Shipping & return policy

Most of the orders are processed immediately and shipped out within three business days.

Our basic shipping method is Canada Post Expedited Parcel Service.

Shipping and handling will be added to your shopping cart automatically.

All prices and fees are in CA dollars.

30-day satisfaction guarantee

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 30 days for replacement, credit, or a full refund (less shipping charges).

All products must be in a factory sealed container for refund.

Packages refused at the time of delivery will be considered a return.

Please provide your invoice number and reason for refund when you contact us.

Shipping and handling is non refundable.

There are no refunds after 30 days of receipt of your order.

Customer is responsible for shipping charges on returned items.

Privacy Policy

Elma Skin Care recognizes your right to confidentiality and does everything possible to ensure your privacy. All personal information collected while placing the order is kept confidential and secure, and is strictly used by Elma Skin Care to process this order. We do not share any information with third parties except to the extent necessary to complete the order.


Any information or product on this web site is not meant as a medical claim intending the treatment, cure, or prevention of any wellness or health situation. It should not substitute the advice provided by your doctor and/or other medical professional. If you suspect you have any medical issues, please contact your health care provider.

We do not take responsibility for any ill effects caused by the use of our products or information offered on this web site. Also, we encourage everyone to seek the advice of a medical practitioner before using any alternative methods of health maintenance.

Customer testimonials and reviews are provided for informational purposes only. They only reflect the individual reviewer's experiences. Actual results may vary from user to user. Our products are for external use only and should never be consumed.
