamin B or biotin deficiency.